
  • Confession: I keep hearing 'you can't out exercise a bad diet', but I'm gonna try anyway. :p

    Have you ever seen what Michael Phelps eats?
  • I've been walking around work with Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be stuck in my head. I hum and sing aloud frequently lol.

    I so miss Third Eye Blind. So many great songs.
  • I had a "load weekend" last weekend (bad idea because I just had to re-lose the 4 lbs I lost!) and I baked these amazing delicious Ghirardelli Ultimate brownies in an 8x8 pan. I ate a couple brownies throughout the weekend, my daughter and friend also helped eat the brownies. When Monday came and I was going back to eating at a deficit, I was mad that no one was eating the rest of the brownies! There were probably about 4 left by Monday. So I ate them. ALL OF THEM! Because I needed them out of my sight so I could "focus" on eating "healthy" the rest of the week. Ugh. When will I learn. LOL
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm assuming it's because of different time zones, but when I get in here there are always 100+ new posts, I catch up and then it's like *crickets* for the rest of my afternoon.

    I'm bored at work, guys, I need some distractions!

    Me too. I am in Central Time zone.

    I'm in mountain time zone, so that means I still have just over 3 hours left of work. :disappointed:
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm assuming it's because of different time zones, but when I get in here there are always 100+ new posts, I catch up and then it's like *crickets* for the rest of my afternoon.

    I'm bored at work, guys, I need some distractions!

    Yes, that is exactly how my day goes, too!
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm assuming it's because of different time zones, but when I get in here there are always 100+ new posts, I catch up and then it's like *crickets* for the rest of my afternoon.

    I'm bored at work, guys, I need some distractions!

    Me too. I am in Central Time zone.

    I'm in mountain time zone, so that means I still have just over 3 hours left of work. :disappointed:

    And I'm in England, so home watching tv after dinner! But when I have to drag myself out of bed for work you'll still be warm and snug under the covers!
  • icanplay3 wrote: »
    I had a "load weekend" last weekend (bad idea because I just had to re-lose the 4 lbs I lost!) and I baked these amazing delicious Ghirardelli Ultimate brownies in an 8x8 pan. I ate a couple brownies throughout the weekend, my daughter and friend also helped eat the brownies. When Monday came and I was going back to eating at a deficit, I was mad that no one was eating the rest of the brownies! There were probably about 4 left by Monday. So I ate them. ALL OF THEM! Because I needed them out of my sight so I could "focus" on eating "healthy" the rest of the week. Ugh. When will I learn. LOL

    I do the same thing, and I get mad because the kids never eat what I make, so I have to eat it. I haven't dared baking anything in a while.
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    The randomness of this thread never ceases to entertain.

    The chocolate powder post, the peanut butter post and the dirty gym clothes posts seem to be quoted and responded to most often, but occasionally we get a response to the first post of this thread. I don't know why I find that amusing.

    Confession: I kind of hate when people respond to a post that is NOT the first post in a thread without quoting it. Mostly because I get confused, especially if the responded-to post is several [hundred] pages back.

    Maybe it's just me...

    No, not just you. The first part of that post had me confused, since we hadn't been discussing "wearing" anything lol.

    For clarification: I did not mean BZAH10's post, since it was an observation, not a response! But it reminded me that we get a lot of "responses" to things on like, Page 6, When we're at 546.

    I knew what you meant. I'm the same way. The only reason I remember what the first post of this epic thread was about is because it is mentioned at such random times.
  • rjtlg2208 wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Thank you for sharing. I literally LOLed and would be/have been guilty of similar things peanut butter related.


    I somehow couldn't help adding some narrative 'dialogue', to accompany the 'visual' triggered by the words "drowned the jar in water"... ;) an apartment far, far away... Mr. Peanut's brethren found himself in the midst of a stranglehold the likes of which had only populated his worst nightmare... and there she was... with her hands around his jar's 'neck'... and he could barely hear what she was muttering (and in a kind of exhausted desperation that so often precedes 'actions of last resort'), due to the cacophonic high-decibel blaring of Robert Palmer, in the background, singing Simply Irresistible... along with said PB soon-to-be-drowning-victim having just been plunged in the water (not his 'final resting place', as it turns out, but it would nonetheless be the last earthbound realm in which his final peanut-'breath' 'exhale' would occur (with 'the end' being 'announced' by those almighty final bubbles, what with the sanctuary-like 'tomb' of his jar not having protected him from the thrashing 'waves' of that fresh water 'ocean' (a watery grave, by any other name (were it not for the fact that she had dishes she would be washing soon, and which had precipitated her having 'drawn' his 'last (and only) hot bath')))...

    ...but there they were -- she with her hands firmly enveloping his jar's 'neck', and 'insisting' that he die... and he, maintaining his 'dignity' to the end (and as only opened and 'drowning' jars of peanut butter could)...

    ...the last words he heard...were uttered in a fury, and with spittle flying about, to and fro ('twas like rainfall, 'tap-dancing' on his grave)... as she cried to the heavens, "die! -- you torturous legume! -- die a thousand deaths! -- take your lamented calories and irresistibility to 'the other side'! -- get out of my sight! -- leave my cupboard, and take your tanned creaminess with you! -- my tastebuds have issued a temporary restraining order, and *this* is IT!"...

    ...and with that, a sudden change in demeanor 'came over' her... and her screamed epithets and shouted frustration suddenly became that of a sadness-infused and beleaguered soul 'parting ways' with a long-loved friend... and her words to 'him', from that point on, were a form of kindness-rendered 'last rites'... and the 'ministrations' of one who cared...

    ..."lo, tho I may not wander with thee unto other taste galaxies, at this time, or in the near future... know that it kills me just the same to do this to you! -- to say a goodbye, for now... and to beckon thy forgiveness... and know that thy passing is being accompanied, in my mind, by the slow and dreadful beat of a hollow drum, and the incessant clanging of a well-struck gong (not unlike that seen in the tv show, "Kung Fu", before some remarkable truth was bestowed upon those who sought 'truth' and wisdom)... though I be not any form of Shaolin monk, I nonetheless remain in possession of spiritual training, from the PB Monastery, and shall recite aphorisms at this time, to 'cleanse' my PB-loving soul... and can only hope that the tears I shall soon shed, while adding to this sinkful of fresh water PB-suffocant, will resist their potential to drown all of humanity -- my heart breaks so... forgive me... I bid you adieu, my beloved PB... rest well, my tasty friend..."

    ...and with that... she chucked 'him' in the garbage, plunged her trembling hands in the now-deemed-to-be-dishwater(/-former-Sea-of-Goodbye), and heard her subconscious mind insistively state, "you shall never speak of this, save for any perchance encounter with a Confessions thread, in which judgment shall not be passed..." -- and with that, she went about her days... while harboring this secret... and found herself burdened by it... until... that one fateful day... when her actions were 'conveyed to the world' -- and (much to her surprise) she was not only *not* judged, or in any way 'on the receiving end' of negativity... but her actions were, in fact, celebrated... and became 'the stuff' of lore...

    ...and thus... that is how... The Legend of the Drowned Peanut Butter came to find its birthplace, and was to forevermore be acknowledged with understanding, acceptance, and lonely jelly jars 'the land over'...

  • Russandol wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    I was so flippant about my food baby/gain after that giant May Day brunch, thinking it'd go away in a few days. It hasn't. I'm STILL gaining, despite going back to normal (even more restricted than normal) eating. I'm up almost another pound in five days and it's doing my head in because I tend to let what I weigh in the morning dictate how I feel for the rest of the day. I've been angry at myself for a week now. (That on top of the work stress I'm buckling under is not helping. *sigh*)

    Not worth it! Toss the scale or put it away for a while. Rely on measurements and how you feel in your clothes. That silly # on the scale should not dictate your day. Sorry about the work stress.

    I do sometimes stop to wonder why I fixate so much on the number on the scale. I mean, no one (apart from nurses at health checkups) has ever asked me point-blank: "How much do you weigh?" Also, for the last two days, I've felt pretty okay about my body in the morning before I stepped on the scale. Then I weigh myself and *poof* goes that good mood. Meh.

    I should probably stop weighing myself every day. Make it once a week or go a month without weighing myself at all.

    ... wow, I sound whiny today. Here, people, have a kitten:

    And thank you for the sympathies, @BZAH10!

    Kitten!!! THAT is what my scale is missing! I have a food scale similar to that that I've never used. It sits on top of my fridge. Now every time I see it I'll picture it with a kitten in it.
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I was a bit of a tomboy my youth, and used to pride myself on my spitting skills.

    It does drive me crazy that my husband (lifelong baseball player) spits everywhere, with little discretion. I hate, hate, hate it when he spits on the sidewalk, or right outside a building entrance.

    I hate when people spit in public. I can sometimes having it be necessary (if you ate a bug, or you are doing a vigorous run or something) but it's gross. The gym I used to go to had an indoor track, and there was one guy who would just spit on the track. So disgusting. If you feel you must spit, at least use one of the garbage cans in each corner.

    What?! Indoors? Nasty!
  • Ugg, I always feel gross when I walk past an obvious spit puddle.

  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    I was so flippant about my food baby/gain after that giant May Day brunch, thinking it'd go away in a few days. It hasn't. I'm STILL gaining, despite going back to normal (even more restricted than normal) eating. I'm up almost another pound in five days and it's doing my head in because I tend to let what I weigh in the morning dictate how I feel for the rest of the day. I've been angry at myself for a week now. (That on top of the work stress I'm buckling under is not helping. *sigh*)

    Not worth it! Toss the scale or put it away for a while. Rely on measurements and how you feel in your clothes. That silly # on the scale should not dictate your day. Sorry about the work stress.

    I do sometimes stop to wonder why I fixate so much on the number on the scale. I mean, no one (apart from nurses at health checkups) has ever asked me point-blank: "How much do you weigh?" Also, for the last two days, I've felt pretty okay about my body in the morning before I stepped on the scale. Then I weigh myself and *poof* goes that good mood. Meh.

    I should probably stop weighing myself every day. Make it once a week or go a month without weighing myself at all.

    ... wow, I sound whiny today. Here, people, have a kitten:

    And thank you for the sympathies, @BZAH10!

    Kitten!!! THAT is what my scale is missing! I have a food scale similar to that that I've never used. It sits on top of my fridge. Now every time I see it I'll picture it with a kitten in it.

    I'm always so torn with kitten pictures. On one hand, ohh how cute. On the other, look at that evil ball of itchy eyes and closed up throat sitting there like it's all sweet and innocent.
  • I confess that I don't like Oreos. But give me a bag of Famous Amos any kind and I'm in.
  • franksl87e wrote: »
    I keep changing my weekly goals (first week!) from 2lb to 1.5lb depending on what I know I still want to eat that day!!

    I do that as well lol
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm assuming it's because of different time zones, but when I get in here there are always 100+ new posts, I catch up and then it's like *crickets* for the rest of my afternoon.

    I'm bored at work, guys, I need some distractions!

    Yes, that is exactly how my day goes, too!

    My time zone is so different that the posters here tend to be active between 9 PM and 6 AM. So I catch up every morning when I first wake up, then it's dead 'til nighttime again! (It's nearly 11PM here right now)
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    rjtlg2208 wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Thank you for sharing. I literally LOLed and would be/have been guilty of similar things peanut butter related.

    If you're starting from the beginning, you have a long way to go my friend

    related: I have a snack of 1 tbsp of coarse ground almond butter every afternoon. I prep it every morning, it has its own little tupperware.

    I eat it in small bites with a spoon, and it tastes like heaven at 3:30 every day

    I somehow think that this'd be a great repurposing of ex-dollhouse utensilry... ;)

    (...perhaps in a kind of Tiny Spoons for Tiny Treats form of 'recycling' program...?) :)

    On a somewhat related note, I once found myself suddenly facing a box of new-to-me tiny chocolate chip cookies (made with nummy ingredients (e.g. Belgian chocolate, Madagascar vanilla), and surprisingly little sugar)... and bought them, and find myself a bit tickled by their tiny tastiness... and while I could perhaps 'accomplish' a similar 'feat', were I to simply bake a batch of cookies and break them into a 'million' pieces (as though I ever stood a chance of 'fooling' myself into subsequently thinking I'm consuming anything in the vicinity of 'dozens' of cookies! lol ;) ), I nonetheless seem to find myself rather enamored of partaking of 'so many' of those tiny 'prefab', tasty-ingredient-laden 'pieces' (and which 'add up to' 'not much at all' (especially if/when compared to regular-sized cookies))... anyway, they satisfy an occasional 'cookie fix' that seems to 'waft' through my mind, at times (and would seem to be about as close as I'll ever get to sampling anything resembling 'dollhouse miniatures' ;) )...
  • Confession: I stayed up way later than I should have finishing a book last night...but still got up at 5 to go to the gym, so at least there's that.

    Taking a few days off from the gym while I was away definitely did me some good. Felt stronger lifting today!

    That happens with me, as well... and somehow always 'surprises' me, somewhat... and despite my being able to posit various plausible theories as to 'why' such a reality occurs (i.e. stronger after being 'away' from such for a few days), I nonetheless find myself surprised anew, each and every time it happens... :)

    ('s as though the possibility of 'deconditioning' -- and specifically, the concept thereof -- has some sort of 'armwrestling match' (somewhere in my mind) with the 'rest can result in gained strength' concept... and always seems to come out the wary 'winner'... until reality suddenly 'raises the arm' of the 'gained strength' 'contestant'... ;) )

    (...what is perhaps most likely the case, however, is that I know I can't 'predict' or otherwise 'count on' any specific episode of 'rest' resulting in gained or otherwise 'renewed' strength, and thus... would seem to err on the side of caution, and 'brace myself', somewhat, for the potential reality of having 'lost' something, strength-wise, or stamina-wise... (which is perhaps 'best', what with it subsequently allowing for my being pleasantly surprised each and every time a subsequent post-rest gain is observed/experienced... :) ))

    I get the same way. I assume going to the gym 6 days a week will make me stronger/faster, but really, if I took a day or two off, I'd be in better shape by day 6 than if I pushed myself to the limit for the previous 5. Logic has no place here.
    Well, perhaps not the logic we'd *prefer* (but not really (if that makes sense :p ))...
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    I had no idea there were so many Oreo flavours. I thought there was regular, golden and red velvet. I may have heard of one or two others, but never cotton candy, or cookie dough, or rootbeer float.

    We get so ripped off in Canada

    ETA: except we have way less icky bugs, so that makes me feel better

    Soooo true! (both statements)
  • Russandol wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    I was so flippant about my food baby/gain after that giant May Day brunch, thinking it'd go away in a few days. It hasn't. I'm STILL gaining, despite going back to normal (even more restricted than normal) eating. I'm up almost another pound in five days and it's doing my head in because I tend to let what I weigh in the morning dictate how I feel for the rest of the day. I've been angry at myself for a week now. (That on top of the work stress I'm buckling under is not helping. *sigh*)

    Not worth it! Toss the scale or put it away for a while. Rely on measurements and how you feel in your clothes. That silly # on the scale should not dictate your day. Sorry about the work stress.

    I do sometimes stop to wonder why I fixate so much on the number on the scale. I mean, no one (apart from nurses at health checkups) has ever asked me point-blank: "How much do you weigh?" Also, for the last two days, I've felt pretty okay about my body in the morning before I stepped on the scale. Then I weigh myself and *poof* goes that good mood. Meh.

    I should probably stop weighing myself every day. Make it once a week or go a month without weighing myself at all.

    ... wow, I sound whiny today. Here, people, have a kitten:

    And thank you for the sympathies, @BZAH10!

    That kitten would put me over my calorie limit for the day, sorry. Someone else will have to eat it.

    *snort* My coworkers are going to think I'm nuts.
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm assuming it's because of different time zones, but when I get in here there are always 100+ new posts, I catch up and then it's like *crickets* for the rest of my afternoon.

    I'm bored at work, guys, I need some distractions!

    Me too. I am in Central Time zone.

    I'm in mountain time zone, so that means I still have just over 3 hours left of work. :disappointed:

    Eastern. 26 minutes. :)
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    I was so flippant about my food baby/gain after that giant May Day brunch, thinking it'd go away in a few days. It hasn't. I'm STILL gaining, despite going back to normal (even more restricted than normal) eating. I'm up almost another pound in five days and it's doing my head in because I tend to let what I weigh in the morning dictate how I feel for the rest of the day. I've been angry at myself for a week now. (That on top of the work stress I'm buckling under is not helping. *sigh*)

    Not worth it! Toss the scale or put it away for a while. Rely on measurements and how you feel in your clothes. That silly # on the scale should not dictate your day. Sorry about the work stress.

    I do sometimes stop to wonder why I fixate so much on the number on the scale. I mean, no one (apart from nurses at health checkups) has ever asked me point-blank: "How much do you weigh?" Also, for the last two days, I've felt pretty okay about my body in the morning before I stepped on the scale. Then I weigh myself and *poof* goes that good mood. Meh.

    I should probably stop weighing myself every day. Make it once a week or go a month without weighing myself at all.

    ... wow, I sound whiny today. Here, people, have a kitten:

    And thank you for the sympathies, @BZAH10!

    Kitten!!! THAT is what my scale is missing! I have a food scale similar to that that I've never used. It sits on top of my fridge. Now every time I see it I'll picture it with a kitten in it.

    I'm always so torn with kitten pictures. On one hand, ohh how cute. On the other, look at that evil ball of itchy eyes and closed up throat sitting there like it's all sweet and innocent.

    I'm starting to think we were separated at birth...