

  • Finally fully caught up!

    Inspection went well enough - few things to fix, but still green status!

    I did not miss my job one bit while I was away, and am totally annoyed at being back. I was literally so busy dealing with stuff that should have been done while I was gone that I had no time to eat lunch until 3:15. Time to kick the job search into gear, me thinks.
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Why did I read the Oreo thread? Now I just want to stab them all.

    The posters or the oreos?

    Watermelon Oreo season is almost upon us. This delectable treat is found at Target stores, sorry Canada, even though you're half French, you didn't take to the French Superstore.

    After Watermelon Oreo season comes Candy Corn Oreo Season.

    It's going to be a sweet summer and fall :)

    Candy corn Oreos were so disappointing to me. Love Oreos, love candy corn! Unfortunately they don't taste like candy corn just Oreos imo
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.

    Agreed. I wouldn't ask a 'help me' question here. No way! Other than my hard boiled egg question I asked on this thread. lol
    I agree about searching first. Search the millions of "why am I not loosing" threads. 99% of the answers are the same.

    100% agree
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Confession: I keep hearing 'you can't out exercise a bad diet', but I'm gonna try anyway. :p

    Have you ever seen what Michael Phelps eats?

    Oh, my, yes... holy crap... what a grand 'opposite' of most people's circumstance his is... what with his practically 'needing' to rely on all kinds of high-calorie foods to as-efficiently-as-possible replace-as-well-as-fuel-for incredible caloric losses/burns...

    I remember various journalists attempting to eat even a fraction of what Michael Phelps would eat for that day's 'breakfast', and most got sick before coming close to completing such (which isn't surprising, given what it represented (and far exceeded) relative to what constitutes anywhere-near-a-'norm' for most other humans)...

    It actually presents one heckuva dilemma... It'd drive me nuts to have to eat so much of practically 'anything', in order to fuel a 'furnace' that's plowing through so many thousands of calories in a day (for his 2008 Olympics competition days)... O. M. G.
  • ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I had no idea there were so many Oreo flavours. I thought there was regular, golden and red velvet. I may have heard of one or two others, but never cotton candy, or cookie dough, or rootbeer float.

    We get so ripped off in Canada

    ETA: except we have way less icky bugs, so that makes me feel better

    Soooo true! I love, well all food, but non traditional Oreos seems so wrong. I haven't tried any of them.
  • I think Oreos are highly overrated. I never, ever buy them. Plain chips-ahoy dipped in milk plzkthx.
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    I was so flippant about my food baby/gain after that giant May Day brunch, thinking it'd go away in a few days. It hasn't. I'm STILL gaining, despite going back to normal (even more restricted than normal) eating. I'm up almost another pound in five days and it's doing my head in because I tend to let what I weigh in the morning dictate how I feel for the rest of the day. I've been angry at myself for a week now. (That on top of the work stress I'm buckling under is not helping. *sigh*)

    Not worth it! Toss the scale or put it away for a while. Rely on measurements and how you feel in your clothes. That silly # on the scale should not dictate your day. Sorry about the work stress.

    I do sometimes stop to wonder why I fixate so much on the number on the scale. I mean, no one (apart from nurses at health checkups) has ever asked me point-blank: "How much do you weigh?" Also, for the last two days, I've felt pretty okay about my body in the morning before I stepped on the scale. Then I weigh myself and *poof* goes that good mood. Meh.

    I should probably stop weighing myself every day. Make it once a week or go a month without weighing myself at all.

    ... wow, I sound whiny today. Here, people, have a kitten:

    And thank you for the sympathies, @BZAH10!

    Kitten!!! THAT is what my scale is missing! I have a food scale similar to that that I've never used. It sits on top of my fridge. Now every time I see it I'll picture it with a kitten in it.

    I'm always so torn with kitten pictures. On one hand, ohh how cute. On the other, look at that evil ball of itchy eyes and closed up throat sitting there like it's all sweet and innocent.

    Lol! I love kittens but yeah, cats can be pretty evil.

    So I'm having a bag of cauliflower for dinner in order to try and keep a small deficit today after all, while I'm taking my kids to the mall for dinner (because my daughter broke her lunchbox, like it's the best time of the year to find one, and I'm too lazy to make dinner after hunting for one). And my husband is joining us... so they're all going to have dinner there and I'll just get to watch.

    This diet thing sucks sometimes.
  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I think Oreos are highly overrated. I never, ever buy them. Plain chips-ahoy dipped in milk plzkthx.
    I buy them because I'm not really interested in them, and my kids don't over-eat them. That's a bit of a sad reason, now that I see it in print.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I think Oreos are highly overrated. I never, ever buy them. Plain chips-ahoy dipped in milk plzkthx.
    I buy them because I'm not really interested in them, and my kids don't over-eat them. That's a bit of a sad reason, now that I see it in print.

    LOl I don't think it is sad at all. They are the only cookies I buy for the same reason I don't like them and my son will only eat one or two. I look at it as a win-win. :)