
  • Talkradio wrote: »
    On the topic of bugs... I'm not exceptionally squeamish about bugs, but centipedes freak me the heck out. Many years ago, I was taking a shower at my parent's house (centipede central), and I thought there was a centipede on my leg. I thrashed around and fell out of the shower through the curtain.

    Turns out, it was just a tangle of hair :(

    That made me LOL.
  • When I was younger & my step dad first started to see my mom, a baby snake somehow got in their bed in our old apartment. I remember her telling us the next morning that he had felt something on his back & he flipped on the switch to find the baby snake in the bed. I don't think I would have been able to fall asleep ever again.


    I think I'd have to move.
  • Some part of me feels that since I have cancer this dieting is all worthless and just making me unhappy.

    I'm so sorry.
    81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.

    That's the golden rule on ALL message boards apparently... you shall not use the search function. Because clearly it's faster to wait for people to answer your thread than doing a search for the dozens of threads about cleanses or cheat days or Quest bars...
    ythannah wrote: »
    Watermelon Oreo season is almost upon us. This delectable treat is found at Target stores, sorry Canada, even though you're half French, you didn't take to the French Superstore.

    We didn't get half the merchandise found in the US Targets anyway, which is part of the reason the chain bombed here.

    Fortunately I'll be in the US next week and my first stop will likely be a Target, lol. Primarily for white chocolate M&Ms but now I'll be checking the cookie aisle too. (I would have anyway, for exotic Pop Tart varieties, lol)

    I like the Cotton Candy oreos. My kids destroyed the box in less than a week. I only had 3. Sad. The white chocolate M&Ms are delicious though, but I only tried the egg ones around Easter, to be honest.
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Why did I read the Oreo thread? Now I just want to stab them all.

    The posters or the oreos?

    Watermelon Oreo season is almost upon us. This delectable treat is found at Target stores, sorry Canada, even though you're half French, you didn't take to the French Superstore.

    After Watermelon Oreo season comes Candy Corn Oreo Season.

    It's going to be a sweet summer and fall :)

    Don't forget Winter & the White Fudge Oreos *drools*

    Did you try the Cotton Candy Oreos? They tasted better than I thought they would. I saw Wal-Mart has the Cookie Dough Oreos exclusively, but they tasted more like coffee than Cookie Dough.

    It's almost 10 & I've have already ate most of my calories.

    Had a White Chocolate Raspberry Quest bar, two string cheeses, Quaker Protein Cranberry Almond Oatmeal with Blue Diamond Coconut Almonds, a pack of Nonnis Thin Coconut Thins, two Quaker Chocolate Rice cakes with 0.5 servings of Sweet & Salty Peanuts & a half serving of each MaraNatha Maple Butter with Molasses & a half serving of White Chocolate wonderful. The last thing I ate was two servings of Dannon Plain yogurt with two tablespoons of Hershey's Unsweetened Powder, & a half serving of Imitation Butter Extract.

    That was me last week, although I had more whole foods, but still. Damn PMS.
  • I'm in the midst of this annoying plateau that won't piss off, I'm contemplating the many different "detoxes" to try and get things moving again. Teatox anyone? Lol
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! It was a fabulous day, and a terrific cheeseburger AND my boyfriend surprised me at dinner (he was supposed to be across the country! Just showed up and squeezed my shoulder.. my family was in on it :o:) )

    So, I got to log a bit of "exercise"... as "dancing", last night... twice... and this morning... ;) which helped with the planned overage of calories from yesterday...

    AND he brought me a sack of HUGE California avocados! So happy!! Great birthday o:)

    Also - pre-logged my anticipated vodka consumption for this evening... because this party don't stop. (Off tomorrow, and going to a concert to dance my pants off... wooOO!!!!)

    (Consolidated posts haha)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
  • Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed

    I don't weigh my food, I usually try to get very close to portions sizes by sight or counting small things, etc, but I do not have a scale. I have lost 66 lbs since August, so I'm ok with how I am doing it. I was formerly a baker and I am pretty good at eyeball measurements from all the experience I had with baking and measuring ingredients.
  • misskarne wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have also switched barcodes on products to pay a lower price.

    Oh gawd, barcode switchers. This stuff is like fingernails down a blackboard. I hated barcode switchers. And then they'd get really aggressive when you busted them. Like dude, did you really think we wouldn't notice that the giant, $150 tree was only scanning up at $3.99?

    You can't be that obvious with it- you are only asking to get caught. Once it was for a roasting pan. The label had fallen off so I grabbed the label for the smaller size and went through the self checkout.

    Another time was for a bra. The bras were the same style and size but one was $5 more because it had more design and lace.

    Then there was a time we bought an outdoor fire chimney. The bay where they were all kept was so disorganized and product was in the wrong spot. The one we wanted was $169 so we grabbed the $99 sticker off a different one and went through the regular checkout. Of course it came up at $169 but we argued with the clerk and the manager that the price was $99. The didn't believe us so we took the manager to the bay where they were located and explained that we had no idea what the right price was for which item because all the product was in the wrong spot and the sticker on the box said $99. We got it for $99.

    This is supposed to be a non-judgemental thread, so I am just going to have to sit on my fingers about this one.

    Let me put it another way to you: I have been the person you have treated like they were stupid. It's not nice, especially when I KNOW you're deliberately trying to rip us off.

    I have to add, I have worked retail for 17+ years and do not understand why you are taking this personally......

    Seriously. It's like THEY are stealing directly from HER. Buuut I am not judging so whatev.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I regained all 25kg I had lost - and then a few more. It only took me a year to gain it back. Now I am working on losing it again (7kg down, 24 to go)
    Ohh, I've done that too. Not quite as much (nearly 40lbs) but I gained it really, shockingly, upsettingly quickly.
    Good for us for getting back to it!

    I gained about 45lb from June-March while travelling with work, basically everything I'd lost at the start of the year. Finally back losing again, about 7lb off.

    I thought I was super strong on my first couple of sets of squats today. Then I realised the plates were in lbs not kg!!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    ythannah wrote: »
    Watermelon Oreo season is almost upon us. This delectable treat is found at Target stores, sorry Canada, even though you're half French, you didn't take to the French Superstore.

    We didn't get half the merchandise found in the US Targets anyway, which is part of the reason the chain bombed here.

    Fortunately I'll be in the US next week and my first stop will likely be a Target, lol. Primarily for white chocolate M&Ms but now I'll be checking the cookie aisle too. (I would have anyway, for exotic Pop Tart varieties, lol)

    Check their seasonal aisle as well, they're usually stocked there first at my local store.
  • FroggyBug wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    cranor130 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.

    I'm the same way with my arms. I'm so self conscious about them that I always wear long
    sleeves. My hoodie is my security blanket and I wear it even in the summer. I roast but I just hate having people see my arms.

    I like the bubble tea too. To me it taste like gummy candies. I usually get a strawberry banana boba.

    Don't roast my friends.
    I do not like my "wing span", and it was hard to not cover up at first. A few years back, I decided this is me, I don't care what people think, and I have been "hanging out" ever since. HAPPY BARE ARMS TO ALL! Laura

    Not to criticize or be the grammar police, but without the comma I had to read this a couple times to see what you meant! Pretty funny without the comma.

    I didn't even notice that. It is funny. I do appreciate what they meant to say though.

    Me too! I didn't mean to discredit the post and I hope I did not offend the poster. They had a nice message.
  • I thought I was super strong on my first couple of sets of squats today. Then I realised the plates were in lbs not kg!!

    I did that the other day... thought my reps were going amazingly "this weight is too easy" well... then realized I'd put 5 lbs too little on the bar. This is what I get for working out at 6 AM, apparently not fully awake.
    Check their seasonal aisle as well, they're usually stocked there first at my local store.

    Yeah. Thanks. I think. :p

    My SO will find them even if I don't, he has an even worse sweet tooth than I do. While I'm standing there dithering over whether to buy two or three family size bags of M&Ms, he'll wander off in search of other goodies.
  • ythannah wrote: »
    All these shoplifting confessions reminded me that I stole money from my parents a few times, just a random $20 here and there from the cash they kept in a drawer. That was one of the benefits of alcoholic parents, they could never rely on their memory. God only knows what I wanted the money for, I always had part-time jobs.

    I also stole money from one of my employers as a teenager. By then I had left home and was supporting myself so I was also dirt poor most of the time... but could I have saved some money by giving up smoking? Noooo... I opted to steal instead. At least it never amounted to much, probably about $100 in total. But I am incredibly ashamed of that behaviour and the guilt has weighed on me for over 30 years.

    But you officially just confessed to it, so the weight and the guilt should be gone now, I hope!
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    All these shoplifting confessions reminded me that I stole money from my parents a few times, just a random $20 here and there from the cash they kept in a drawer. That was one of the benefits of alcoholic parents, they could never rely on their memory. God only knows what I wanted the money for, I always had part-time jobs.

    I also stole money from one of my employers as a teenager. By then I had left home and was supporting myself so I was also dirt poor most of the time... but could I have saved some money by giving up smoking? Noooo... I opted to steal instead. At least it never amounted to much, probably about $100 in total. But I am incredibly ashamed of that behaviour and the guilt has weighed on me for over 30 years.

    But you officially just confessed to it, so the weight and the guilt should be gone now, I hope!

    Surprisingly, it does feel a bit better. It'll probably never be completely gone.

    To give you an example, I still feel guilty about stealing (well, borrowing and forgetting to return) a couple of magazines from the school library when I was 8 YEARS OLD.
  • Russandol wrote: »
    I was so flippant about my food baby/gain after that giant May Day brunch, thinking it'd go away in a few days. It hasn't. I'm STILL gaining, despite going back to normal (even more restricted than normal) eating. I'm up almost another pound in five days and it's doing my head in because I tend to let what I weigh in the morning dictate how I feel for the rest of the day. I've been angry at myself for a week now. (That on top of the work stress I'm buckling under is not helping. *sigh*)

    Not worth it! Toss the scale or put it away for a while. Rely on measurements and how you feel in your clothes. That silly # on the scale should not dictate your day. Sorry about the work stress.
  • The other night I had a large bag of Combos and 2 Heath bars for dinner. Even worse? I actually threw the trash out the window while I was driving because I was too ashamed to throw it away at home and didn't want to stop to throw it out.
  • bkhamill wrote: »
    Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed

    I don't weigh my food, I usually try to get very close to portions sizes by sight or counting small things, etc, but I do not have a scale. I have lost 66 lbs since August, so I'm ok with how I am doing it. I was formerly a baker and I am pretty good at eyeball measurements from all the experience I had with baking and measuring ingredients.

    Some people are better than others at the old eyeball test. I'm getting better. But a lot of overweight/obese people got to be that way for a reason. They have no clue about portion size. I'm envious of people who can. If what you are doing is working, stick with it. The only reason I think people get a little uptight on this site is when a thread opens up and says "I can't lose weight" or "I'm stalling, what's the problem?" and they don't weigh or measure their food and/or don't exercise, or say they exercise "enough". Weighing is still going to give more accurate results. But, there's no right or wrong answer for weight loss. It's whatever is healthy and sustainable for each individual.
  • Are we confessing about weight loss stuff? If so....I kind of don't want to lose the weight because I like how big my boobs were getting.

    If it's a free for all then... I steal from the grocrey store, often. Usually make-up and razors because that *kitten* is so unnecessarily expensive, I feel good about it, like I didn't let myself get taken by their ridiculous over inflation.
  • Confession: I haven't been sleeping well lately. I am assuming this is due to my lack of exercise and stress at work. On Tuesday I couldn't sleep and it was day 10 of my Amish bread mixture fermenting. So I was up at 4:30 making Amish Bread muffins. I still made it to work by 7. This morning it is just past 3:30 a.m. and I am wide awake and catching up on this thread. I can count on one hand how many times I have had exercise in the past two weeks and I am very irritable about it. also TOM came with a vengeance and I have been stabby to everyone for two weeks now. I wish my office was open this early so I could get some stuff done without the phone always ringing.

    2. Some days I wish I had more of a warehouse job so I could get my exercise in by just going to work. Also, so I wouldn't really have to think.

    I think this way, too at times. Of course, I remind myself that a more physical job is harder to keep as you get older, so I stay where I am at my desk. But, ages ago when my kids were babies I cleaned houses 4 days a week and was a part-time nanny for a couple with 2 small children. I never had to work out separately. All that housework kept me more than active and in shape. Now I barely clean my own house and spend time working out instead. Sometimes I think I'm doing it backwards.