
  • misskarne wrote: »
    I have only just discovered you can cook sausages in the oven.

    And bacon in the microwave.

    My life has new (cleaner) meaning.
    try cooking bacon in tin foil on the BBQ

    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I have to admit I am enjoying the "what makes you irrationally angry" thread. I can relate to so much of it. And in some cases I would make these people irrationally angry.
    I tried looking for this one and couldn't find it. I bet I could fill that thread for pages.

    I can never figure out how to post links on my iPad but see if that is it...

    *edited to say I tested it after posting. It does put you in the middle of the thread so you can get to it. Yay me!
    Thanks! I bookmarked it for when I have sometime to catch up.

  • Talkradio wrote: »
    I'm desperately behind, but I wanted to check in and say hi.

    I found out on Saturday that my dad most likely has cancer. He also was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The prognosis is good, but he will be having surgery in the next few weeks to remove the tumors.

    Obviously, I'm kind of a wreck right now. :(

    I am really far behind as well. I'm so sorry, but glad the prognosis is good. Sending positive thoughts towards you and him.

  • Noelv1976 wrote: »
    I've been going against my physical therapist. Been running when I should be walking

    Please don't do that. The injury you could cause yourself as a result might be catastrophic compared to what you've got right now. I'm trying not to do the same sort of thing myself at the moment. I've been ordered not to use my arm (so no bench pressing etc.) and it is driving me nuts. I'm just getting through it by telling myself that it'll be healed soon and better than I was before, unless I give in and do something silly.
  • cory17 wrote: »
    I've bought containers of ice cream, hidden them, and finished 2 in less than a week. (not lately, thankfully). My husband will say "you can't eat that, it's fattening" and "you'll always be fat" so I continue to buy him bags of tortilla chips and lays. He eats them, complains he's gaining weight, but I now weigh a few pounds less than him. Revenge will be mine.

    You can eat the ice cream (well, within medically allowed). Anything is fattening if you eat too much of it. Also, I tried not to be judgy, but your husband is being a jerk face.

  • So sorry. Thinking of you both <3
  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    caddir wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    And luckily, she always offers the uneaten bits to our boyfriend first, and he rarely says no, so I don't embarrass myself with a hoover impression (however much i might want to).

    Is this a typo or a reference to some boyfriend-sharing scheme? Like, are you confessing to being a member of a harem? Lol.

    not a typo. We are a closed polyamorous triad. Wasn't intended to be a confession lol. Definitely not a harem. The first line of my post references my girlfriend.

    Good for you coming out on a site like this. I was part of a triad once, for a little while and it didn't work for me, but I know some people who are really happy. Honesty is the key thing. :smiley:

    My cousin is in a very long term polyamorous triad but had apparently tried to keep it quiet from the family (who tend towards the religious). Funniest conversation I ever had was with him. By way of background, my whole extended family is in the USA, I was born and grew up in Australia. In 2009 I went to the States for a year and caught up with the family. Said cousin picked me up from his mum's house where I was staying and we were driving up to his place. In the car on the way:

    Him: So, I've spoken with the girls and we decided that we could let you in on something. Xxxx is not really yyyy and my flatmate, we're all in a relationship and have been for a really long time.

    Me: .... yeah, I know.

    Him: WHAT? How did you know?

    Me: My mum told me.

    Him: How the heck does your mom know????

    Me: Your mum told her!

    Him: MY MOM DOESN'T KNOW!!!??

    Me: Dude... I'm from halfway around the world and even *I* knew. it's cool. No one cares.

    I confess I am fascinated by this. I have many questions. I shall refrain.

    About polyamory? Feel free, or privately if you'd prefer

    Ok here goes. So do you all live together? And if so do you all have your own room or all share one room/bed or 2 or mix it up? Do you do everything together or is it like today is date night with so and so so the 3rd one stays home. And with the s*x is it all 3 or some mixture of two spontaneously or preplanned? I can't imagine this would work for me. I think you would have to be pretty confident in yourself and your partners to do this...all my insecurities would be front and center.

    I have read about those guys with lots of wives in different houses but the women don't have a relationship with each other (I don't think). I never met or knew anyone in this kind of a relationship. I imagine girl/girl/guy combinations must be more common than boy/boy/girl.

    The guys with lots of wives and where they have no relationship is polygamy and usually driven by religious beliefs (fundamental Mormons; Muslims). Polyamory is not the same thing.

    The most common forms of Polyamory are 'hinge' relationships, where A is in a relationship with B, who is in a relationship with C. There is no relationship between A and C, except maybe as friends. In a triad, all of the people are involved with each other. The nature of involvement depends on the individuals.

    So for us (and we're considered unusual): we do live together. We live most of the time in 'their ' house in London (where we all work), and weekends in 'my' house in Devon. We split chores according to skills and likes. Finances are individual and we all contribute to bills/group expenses/leisure.

    We share a bedroom. In both Houses we have a 9ft bed (single and double together), so we all have space to sleep, and it allows for different mattress preferences. We have found we don't like sleeping apart, it's feels weird. So even in hotels we'll rearrange the beds so they are together. We did have a holiday cottage at new year where one person had to be in a separate room, we all agreed it felt wrong. My girlfriend and I usually take turns to sleep in the middle, she usually has it on weekdays. Because she's last to get up, and I'm in the middle on weekends.

    In our relationship there are actually 4 relationship, one between each 'couple", and an overarching relationship between the three of us. We try to balance all of them, because if any one person is off kilter, all the relationships are affected. So each two will spend time doing things together, maybe go out for dinner, or veg out in front of the TV, and the third will indulge in some guilt free me time, it tends to be spontaneous most of the time. But we do have planned in the diary every 3 months couples dinners, because we think it's important that those relationships are nurtured and by planning, they don't get forgotten in the melee of daily life.

    We all have our individual hobbies and interests and it's important to us that we all have time for those too, because it's what contributes to us being the people we are.

    We have a set dinner once a month as a three. That's a kind of check in, make sure we're all OK, discuss any relationship issues or concerns or anything, before it blows up hugely. Generally we do things as a three, so trips, days out, parties , we all do together, we plan things for weekends for all of us.

    Sex: (it's what you all really wanna know, right?) sex works in any and all combinations, as twos or three, depending on who is around, awake and in the mood. We have differing levels of sex drive, and different body clocks - my boyfriend and I are night owls, my girlfriend is a lark. She falls asleep early. We're awake. I go to my house one weekend a month on my own (space and time for me and for them - my choice). Sex is a mixture of preplanned and spontaneous (preplanned as in, when we all get home tonight let's go to bed and f?!(@, or someone is out at their club tonight, shall we go to bed!) but it's mostly spontaneous, and mostly the three of us, but no issues if one is not in the mood/tired whatever.

    We do all have insecurities and envy (which we define differently to jealousy) and we've learned we need to talk about those things when they arise, don't let them sit and fester until exploding, because by then it will all be out of proportion and dealing with the fall out is draining. Hence why we have preplanned dinners, so no one has to say they have a problem (unless they want to). we work hard on our relationships and have had to learn different communication skills. Listening skills and to be very explicit in saying what we need/want because we need to avoid misinterpretation and miscommunication, most of our big fights boiled down to misunderstandings. Things tend to go downhill when we stop paying attention and take it for granted , which is no different to monogamous relationships.

    Feel free to add any follow up questions :)

    Thanks. I love your candor. I know or know of two polyamory hmmm would groups be the proper phase? Triad in one case. A close friend's sibling that sounds more like the hinge but more complicated although I live in a different state and its not like that sibling comes up all that often in conversation. That family is fine and open. The parents just wonder how it will work if there are ever kids. The other was a college classmate. She and her boyfriend added a girlfriend and seemed happy. We were friendly but didn't keep in touch.
  • Confession: I have been 'all boobs' since middle school and, when I gained weight, everything became more proportional(even though my boobs also got a little larger too). As I have lost weight my boobs haven't gone anywhere. For every band size I lose, I go up TWO cup sizes. I am terrified of reaching my ultimate goal weight and being all boobs again. Sometimes, I even think of sabotaging myself.
  • misskarne wrote: »
    I have only just discovered you can cook sausages in the oven.

    And bacon in the microwave.

    My life has new (cleaner) meaning.

    People are horrified when I tell the I cook sausages in the oven. Most of them are men. I just tell them I have better things to do than stand over a frying pan watching sausages cook.
    One of them dared to say he would have a go at his wife if she cooked sausages in the oven, so I said that she is a mug who deserves someone better than him. After a long argument about it, he asked me "What better things can you possibly be doing while ruining sausages in the oven?" So I said, "they take about 30 mins in the oven sooo, having sex?" End of conversation. :blush:
  • Lois_1989 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have only just discovered you can cook sausages in the oven.

    And bacon in the microwave.

    My life has new (cleaner) meaning.

    People are horrified when I tell the I cook sausages in the oven. Most of them are men. I just tell them I have better things to do than stand over a frying pan watching sausages cook.
    One of them dared to say he would have a go at his wife if she cooked sausages in the oven, so I said that she is a mug who deserves someone better than him. After a long argument about it, he asked me "What better things can you possibly be doing while ruining sausages in the oven?" So I said, "they take about 30 mins in the oven sooo, having sex?" End of conversation. :blush:

    Though I would guess sex would only take about 2 minutes with that guy...and then the 30 Day Shred DVD is 26 minutes. Then, maybe more 2 minute sex and then BOOM! Sausages! :tongue:
  • Talkradio wrote: »
    I'm desperately behind, but I wanted to check in and say hi.

    I found out on Saturday that my dad most likely has cancer. He also was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The prognosis is good, but he will be having surgery in the next few weeks to remove the tumors.

    Obviously, I'm kind of a wreck right now. :(

    Awww *hugs* I'm sorry sorry to hear this, I hope he recovers well from the surgery.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    cory17 wrote: »
    I've bought containers of ice cream, hidden them, and finished 2 in less than a week. (not lately, thankfully). My husband will say "you can't eat that, it's fattening" and "you'll always be fat" so I continue to buy him bags of tortilla chips and lays. He eats them, complains he's gaining weight, but I now weigh a few pounds less than him. Revenge will be mine.

    Ha ha Checkmate.
  • Lois_1989 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have only just discovered you can cook sausages in the oven.

    And bacon in the microwave.

    My life has new (cleaner) meaning.

    People are horrified when I tell the I cook sausages in the oven. Most of them are men. I just tell them I have better things to do than stand over a frying pan watching sausages cook.
    One of them dared to say he would have a go at his wife if she cooked sausages in the oven, so I said that she is a mug who deserves someone better than him. After a long argument about it, he asked me "What better things can you possibly be doing while ruining sausages in the oven?" So I said, "they take about 30 mins in the oven sooo, having sex?" End of conversation. :blush:

    Though I would guess sex would only take about 2 minutes with that guy...and then the 30 Day Shred DVD is 26 minutes. Then, maybe more 2 minute sex and then BOOM! Sausages! :tongue:

    Ha ha, no guy would admit that, even if it was to make a point in an argument. Can you imagine? "Well I only take 2 minutes so you can get back to the frying pan!" I can honestly say I haven't had sex before sausages, but I would say they are probably the most appropriate thing to eat afterwards. Innuendo wise anyway. :wink:
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    Sometimes I just don't feel like entertaining my kids so I tell them that we'll do something once they pick up their crap. They disappear for hours, suddenly finding something to do, and I can do whatever I want in peace.

    Thank you for the excellent tip!
  • Runngurl43 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I feel like my sisters judge the fact that I do pole fitness, and it annoys me. They have both told me that I can't buy a pole and put it in the house, but one day in the near future (once a sale comes around) I am going to put a pole up and they're just going to have to deal with it.

    Pole Fitness/Dancing is excellent exercise. Google IFBB Fitness Pro Oksana Grishinia in the 2014 Arnold classic and then show your sister and lets see what she has to say about pole fitness.

    Slightly related, for some reason when I send my daughter text messages, about once a week, it will send the first half of the message I sent, and then second half will be a message I sent her weeks or sometimes even months ago. We have no idea why this happens, and it does not happen with anyone else except between the two of us. And only from me to her, never the other way around. It is the weirdest thing. At first, she was quite confused by it, but now she will just text back and tell me to resend, but it is so strange! Here is the most recent one from this weekend:

    I totally spoiled Big Brother for Marie, she told me she did not watch it yet and I read it wrong and told her the vet said it could kill her. I am NOT going to let her die after everything she has been through.


    This happened to me as well for about 6 months, always texts to the same person and it would splice half a recent text with half a very old text. It was weird, i don't know why it happened and i don't know why it stopped. Must be some kind of text leprechaun or something, probably the ones also responsible for the autocorrect hilarity and those other naughty ones that send themselves to the wrong person at precisely the worst time possible...[/quote]

    This stopped happening to me when I deleted my old texts. I didn't really want to but it's stopped the problem.
  • I admit I shake my head sometimes when I see the Mother's Day ads out there.

    Some Facebook page I follow linked to 'great deals on aprons, fantastic mother's day gift!', and now I just went to my fitbit page by accident and the top said 'this mother's day, pick a fitbit gift that will move her'. Because nothing says 'I love you but you're fat' as much as a fitness device as a present.


    My confession is that I finally weighed myself after almost 2 months... and it looks like even though I kept a fantastic deficit one of those months, my PMS week of Hell undid all my work and I've pretty much maintained. Makes me very sad. I don't think I'll ever reach my goal.
  • Every day when I get home from school I used to go to the fridge and just snack until and a little after dinner. Since I started using myfitnesspal a couple of days ago, now I look at the fridge longingly, not exactly hungry, but permanently snacky/munchy.

    Really annoying though because it had gotten such a habit to have good constantly.

    Can you save up some calories to use when you get home from school? I find I am not that hungry in the morning/afternoon anymore so I save up a lot of my calories to eat snacks after work & dinner.
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I confess that I AGAIN blew my deficit on the weekend and am 2.3kg up from last Friday's weigh in weight, which was 0.6kg up from the Friday before. I used to be a lot better at weekends than I currently am.

    At least you're honest with yourself about it :) All we can do is begin again!

    I bought a container of ice cream at Wal-Mart yesterday & ate all of it & to be honest it wasn't that good. I am now officially not buying ice cream for a long time until I can eat just a little & put it back in the fridge again.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I finally bought the Sam's Choice Coffee and Donuts ice cream yesterday and even though I had no calories left, I ate a serving. I regret nothing. Who was it that brought that up? Quiksylver? You're terrible. LOL
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I confess that I AGAIN blew my deficit on the weekend and am 2.3kg up from last Friday's weigh in weight, which was 0.6kg up from the Friday before. I used to be a lot better at weekends than I currently am.

    At least you're honest with yourself about it :) All we can do is begin again!

    I bought a container of ice cream at Wal-Mart yesterday & ate all of it & to be honest it wasn't that good. I am now officially not buying ice cream for a long time until I can eat just a little & put it back in the fridge again.

    I hear ya! Most of my food screw ups lately have been meals/foods that ended up just being so-so. It's usually never worth it in the end.
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    I admit I shake my head sometimes when I see the Mother's Day ads out there.

    Some Facebook page I follow linked to 'great deals on aprons, fantastic mother's day gift!', and now I just went to my fitbit page by accident and the top said 'this mother's day, pick a fitbit gift that will move her'. Because nothing says 'I love you but you're fat' as much as a fitness device as a present.


    My confession is that I finally weighed myself after almost 2 months... and it looks like even though I kept a fantastic deficit one of those months, my PMS week of Hell undid all my work and I've pretty much maintained. Makes me very sad. I don't think I'll ever reach my goal.
