
  • sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Thank you for sharing. I literally LOLed and would be/have been guilty of similar things peanut butter related.
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    I've been walking around work with Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be stuck in my head. I hum and sing aloud frequently lol.

    Could be worse. Could be the freakin' narwhals song!

    This makes me ridiculously happy.

    My son sings it incessantly.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    Yikes. The stinkbug in the shower this morning doesn't seem half as bad anymore.

    I kept finding those little b@!$4!&$ in my hotel room in VA. Then just after I got home I found one in my house. I looked it up online to find it was a stink bug and found an article about how they haven't made it to the UK but there are fears about the effect on farming if they do. Must have snuck over in my suitcase. I was worried I was going to cause some kind of ecological disaster. I caught it and flushed it down the loo. Didn't find anymore, so hopefully was just a solo hitchhiker.

    And daddy long legs/crane flies are totally harmless aren't they? They don't bother me, just kind of hover around. Moths are what I really hate.

    I was going to say, I have NO IDEA what these are and I hope to keep it that way! So what are Horse Flies? Because they bite and I thought they were crane flies, so now I'm confused.

    Horse flies look like a regular house fly only about twice the size, still prefer those over deer flies though those little *kitten* can all die in a volcano.

    ALL bugs should die in a volcano! Well, the creepy ones. Lady bugs, rolly pollys, butterfiles. We can keep those.

    I'm going to have to look those up
  • Confession: I stayed up way later than I should have finishing a book last night...but still got up at 5 to go to the gym, so at least there's that.

    Taking a few days off from the gym while I was away definitely did me some good. Felt stronger lifting today!

    That happens with me, as well... and somehow always 'surprises' me, somewhat... and despite my being able to posit various plausible theories as to 'why' such a reality occurs (i.e. stronger after being 'away' from such for a few days), I nonetheless find myself surprised anew, each and every time it happens... :)

    ('s as though the possibility of 'deconditioning' -- and specifically, the concept thereof -- has some sort of 'armwrestling match' (somewhere in my mind) with the 'rest can result in gained strength' concept... and always seems to come out the wary 'winner'... until reality suddenly 'raises the arm' of the 'gained strength' 'contestant'... ;) )

    (...what is perhaps most likely the case, however, is that I know I can't 'predict' or otherwise 'count on' any specific episode of 'rest' resulting in gained or otherwise 'renewed' strength, and thus... would seem to err on the side of caution, and 'brace myself', somewhat, for the potential reality of having 'lost' something, strength-wise, or stamina-wise... (which is perhaps 'best', what with it subsequently allowing for my being pleasantly surprised each and every time a subsequent post-rest gain is observed/experienced... :) ))
  • I have had the watermelon oreos and they are comparable in wonderful goodness to the rootbeer float oreos. It's weird how much they taste like a real rootbeer float. Like there's a fizziness feeling even, like the carbonation on top would be like. And the lemon ones are also to die for.

    Since this is a confession thread and this is my first time posting in here (even though I have read every page) I will add a confession- I am Active Duty Air Force and have been for almost 18 years. I still feel uncomfortable when people thank me for my service. I appreciate it, but I don't feel like "you're welcome" is the proper response so I just say, "thank you" as in thank you for acknowledging me. I feel like I should say it to veterans that I see and I want to, but I'm too shy to say anything to them.
  • I had no idea there were so many Oreo flavours. I thought there was regular, golden and red velvet. I may have heard of one or two others, but never cotton candy, or cookie dough, or rootbeer float.

    We get so ripped off in Canada
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I had no idea there were so many Oreo flavours. I thought there was regular, golden and red velvet. I may have heard of one or two others, but never cotton candy, or cookie dough, or rootbeer float.

    We get so ripped off in Canada

    ETA: except we have way less icky bugs, so that makes me feel better
  • Rabbit914 wrote: »
    I have had the watermelon oreos and they are comparable in wonderful goodness to the rootbeer float oreos. It's weird how much they taste like a real rootbeer float. Like there's a fizziness feeling even, like the carbonation on top would be like. And the lemon ones are also to die for.

    Since this is a confession thread and this is my first time posting in here (even though I have read every page) I will add a confession- I am Active Duty Air Force and have been for almost 18 years. I still feel uncomfortable when people thank me for my service. I appreciate it, but I don't feel like "you're welcome" is the proper response so I just say, "thank you" as in thank you for acknowledging me. I feel like I should say it to veterans that I see and I want to, but I'm too shy to say anything to them.

    Rootbeer Float Oreos? I've never seen them! Does anyone ever see the Chips Ahoy Root Beer Float cookies anymore? Those were so good when they were cold in the fridge.
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    I had no idea there were so many Oreo flavours. I thought there was regular, golden and red velvet. I may have heard of one or two others, but never cotton candy, or cookie dough, or rootbeer float.

    We get so ripped off in Canada

    You might be able to find the Cookie Dough Oreos since it's an exclusive Wal-Mart flavor now.
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    LOL this is showing up on my page again.

    I have banner ads in Spanish today. Absolutely sure I haven't done anything to cause that!

    And I still say the cucumber is worse.

    We're gonna have to 'agree to disagree' on this one... lol ;)

    ...because the version of this ad that seems to incessantly want my eyes' attention is one in which he's holding one banana (vs. a bunch), and it appears to have had one heck-of-an-'enlargement' made to it, length- and girth-wise (and is bigger than the bunched version of banana-dom)... and I experience a mixed reaction of eyerolling-bemusement -along with- some form of 'horror' that is utterly new to me... lmao :)
  • rjtlg2208 wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Thank you for sharing. I literally LOLed and would be/have been guilty of similar things peanut butter related.

    If you're starting from the beginning, you have a long way to go my friend
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I've only tried the regular Oreos. I love the double stuff kind.

    I love the double stuff golden oreos. I've finished a bag in a day :blush:

    I love golden oreos the best. Haven't tried the double stuff ones though. We have birthday cakes ones here currently... I like them. But I think I still like the golden ones with chocolate filling the best.

    I keep wanting to eat today. Also got very peeved weighing my '190' calorie granola bar to see that it was really 214 calories, so now I only have 258 calories left for dinner. When you have that little left, 24 calories makes quite a bit of difference...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Oh look the forum made me post twice again...
  • rjtlg2208 wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Thank you for sharing. I literally LOLed and would be/have been guilty of similar things peanut butter related.

    If you're starting from the beginning, you have a long way to go my friend

    related: I have a snack of 1 tbsp of coarse ground almond butter every afternoon. I prep it every morning, it has its own little tupperware.

    I eat it in small bites with a spoon, and it tastes like heaven at 3:30 every day

  • Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh look the forum made me post twice again...

    I don't know why that always happens to you and a few others...weird! I've never had it happen, and now I've probably jinxed myself!
  • I've been walking around work with Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be stuck in my head. I hum and sing aloud frequently lol.

    could be worse, ever seen Yentl?
  • The other night I laid in bed and I actually ate a box of girl scout cookies, the caramel delights, needless to say I had to log it, but I also had to do a lot of exercises.
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I laugh because I don't have to send my 'kids' to college or buy them a car. ;)

    In the meantime they're free labor, though. Even better, when they're really little, they think folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher is actually fun :p

    I haven't cleaned a bathroom or ran the vacuum in 15 years (the oldest is 31) my two youngest are 15 and 16. I am going to miss them when they move out in a couple of years. I will have to pay for a cleaning service. The older children's SOs rave about their cooking and house keeping abilities. I told the kids when I was raising them, I was teaching them life skills. I lied, I just taught them to do the jobs I didn't like. ;)

    I'm still super far behind in this thread but this made me lol. I have 4 children and I always use the phrase "life skills" for things they will need to know to get through life and "life lessons" for truths everyone learns eventually... usually the hard way.

    One day my 13 year old daughter said "how many of these life skills are there?' She was so hopeful that I was checking things off a list and eventually the list would be done so I would stop asking them to do things. :D
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh look the forum made me post twice again...

    I don't know why that always happens to you and a few others...weird! I've never had it happen, and now I've probably jinxed myself!

    It happens on my phone, not on the web, for me. Wondering for the others that get it all the time if it's only mobile? The one that's really irritating me, at least twice in the past few weeks I've had food double log in my diary. The first time I caught it, it posted everything twice, so after I finished freaking out about the 3000+ calorie day, I figured out the problem. The next time, it only posted a few things twice, and I didn't notice til the next day that I'd been shorted 200 calories.
  • IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I laugh because I don't have to send my 'kids' to college or buy them a car. ;)

    In the meantime they're free labor, though. Even better, when they're really little, they think folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher is actually fun :p

    I haven't cleaned a bathroom or ran the vacuum in 15 years (the oldest is 31) my two youngest are 15 and 16. I am going to miss them when they move out in a couple of years. I will have to pay for a cleaning service. The older children's SOs rave about their cooking and house keeping abilities. I told the kids when I was raising them, I was teaching them life skills. I lied, I just taught them to do the jobs I didn't like. ;)

    I'm still super far behind in this thread but this made me lol. I have 4 children and I always use the phrase "life skills" for things they will need to know to get through life and "life lessons" for truths everyone learns eventually... usually the hard way.

    One day my 13 year old daughter said "how many of these life skills are there?' She was so hopeful that I was checking things off a list and eventually the list would be done so I would stop asking them to do things. :D

    I love it!!!