
  • ythannah wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »

    ...speaking of which --

    (...'portion control' taken to an extreme... ;) )


    I make dollhouse miniature food. I always joke it looks tasty AND it's zero calories. I'm so lame. :)

    Miniatures fascinate me. I used to collect them in my younger days.

    Upon further reflection, that probably should be something I pursue again... they would take up far less space than the stuff I currently accumulate!

    It's not a difficult thing to get into. I use polymer clay which cures in any normal oven. It takes practice, but you can end up with some cool stuff. I don't know how to put an image in this thread and I'm wary of posting links of stuff I've made in case it breaks some terms of use (I sell my miniatures). Seriously though, great hobby because your hands are busy and you cannot graze on real food while you're making stuff!
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    Why did I read the Oreo thread? Now I just want to stab them all.

    The posters or the oreos?

    Watermelon Oreo season is almost upon us. This delectable treat is found at Target stores, sorry Canada, even though you're half French, you didn't take to the French Superstore.

    After Watermelon Oreo season comes Candy Corn Oreo Season.

    It's going to be a sweet summer and fall :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I need clarification on the "bags". Are they the little bags of the mini Oreos, or is she talking the legit packages of regular sized Oreos?
  • bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BTW does DH mean Dear Husband?

    Yes, and it's overused and I'm a little tired of it! DH, DD (daughter), DS (son) get the idea.

    I always read it as Dam* Husband, lol!

    From now on that's how I'll read it!!! Thanks!
  • I need clarification on the "bags". Are they the little bags of the mini Oreos, or is she talking the legit packages of regular sized Oreos?

    I think she's talking full-sized packages...
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.
  • Some part of me feels that since I have cancer this dieting is all worthless and just making me unhappy.

    I'm sorry you are going through this.
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.

    Agreed. I wouldn't ask a 'help me' question here. No way! Other than my hard boiled egg question I asked on this thread. lol
    I agree about searching first. Search the millions of "why am I not loosing" threads. 99% of the answers are the same.
  • Some part of me feels that since I have cancer this dieting is all worthless and just making me unhappy.

    I'm so sorry! ((((BIG hug))))
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.

    Agreed. I wouldn't ask a 'help me' question here. No way! Other than my hard boiled egg question I asked on this thread. lol
    I agree about searching first. Search the millions of "why am I not loosing" threads. 99% of the answers are the same.

    This. All day.
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    I feel bad for them and I find it strange. I've had doctors who've given me outright terrible advice and have no idea what they're talking about, but come on this site and some people expect you to know more than the doctors who've told me to do the cabbage soup diet or not to eat any fat because that makes you fat.
  • I've been walking around work with Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be stuck in my head. I hum and sing aloud frequently lol.
  • festerw wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    Yikes. The stinkbug in the shower this morning doesn't seem half as bad anymore.

    I kept finding those little b@!$4!&$ in my hotel room in VA. Then just after I got home I found one in my house. I looked it up online to find it was a stink bug and found an article about how they haven't made it to the UK but there are fears about the effect on farming if they do. Must have snuck over in my suitcase. I was worried I was going to cause some kind of ecological disaster. I caught it and flushed it down the loo. Didn't find anymore, so hopefully was just a solo hitchhiker.

    And daddy long legs/crane flies are totally harmless aren't they? They don't bother me, just kind of hover around. Moths are what I really hate.

    I was going to say, I have NO IDEA what these are and I hope to keep it that way! So what are Horse Flies? Because they bite and I thought they were crane flies, so now I'm confused.

    Horse flies look like a regular house fly only about twice the size, still prefer those over deer flies though those little *kitten* can all die in a volcano.

    OMG, deer flies. Even though the gnat swarms that are out and about now are terrible, the deer flies are effing awful. Ah, the spring and summer time joys of living next to a wetland basin.

    I live in the southern US and we have Palmetto bugs. Google it! Think big roach...that can fly!
  • Confession: I stayed up way later than I should have finishing a book last night...but still got up at 5 to go to the gym, so at least there's that.

    Taking a few days off from the gym while I was away definitely did me some good. Felt stronger lifting today!
  • I've been walking around work with Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be stuck in my head. I hum and sing aloud frequently lol.

    Could be worse. Could be the freakin' narwhals song!
  • Palmetto bugs are massive. Like they're bulked up on steroids. :flushed:
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

    I feel bad for some of them too, especially when it's someone that is new to the site. Some people just don't have the health/weight loss knowledge and are looking for real advice and people attack them...and then there are the idiots, so ya know.

    Yeah. but my take on it is this. I did A LOT of reading on this site before I began contributing to the threads. I still haven't started a thread. People should learn the site, and the SEARCH FUNCTION, before posting about how they are going to do a cleanse for a jump start of their metabolism.

    And I totally agree, but we are rational people and think before we do things. Some people, unfortunately and I say this in totally nonjudgmental, just aren't that smart or sane.
  • I just ate Dark Chocolate Kit kats for the first time........and they are awesome!
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    Palmetto bugs are massive. Like they're bulked up on steroids. :flushed:

    Are those tree roaches?

    One the subject of bugs what about the 17 year cicadas? The first year I lived in the states, they came out and were everywhere. It was disgusting.