
  • My older kid has a very hard time not chatting in class. This has been ongoing for years, and we have tried so many things to help him with this impulse (it's part of his anxiety disorder). The other day he told me "I didn't talk all afternoon in class!" When I asked him how he did it, he said: "I pretended that it was against the rules". I had to stop myself from saying "are you effing kidding me?" and instead gently say "you know that it IS against the rules to talk all the time, right?"

    Does your son have ADHD? It's terribly difficult for someone to focus that long on say a rule and not do it. I would say he did really really well. He probably had to keep that thought focused in his head the entire time.
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Holy crap I go away for the morning and come back to 7 pages! I can't handle it :(

    This is how I feel almost every day! Today I am off but am going out for several hours soon and I am sure there will be lots of catching up to do when I get home! I dont even have time to ever check out other threads, lol that's ok though cuz this one is my favorite!

    Haha I don't so much either, I browse and skim because, let's be honest, I like watching all the back and forth. But this one I typically try and stay on top of. I've just for once been super busy at work! :o
  • The Oreo thread makes me want Oreos.
    Oreos and milk .....
  • bbontheb wrote: »
    My older kid has a very hard time not chatting in class. This has been ongoing for years, and we have tried so many things to help him with this impulse (it's part of his anxiety disorder). The other day he told me "I didn't talk all afternoon in class!" When I asked him how he did it, he said: "I pretended that it was against the rules". I had to stop myself from saying "are you effing kidding me?" and instead gently say "you know that it IS against the rules to talk all the time, right?"

    Does your son have ADHD? It's terribly difficult for someone to focus that long on say a rule and not do it. I would say he did really really well. He probably had to keep that thought focused in his head the entire time.

    No, it's all down to anxiety. I know it seems strange, but in kids anxiety presents a lot like ADHD - trouble sitting still, excessive talking, impulsive behavior and along with that the anxious kids get panic attacks and obsessive thoughts. He did do really well and I'm hoping he can continue to try that technique, it was just a little frustrating to hear him put it like that since I have been intimately familiar with all his teachers and office staff for the last five years.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession.... I am about 35 lbs less so far this year. 20lbs I've lost in April alone. In ApriI I cycled over 420 miles and I lift but I know I am not reaching my net calorie goals. But I haven't stalled yet. This isn't my first rodeo so until the stall happens I am staying the course. I will say I know my body well and I do eat extra on the weekends to make up for it and to keep my body 'guessing' with the constant change ups but ATM the pounds are falling off like one every other day. I commute to work so that's 19-20 miles per day I ride which is everyday weather allows..

    Biking to work? That's awesome!

    :):D Thanks! It's hard sometimes but I make myself do it. 7 miles to work, 12-13 back home (I have more time to stretch the ride out longer). Now I depend on it!
    In reality, it's about the only way I can squeeze in the exercise time. I am a single dad who has custody of my 9 year old so 'our' time between 5pm work & her 8:30pm bedtime is homework, dinner, shower, bed, laundry prep for the next day. If only my work day went nearly as fast as the evening time at home. lol
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Holy crap I go away for the morning and come back to 7 pages! I can't handle it :(

    This is how I feel almost every day! Today I am off but am going out for several hours soon and I am sure there will be lots of catching up to do when I get home! I dont even have time to ever check out other threads, lol that's ok though cuz this one is my favorite!

    LOL... I only post right here and in the monthly cycling thread. TBH I am not sure how I ended up here. Must have been a slow day at work last week and I went searching for something to occupy. It's worked! Haha
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Holy crap I go away for the morning and come back to 7 pages! I can't handle it :(

    I'm going camping for the weekend. I doubt I'll ever catch up.

    Also, I'm kinda stressing out over the fact there may be no cell service and I'll lost my log-in streak. I'm at 487 days and I want to make 500, dangit!
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Holy crap I go away for the morning and come back to 7 pages! I can't handle it :(

    I'm going camping for the weekend. I doubt I'll ever catch up.

    Also, I'm kinda stressing out over the fact there may be no cell service and I'll lost my log-in streak. I'm at 487 days and I want to make 500, dangit!

    How many days are you going to be gone so I know not to remove you? :) LOL
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.

    Same here, I read (and learned!) so much before I posted anything. The search feature is not utilized nearly enough in my opinion... Same questions pop up every day in new threads.
  • spamarie wrote: »

    ...speaking of which --

    (...'portion control' taken to an extreme... ;) )


    I make dollhouse miniature food. I always joke it looks tasty AND it's zero calories. I'm so lame. :)

    ...not lame, spamarie -- practically accurate, is all (regarding the looks tasty and is zero calories)... :p

    A: Hi... have you heard about the latest 'fad diet'...?

    B: No... oh, my... what is it *this* time...?

    A: It's called the Dollhouse Miniature Food Diet -- it's actually pretty cool!

    B: What the...?

    A: It's great!... you receive these tiny little meals in the mail (and they're so small that postage is practically nil!)... pop 'em in the microwave (*one* at a time, mind you!), and voila! -- instant 'meal'... :)

    B: How many calories...?

    A: So close to zero as to be practically non-existent!

    B: Well, then... how the h&ll does the body glean requisite nutrition from such...?

    A: Y'see, that's the beauty of it! -- You *also* receive a tiny version of a Harry Potter magic wand, to boot! -- To 'magically' 'anoint' said tiny meals with the nutrition that the body needs! -- and they even send a *magnifying glass*, so that you can *see* the food! It's brilliant!

    B: Yeah... that's one word for it, I guess... (walks away muttering wt%, under B's breath...)

  • Talkradio wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I was a bit of a tomboy my youth, and used to pride myself on my spitting skills.

    It does drive me crazy that my husband (lifelong baseball player) spits everywhere, with little discretion. I hate, hate, hate it when he spits on the sidewalk, or right outside a building entrance.

    I hate when people spit in public. I can sometimes having it be necessary (if you ate a bug, or you are doing a vigorous run or something) but it's gross. The gym I used to go to had an indoor track, and there was one guy who would just spit on the track. So disgusting. If you feel you must spit, at least use one of the garbage cans in each corner.
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Holy crap I go away for the morning and come back to 7 pages! I can't handle it :(

    I'm going camping for the weekend. I doubt I'll ever catch up.

    Also, I'm kinda stressing out over the fact there may be no cell service and I'll lost my log-in streak. I'm at 487 days and I want to make 500, dangit!

    How many days are you going to be gone so I know not to remove you? :) LOL

    I was gonna tell you, OJ, just so you wouldn't! I'll be back Monday.
  • Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    Well that sounds absolutely horrifying. Our front path to the street goes between two hedges and there is always a spider web there first thing in the morning in Autumn (fall) and I completely freak out when I walk through it. But I always forget, so it will happen the next morning. I never learn!

    I have the same problem, my front walkway goes between two trees. I always get caught a couple times each spring, but then I start walking through there with my arm up in front of my face. I might look strange to my neigbours but it's better than having spider webs on my face. They always manage to get it at face level, the jerks.
  • Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession I work in retail & cannot believe how many people send money to countries like Nigeria, Ghana, United Kingdom, etc.

    WHAT? People send US money? Cause as far as I can tell, the UK seems to be propping up the rest of the world with our F**KING taxes. Someone released the list of how much money is donated to what country and I sat there thinking "Well no wonder the NHS is going down the tank, all our money is going to someone else's fracking health care!" Rant over. Have a nice day :smile:

    Nigeria & Ghana would be the biggest ones we have people sending money to that are scams, but I have had a few people sending to the U.K. that you can tell they're being scammed out of money.

    On Sunday I had a man come in & say that 'someone' he apparently knew (he obviously didn't) didn't receive the almost $2,000 he sent them through a wire transfer. I called the company that deals with the transfers & they said the people picked it up which meant the people were probably trying to hustle more money out of him.

    Yea, see rant above. lol I don't know how the scammers live with themselves.

    I don't either. My 84 year old grandmother got scammed out of several thousands of dollars by that "grandparent scam". You know the one where they phone and say "Hi, grandma". And they say, "Is this Ryan?" (for example) and the scammer says "Yes, it's Ryan" and then proceeds to give them some sob story about how they're in trouble in another province and need some cash and please please don't tell the rest of their family.

    Those kinds of scum can all rot in hell.
  • misskarne wrote: »
    My confession is that I loathe the word shoplifting. It's like they're trying to find a cutesy way to say "I'm a rotten little thief", but oh no, we can't call teens thieves, we can't tell them the truth that they're stealing and acting like criminals, we'll dress it up in some cutesy phrase so that subconsciously we teach them their behaviour is okay because they're just teenagers aww how cute!

    I worked in retail for a number of years. Thieves infuriate me, and so many of the teens we busted didn't even care, because they knew they'd get a slap on the wrist (if anything) from the courts/their parents, and they got to go round bragging to all their friends about how cool they were for shoplifting. ARRRRRGH.

    My favorites are the people who steal stuff & then try to return the items to get a gift card or money.

    Years ago we had a guy at Wal-Mart that we caught that was fishing receipts out of the trash right outside the store, then he would come in with a cart, fill it up full of the exact stuff on the receipt and come up to the customer service desk and return it for CASH!

    I'm not creative enough to ever even think of doing this lol.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have also switched barcodes on products to pay a lower price.

    Oh gawd, barcode switchers. This stuff is like fingernails down a blackboard. I hated barcode switchers. And then they'd get really aggressive when you busted them. Like dude, did you really think we wouldn't notice that the giant, $150 tree was only scanning up at $3.99?

    But it's so satisfying busting them at the register:). I've busted countless people switching tags on clothes, putting a cheap sticker on a cell phone (hello people they need to be correctly scanned to be activated at the register), & at the service desk putting the old item in a box & trying to keep the new one (thank god for serial & model numbers).

    I once had a lady even admit to me that she switched the item on something thinking that I would be stupid & scan it at that price. Discreetly I ripped off the bar code & scanned it at the regular price & after she was done ringing out she must've looked at the receipt while walking out & glared at me.

    What made me shake my head a few weeks ago were these two ladies who came in to by shoes for a funeral & they came up to the service desk to ring out since the other lines were busy. A few hours later they both came back to return the shoes since they were 'the wrong size'. Since they had the receipt I just gave them the money back.
  • I've been walking around work with Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be stuck in my head. I hum and sing aloud frequently lol.

    Could be worse. Could be the freakin' narwhals song!

    This makes me ridiculously happy.
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I've only tried the regular Oreos. I love the double stuff kind.

    I love the double stuff golden oreos. I've finished a bag in a day :blush:
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    ythannah wrote: »
    Watermelon Oreo season is almost upon us. This delectable treat is found at Target stores, sorry Canada, even though you're half French, you didn't take to the French Superstore.

    We didn't get half the merchandise found in the US Targets anyway, which is part of the reason the chain bombed here.

    Fortunately I'll be in the US next week and my first stop will likely be a Target, lol. Primarily for white chocolate M&Ms but now I'll be checking the cookie aisle too. (I would have anyway, for exotic Pop Tart varieties, lol)

    I didn't set foot in a Target until Dec 2014, thought they had some neat stuff, then found out they were leaving Canada a couple weeks later lol.

    I'm going to be in Arizona in June, I'm going to make sure a Target is one of my first stops :)