
  • FroggyBug wrote: »
    Me too. Sometimes I feel my brain is my worst enemy :( I've started telling myself ''You're beautiful'' or ''You're cute'' or whatever when I go out, attempting to condition myself to actually believe it. I've been told that if you tell yourself enough times, eventually you'll start thinking it's true :tongue:

    Well if that is you in your avatar pic, I think you are very pretty. :) You need to believe in yourself.

    Oh and now I want some bubble tea too.

    I can't sleep so I'm on here trying to catch up on the thread.
    I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.
  • I went out of town and was like 25 pages behind and am ridiculously happy to be caught up now. It was stressing me out!
  • FroggyBug wrote: »
    Me too. Sometimes I feel my brain is my worst enemy :( I've started telling myself ''You're beautiful'' or ''You're cute'' or whatever when I go out, attempting to condition myself to actually believe it. I've been told that if you tell yourself enough times, eventually you'll start thinking it's true :tongue:

    Well if that is you in your avatar pic, I think you are very pretty. :) You need to believe in yourself.

    Oh and now I want some bubble tea too.

    I can't sleep so I'm on here trying to catch up on the thread.
    I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.

    I have some bat wings with loose skin on my arms... and the right arm is actually worse. The irony is that it's what bothered me the most when I started losing, and I still have them, even though my arms are pretty muscular otherwise (well, as muscular as I like them). I don't even care anymore, I'm going sleeveless all the time. But yeah you'll never see me in a bikini... there are limits, lol!

    I agree though, you're very pretty, so don't let that stop you.
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Me too. Sometimes I feel my brain is my worst enemy :( I've started telling myself ''You're beautiful'' or ''You're cute'' or whatever when I go out, attempting to condition myself to actually believe it. I've been told that if you tell yourself enough times, eventually you'll start thinking it's true :tongue:

    Well if that is you in your avatar pic, I think you are very pretty. :) You need to believe in yourself.

    Oh and now I want some bubble tea too.

    I can't sleep so I'm on here trying to catch up on the thread.
    I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.

    I have some bat wings with loose skin on my arms... and the right arm is actually worse. The irony is that it's what bothered me the most when I started losing, and I still have them, even though my arms are pretty muscular otherwise (well, as muscular as I like them). I don't even care anymore, I'm going sleeveless all the time. But yeah you'll never see me in a bikini... there are limits, lol!

    I agree though, you're very pretty, so don't let that stop you.
    You rock those muscular arms!! I admit I didn't know what "bat wings" were and had to look it up. I think I have a pair of those as well. I'm sure no one notices these things as much as the person with the body. I remember being very embarrassed about acne, and telling my boyfriend, and he said he didn't even notice I had acne until I said something :neutral: I'm trying to get comfortable enough to the point where I can wear a binkini again, but first I think I'm going to have to really bring up my self confidence and NOT CARE what other people think (easier said than done)!!

    And thanks so much for making me smile. I'll try not to doubt you guys too much. I really, genuinely appreciate it.
  • I confess I had too many calories this weekend that I didnt log... had some appies at a party too hard to track how much you ate....

    I read this as apples and wondered who serves apples at a party, and how you could possibly eat so many that you could not count, lol
  • I cut my calories so I don't have to quit drinking beer, which is the reason I've put on any weight.
  • ythannah wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    I've bought containers of ice cream, hidden them, and finished 2 in less than a week. (not lately, thankfully). My husband will say "you can't eat that, it's fattening" and "you'll always be fat" so I continue to buy him bags of tortilla chips and lays. He eats them, complains he's gaining weight, but I now weigh a few pounds less than him. Revenge will be mine.

    Maybe in a few years we'll see posts from him complaining, "My wife is SABOTAGING me!!" lol.

    Hearing those kinds of comments would motivate me to lose weight, as fast as humanly possible, just to prove him wrong.

    Confession: that's probably more than half the reason I got married at such a young age, because my father was always telling me that no man would ever want me.

    I'm sorry your father, of all people, would ever say anything like that to you!! I'm sure many men would be lucky to have you!
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    Wait, is there a script or something that still works to add custom macros?
    I used the script in this link but saw this when I logged in today. :/

    As of right now, mine appears to still be working. However, I have not opened MFP in app form, and I have no intention of ever doing so again until I hear for sure that the script has been updated. I suspect that's where the problem lies.

    At the risk of sounding stupid.....I have no idea what this is or what you guys are talking about....
  • Confession: I'm going home for the summer tomorrow, and it'll be a week or so of traveling... I'm already accepting that if I gain weight, or go over calories, it'll be fine. Once I get home I start work that's decently physically demanding, and I always eat cleaner at home anyways. Not gonna go crazy with my calorie intake, but if I want something or have a bigger portion, it'll all even out later on.

    I've gotten flack for thinking like this from other people on here, but I'd rather enjoy myself and not lose that extra 1lb I could've per week if it means I had a good time.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    My confession is that i really really want to lose some weight and i know exactly what i need to do to do it but i can never find the motivation to get up and do it. I Just had a baby 2 mnts ago and im the biggest i have ever been in my whole life and i feel like im disgusting my husband(even though im not he tells me how much he loves my body all the time), SO im making a pledge to really do it this time, not only for myself but for my son so i can live a loooong time to see him grow

    I initially read this as "2 minutes ago" and my first thought was, wow this gal's really motivated! Lol.

    Congratulations on your new baby and welcome to MFP... if you take a peek around the boards you'll find tons of posts from very ordinary folks (including new mums) who are successfully losing weight... so YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

    Re Autocorrect: For some bizarre reason, every time I started to type "texting" in my phone, one of the suggestions autocorrect would come up with is "rectum". Seriously?? That's a word in common use in texting? (Anyway, the phone has since learned my text habits and no longer suggests that one.)

    This type of thing happens to me all the time! I was texting my son that I left something on his "porch" and it changed it to "porcupine". Pretty sure "porch" is a much more common word. Then I used the word "also", which was changed to "silo". Really? Porcupines and silos are used more? Funny, but I am careful to proof read before sending.

    Shortly after I started texting, my Mom sent me a text, letting me know she was at the grocery store and, since she was coming over, was there anything I needed. (We don't live near a grocery store) I texted back that I couls use a couple pounds of lean ground beef, since it was on sale. It autocorrected to: "Grab me a couple pounds of cigarettes...they are on for $2.99/pound"...which would actually be a steal of a deal for cigarettes. She wanted to know when I took up smoking. (I am the preacher's kid, after all)

    Hahaha! That is funny. I know we've talked about it earlier on this thread (well, along with just about every other topic), but I love damnyouautocorrect. I laugh every time I read those.

    Slightly related, for some reason when I send my daughter text messages, about once a week, it will send the first half of the message I sent, and then second half will be a message I sent her weeks or sometimes even months ago. We have no idea why this happens, and it does not happen with anyone else except between the two of us. And only from me to her, never the other way around. It is the weirdest thing. At first, she was quite confused by it, but now she will just text back and tell me to resend, but it is so strange! Here is the most recent one from this weekend:

    I totally spoiled Big Brother for Marie, she told me she did not watch it yet and I read it wrong and told her the vet said it could kill her. I am NOT going to let her die after everything she has been through.

  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    My confession is that i really really want to lose some weight and i know exactly what i need to do to do it but i can never find the motivation to get up and do it. I Just had a baby 2 mnts ago and im the biggest i have ever been in my whole life and i feel like im disgusting my husband(even though im not he tells me how much he loves my body all the time), SO im making a pledge to really do it this time, not only for myself but for my son so i can live a loooong time to see him grow

    I initially read this as "2 minutes ago" and my first thought was, wow this gal's really motivated! Lol.

    Congratulations on your new baby and welcome to MFP... if you take a peek around the boards you'll find tons of posts from very ordinary folks (including new mums) who are successfully losing weight... so YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

    Re Autocorrect: For some bizarre reason, every time I started to type "texting" in my phone, one of the suggestions autocorrect would come up with is "rectum". Seriously?? That's a word in common use in texting? (Anyway, the phone has since learned my text habits and no longer suggests that one.)

    This type of thing happens to me all the time! I was texting my son that I left something on his "porch" and it changed it to "porcupine". Pretty sure "porch" is a much more common word. Then I used the word "also", which was changed to "silo". Really? Porcupines and silos are used more? Funny, but I am careful to proof read before sending.

    Shortly after I started texting, my Mom sent me a text, letting me know she was at the grocery store and, since she was coming over, was there anything I needed. (We don't live near a grocery store) I texted back that I couls use a couple pounds of lean ground beef, since it was on sale. It autocorrected to: "Grab me a couple pounds of cigarettes...they are on for $2.99/pound"...which would actually be a steal of a deal for cigarettes. She wanted to know when I took up smoking. (I am the preacher's kid, after all)

    Hahaha! That is funny. I know we've talked about it earlier on this thread (well, along with just about every other topic), but I love damnyouautocorrect. I laugh every time I read those.

    I die laughing from Hilarious.
  • ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    You do know that most ad's are based on YOUR browser/search history, right? There was a big discussion here a few years back about it cuz someone griped about there being bad food ads on MFP... and that was why. IE- I sometimes see Amazon shoe ads here on MFP after I searched and shopped for shoes.

    Sooo... maybe it's still like that? *snicker*

    I dunno about that... I was getting ads for US weight loss clinics (which I've never searched, nor do I live in the US) and for McD's (also never searched) as well as ads in French (I'm anglophone).

    However, I made that assumption about another popular site, hence my little mental freakout when banner ads for engagement rings (don't want one) started appearing on my SO's iPad. Lol.
    I got married at 20, to a 22 year old man and we immediately had a kid (4 weeks later, actually, lol). 3 more kids and nearly 15 years later, we still love each other, but the fact that we're still together is down to hard work and nothing but.

    Congrats! I do actually know of 3 or 4 "high school romances" that are now 35+ year marriages but I don't think that's how the majority of them wind up.

    My marriage lasted 2.5 years. I shake my head at myself now... I didn't even know what I wanted to eat the following week, and I thought I could pick a life partner?

    Mine started out literally as what I thought was going to be a one night stand. I did not even give out my phone number for MONTHS. Every day he would call his friend that was dating my friend who would call me to call him back, lol. It's been over 20 years now.....
  • Talkradio wrote: »
    Got caught up.

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my dad.

    I'm taking a few days off logging, but I know I need to resume it soon so I don't negate all my progress. I've already gained back 1.5lbs in a week and a half.

    Wishing him the best of luck!
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    I've bought containers of ice cream, hidden them, and finished 2 in less than a week. (not lately, thankfully). My husband will say "you can't eat that, it's fattening" and "you'll always be fat" so I continue to buy him bags of tortilla chips and lays. He eats them, complains he's gaining weight, but I now weigh a few pounds less than him. Revenge will be mine.

    Maybe in a few years we'll see posts from him complaining, "My wife is SABOTAGING me!!" lol.

    Hearing those kinds of comments would motivate me to lose weight, as fast as humanly possible, just to prove him wrong.

    Confession: that's probably more than half the reason I got married at such a young age, because my father was always telling me that no man would ever want me.

    I'm sorry your father, of all people, would ever say anything like that to you!! I'm sure many men would be lucky to have you!

    Thank you for saying that. My mother was just as bad, but they had their own demons (alcoholism) and it was easier to pick at me than to take a good hard look at themselves. But it took me a looooong time to come to terms with that.

    So of course I followed the textbook pattern of choosing men who treated me much the same. I'm such a cliche, lol. Fortunately I'm now with an awesome guy who tells me how wonderful I am about two dozen times a day but first I had to get to a place mentally where I could appreciate and accept that.

    My father and I now get along really well by text. :)
  • ythannah wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    I've bought containers of ice cream, hidden them, and finished 2 in less than a week. (not lately, thankfully). My husband will say "you can't eat that, it's fattening" and "you'll always be fat" so I continue to buy him bags of tortilla chips and lays. He eats them, complains he's gaining weight, but I now weigh a few pounds less than him. Revenge will be mine.

    Maybe in a few years we'll see posts from him complaining, "My wife is SABOTAGING me!!" lol.

    Hearing those kinds of comments would motivate me to lose weight, as fast as humanly possible, just to prove him wrong.

    Confession: that's probably more than half the reason I got married at such a young age, because my father was always telling me that no man would ever want me.

    Sorry to hear that! I know he is your father, but what an asshat!
  • ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    I've bought containers of ice cream, hidden them, and finished 2 in less than a week. (not lately, thankfully). My husband will say "you can't eat that, it's fattening" and "you'll always be fat" so I continue to buy him bags of tortilla chips and lays. He eats them, complains he's gaining weight, but I now weigh a few pounds less than him. Revenge will be mine.

    Maybe in a few years we'll see posts from him complaining, "My wife is SABOTAGING me!!" lol.

    Hearing those kinds of comments would motivate me to lose weight, as fast as humanly possible, just to prove him wrong.

    Confession: that's probably more than half the reason I got married at such a young age, because my father was always telling me that no man would ever want me.

    I'm sorry your father, of all people, would ever say anything like that to you!! I'm sure many men would be lucky to have you!

    Thank you for saying that. My mother was just as bad, but they had their own demons (alcoholism) and it was easier to pick at me than to take a good hard look at themselves. But it took me a looooong time to come to terms with that.

    So of course I followed the textbook pattern of choosing men who treated me much the same. I'm such a cliche, lol. Fortunately I'm now with an awesome guy who tells me how wonderful I am about two dozen times a day but first I had to get to a place mentally where I could appreciate and accept that.

    My father and I now get along really well by text. :)

    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....

  • Slightly related, for some reason when I send my daughter text messages, about once a week, it will send the first half of the message I sent, and then second half will be a message I sent her weeks or sometimes even months ago. We have no idea why this happens, and it does not happen with anyone else except between the two of us. And only from me to her, never the other way around. It is the weirdest thing. At first, she was quite confused by it, but now she will just text back and tell me to resend, but it is so strange! Here is the most recent one from this weekend:

    I totally spoiled Big Brother for Marie, she told me she did not watch it yet and I read it wrong and told her the vet said it could kill her. I am NOT going to let her die after everything she has been through.

    :s [/quote]

    This happened to me as well for about 6 months, always texts to the same person and it would splice half a recent text with half a very old text. It was weird, i don't know why it happened and i don't know why it stopped. Must be some kind of text leprechaun or something, probably the ones also responsible for the autocorrect hilarity and those other naughty ones that send themselves to the wrong person at precisely the worst time possible...

  • Slightly related, for some reason when I send my daughter text messages, about once a week, it will send the first half of the message I sent, and then second half will be a message I sent her weeks or sometimes even months ago. We have no idea why this happens, and it does not happen with anyone else except between the two of us. And only from me to her, never the other way around. It is the weirdest thing. At first, she was quite confused by it, but now she will just text back and tell me to resend, but it is so strange! Here is the most recent one from this weekend:

    I totally spoiled Big Brother for Marie, she told me she did not watch it yet and I read it wrong and told her the vet said it could kill her. I am NOT going to let her die after everything she has been through.


    This happened to me as well for about 6 months, always texts to the same person and it would splice half a recent text with half a very old text. It was weird, i don't know why it happened and i don't know why it stopped. Must be some kind of text leprechaun or something, probably the ones also responsible for the autocorrect hilarity and those other naughty ones that send themselves to the wrong person at precisely the worst time possible...[/quote]

    I wonder if this will ever stop, it has been happening for over a year daughter is planning to get a new phone and change providers this summer, if it still happens after that, I am gonna be super creeped out.....
  • shannonbun wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Heehee, thanks, we tend to think that when listening to the complaints of our monogamous friends but all relationships take work, friends family, partners but we tend to take them all for granted :(

    Exactly! Which is why I'm sitting here thinking you may actually be a few steps ahead in being so conscious and deliberate about those aspects of your relationship, whereas the rest of us in more traditional partnerships just sit back and think it will all magically work out because "we're in luuuurve", at least when we're younger. (Coming from someone who got married at the age of 20, because I thought I knew it all)

    My university has us go through a class on the psychology of relationships for that reason. It's pretty smart, since it's a freshman-level but required class. Manages to reach most of the students and get them to think about what their boundaries are, what their relationship style is (and which ones to avoid) and how secure they are in themselves. They definitely go over the fact that love doesn't pay the bills and that love isn't what keeps a marriage together.

    Every high school should have a class like that!!
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    Wait, is there a script or something that still works to add custom macros?
    I used the script in this link but saw this when I logged in today. :/

    As of right now, mine appears to still be working. However, I have not opened MFP in app form, and I have no intention of ever doing so again until I hear for sure that the script has been updated. I suspect that's where the problem lies.

    At the risk of sounding stupid.....I have no idea what this is or what you guys are talking about....

    There are scripts you can use to have more input into your calories and macros. The premium update broke the script for mobile. On a PC, my numbers are right. On mobile, it rounded things up and down to give me 80 more calories while simultaneously dropping my protein way way way too low. Means you can only use a computer now to use the script...or pay $50 yr to still have correct numbers on your phone.