
  • Ever since joining this site, I've stopped looking forward to social gatherings where I can't get an inside scoop on the nutritional information of the food. We're having a Mother's Day lunch on Saturday at a local restaurant and I'm kind of miserable about it. The food looks good, but I don't know what to order. :disappointed: It doesn't help that we're going to a banquet for dinner that night, too. :weary:
  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....
    That's horrible! But I can totally relate.

    Had something similar happen (to a much lesser degree!) when I was 16 and had to have emergency surgery... as in, saw the doctor at 4 PM and surgery booked for 11 PM that night... my parents brought me to the hospital, provided the insurance info, and left. They told the nurse to call and let them know how my surgery turned out. Their excuse was "We have to get up for work in the morning" but it was really all about not missing any drinking that evening.

    I was sexually assaulted by an older male coworker when I was 17 and didn't tell my parents, for fear of hearing negative and unsupportive comments.

    I can relate to that because my mother did that to me! I was about 13 and was vomiting all day and in a lot of pain. A friend had slept over the night before, and by morning when she was leaving I headed over to the ER. My mother checked me in, and then left. I spent hours and hours in an ER room, puking my brains out and passing out over and over. The surgeon said I needed my appendix out, but they could not find my parents to sign the surgery consent. This was the mid 80's so before cell phones etc. My friend that had slept over stopped in with her mom that evening because they had been calling the house and could not get anyone so they came to the ER to see if I was still there. I vaguely remember seeing them between passing out. My friend's mother lost her mind when she realized I was there alone and that they hospital could not find my parents. She actually went out and hunted them down on her own. They were out at a restaurant having dinner. My father had come home from work, and my mother did not even tell him I was at the hospital or anything. I remember the DR reaming her out, and her excuse was that she was diabetic and needed dinner. REALLY? Grab a sandwich, wtf. Not only that, but she was gone for hours and hours before that.

    Because they had to wait so long, my appendix burst while they were taking it out, I ended up in hospital for three weeks with a nasty infection and my scar is HUGE! My mother was a complete asshat. That is one of the lesser things she did to me......

    My mom is cut from the same cloth. I won't add to the sad stories here. I figured it out pretty early and I wanted to move out by age 9.

    I have very firm boundaries with her and I work very hard to be there for my kids and I still worry that I am not doing it right but there is a lot of love, support, and communication.

    I never left my son alone with my mother....literally not for a single moment, I did not trust her as far as I could throw her....I moved out at 14 years old because I could not stand it anymore. She seemed to get worse as she got older. I am sorry you also went through the experience of a crazy mother. She did something truly horrid to me about a year before she died, it is a rather long story because it was very well thought out and plotted on her part, so I will not bore you all with it, but it was something most people would not do to their worst enemy. She has been dead about 12 years now, and it has been the most peaceful 12 years of my life.....

    I am intrigued but also understand the reluctance in sharing....

    To be honest, I am not really reluctant, besides the fact that it is a really long story and I would hate to type it out if nobody is going to read it, but I have told many people about it, esp those that I met after my mother died to explain how truly insane she was.......
  • ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I was a bit of a tomboy my youth, and used to pride myself on my spitting skills.

    It does drive me crazy that my husband (lifelong baseball player) spits everywhere, with little discretion. I hate, hate, hate it when he spits on the sidewalk, or right outside a building entrance.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015

    I feel the need for a real confession today. - I used to shoplift in high school. A LOT. I had a shoplifting partner and we would go together and keep an eye out for the other. I lifted everything, bikinis, movies (VHS, that's how old I am), clothes, makeup, purses, whatever. We got chased out of the mall by security once. We ran through the back hallways where the public isn't supposed to go and exited out some little side door. I never got caught. My partner did, later, after she moved to another state and got put in jail and charged with a felony. - Irony...I've been a cop for over 18 years now. But I can spot a shoplifter in a heartbeat LOL[/quote]

    I was a pretty intense shoplifter too.....literally half the stuff in my bedroom was stolen when I was young....and I was bold too, I would walk into a place, talk to the staff, steal a purse and fill it up with other stolen things. I would also go in with a plan at times....oh I need a new bathing suit etc. I would shoplift with friend with me and walk out with a ton of stuff, even some stuff they were looking at, and they would have no idea until we left.

    I had really bad morals as a kid/teen because of my home life. I made sure my kids were different.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    These last few days of being sad have been pretty revealing about my unhealthy relationship with food... I just want to eat until I don't feel anything but full. The lifelong habit of medicating with food is lurking around me. I didn't log the last couple of days, and I know I probably ate over maintenance, but I'm happy that I managed to avoid sitting on the couch and eating bags (plural...) of chips and cookies.

    Back on track today. Even if everything else is haywire, I am going to be kind to myself and not eat until I feel sick.

    This is something I am currently going through myself. My MIL is very ill and it looks like they may not be able to do anything for her. I am close to her as I lost my own mom when I was 26. So I am somewhat self medicating with food and trying to stop myself from doing that at the same time. I didn't log at all yesterday, but I am trying to do better today and deal with the emotions another.

    I am struggling with this myself over my horse. While that may not seem as sad and traumatic as a human this guy is the love of my life. I am just grateful I can spend some quality time with him in the last few weeks of his life. I am grazing him right now. But when I leave I will want to eat and drink to fill the sad places. Some days I resist. And some I don't then have that guilt and disgust with myself to deal with too. But I think we have to forgive ourselves and just keep moving forward. I do believe in the phrase that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

    Thanks @pofoster21, I understand how you feel about your big guy. I recently lost my youngest mastiff too. He was five years old. Our babies in their own way.

    I tear up just thinking that my cat turned 14 and probably doesn't have many years left. She's a pain in the butt but she's been with me since my divorce, and moved to the US with me. I've known her longer than my husband! And she's totally MY cat, always following me, waiting for me to go to bed etc. So yeah, I totally get it.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tomorrow I will be in training all day. This makes me sad for 3 reasons.

    1. I have no idea what we'll be served for lunch so I can't log it accurately.
    2. I won't be able to be on here at all.
    3. Since I do my HIIT at my office, I'll be missing tomorrow's workout.

    I am, however, looking forward to being out of the office for the day and getting paid for it, also...FREE LUNCH!!! B)

    Cute Avatar

    Thanks! It is pretty much my personality. I DON'T SHARE CAKE!

    Except with me, cuz we're zombie killin' partners... :D

    I feel the need for a real confession today. - I used to shoplift in high school. A LOT. I had a shoplifting partner and we would go together and keep an eye out for the other. I lifted everything, bikinis, movies (VHS, that's how old I am), clothes, makeup, purses, whatever. We got chased out of the mall by security once. We ran through the back hallways where the public isn't supposed to go and exited out some little side door. I never got caught. My partner did, later, after she moved to another state and got put in jail and charged with a felony. - Irony...I've been a cop for over 18 years now. But I can spot a shoplifter in a heartbeat LOL

    Ok this is totally awesome. Living proof that people change!
    Kalici wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Today I had some delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream after stopping in a bookstore. I didn't find the book I was looking for (Ancillary Sword), so I ended up going home and placing an online order for three books. Can't wait to check em out!

    ALSO, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! All of my grades have come in, except for one I was never worried about, and I am officially graduating University!! Now I can hopefully get my butt in gear and focus more on this! So relieved.

    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I will use the same k-cup 2-3 times. lol

    Worst confession I've read here, ewwwwwww. I loathe weak coffee...I'm the one who likes the cup from the bottom of the french press that's practically strong enough to stand up on its own.

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I am such a wuss with hot foods/drinks so sometimes if I want to drink my tea sooner I will add in an ice cube or two. Otherwise I have to wait like 15 minutes to be able to sip it.
    I love my coffee (tea, too, but to a lesser extent) to be piping hot. The second it cools down, gets lukewarm, it almost disgusts me. I can't bring myself to finish it sometimes. At least the kcups I use. The thing is, I like iced coffee a lot.

    I love hot food. But now it's sounding a lot less appetizing in the summery heat we've been getting.

    I have a very sensitive mouth. Just last week I had strips of skin falling off because I burned it yet again with a piece of pizza... I often just end up dropping an ice cube in my coffee when I order some somewhere, lol.

    Stressful morning today and I just gave up on making the kids school lunches. Got my husband to do it. So sick of never knowing what to make for my daughter and I know she won't eat it anyway. Gosh.

    And I have absolutely no idea what *I* want for lunch, so I guess I'm a bit of an hypocrite.

    Holy crap, I hope your mouth is okay now.

    You'd be surprised how fast mouth wounds heal. I'm used to it by now. I always burn it...

    Oh, wow - she's truly your life companion! I'd be in the same boat you are: always worried, but know it will happen sooner or later. You've given her quite a life though!

    I raised my baby (a cat) from the time I found her starving and abandoned at around 4 weeks old at a nursery I was working at. She was so small that I could hold her in the palm of my hand and she wouldn't dangle off of either side of my hand.

    She thought I was her mother and HATES everyone else--She'll claw and bite and scratch everyone except me. I can pretty much get away with anything with her. Fast forward three years later, when I was getting married and moving to another country...

    ...I paid around 3000 U.S. dollars to bring her from Oman (my birth country) to Saudi Arabia. After paying the huge amount and bringing her, we found out that my husband is horribly allergic to cats. He almost literally becomes comatose around them--he can't function at all from the crazy-bad reaction he gets. I cried so much about having to give her up for adoption at that point--and instead of agreeing to giving her up for adoption, he offered to let me pay ANOTHER 2000+ USD just so I could send her back to my sister, so I wouldn't have to give her up.

    In other news, I have a seriously awesome husband. ;) I still miss my baby, though. :'(

    That just broke my heart!
  • 81Katz wrote: »
    I try not to think about my pets passing away. But that 'denial' made the death of my dog hit me like a ton of bricks and it still upsets me when I think about it.
    Pets ARE like children. I love mine so much it's ridiculous. ;)

    I totally feel this way too. I have a degu and their life expectancy is about 7 years and he is almost 6. I get upset just thinking about him dying. He has been sick a few times where I have to stay home and force feed him etc and the idea of that happening and him not making it breaks my heart. I have a kitten that is almost a year old now. We found her abandoned outside nearly starved to death at 5 weeks old, and as crazy as it sounds, one of the 'cons' when we were deciding to keep her or not was her getting old and dying. It is just SO HEARTBREAKING!
  • @81Katz But I bet they get toys and things to occupy their time just like children.

    Lord knows I am getting overtime monies and it will take ALL my willpower to buy ONLY ferret food/supplements and to NOT TOUCH the tubes, mini ball pits, hammocks, and other ferrety enrichment items on my trip to the store...

    Ha! I hear ya! My son actually gets mad at me because I buy both my fur babies SO MUCH extra stuff......but they need stuff too!!

    How are ferrets? Do they sit with you or anything? I hear they can smell really bad, is that true?
  • God, before my childhood cat passed, I would sometimes worry myself out of a good night's sleep thinking about the inevitable.
  • All these shoplifting confessions reminded me that I stole money from my parents a few times, just a random $20 here and there from the cash they kept in a drawer. That was one of the benefits of alcoholic parents, they could never rely on their memory. God only knows what I wanted the money for, I always had part-time jobs.

    I also stole money from one of my employers as a teenager. By then I had left home and was supporting myself so I was also dirt poor most of the time... but could I have saved some money by giving up smoking? Noooo... I opted to steal instead. At least it never amounted to much, probably about $100 in total. But I am incredibly ashamed of that behaviour and the guilt has weighed on me for over 30 years.
  • My confession is that I loathe the word shoplifting. It's like they're trying to find a cutesy way to say "I'm a rotten little thief", but oh no, we can't call teens thieves, we can't tell them the truth that they're stealing and acting like criminals, we'll dress it up in some cutesy phrase so that subconsciously we teach them their behaviour is okay because they're just teenagers aww how cute!

    I worked in retail for a number of years. Thieves infuriate me, and so many of the teens we busted didn't even care, because they knew they'd get a slap on the wrist (if anything) from the courts/their parents, and they got to go round bragging to all their friends about how cool they were for shoplifting. ARRRRRGH.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    Well. I bought 7 pints of Talenti gelato and um, probably $100 worth of Lindt chocolates when they were on sale. I guess it's not normal either...

    Buying in bulk is okay. Eating in bulk is not. On that thread the OP said those 4 bags of Oreos would be gone in a week. Yeah. That's a bit excessive.

    I was thinking just that.....I shop sale cycles so when something is on sale, I buy enough to last to when it is supposed to go on sale if my son wanted oreos (I think they are gross), and they were on for under $2, I would buy him four bags perhaps, but that would be to last him until the next sale cycle several weeks or a couple months away......
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I laugh because I don't have to send my 'kids' to college or buy them a car. ;)

    In the meantime they're free labor, though. Even better, when they're really little, they think folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher is actually fun :p

    I haven't cleaned a bathroom or ran the vacuum in 15 years (the oldest is 31) my two youngest are 15 and 16. I am going to miss them when they move out in a couple of years. I will have to pay for a cleaning service. The older children's SOs rave about their cooking and house keeping abilities. I told the kids when I was raising them, I was teaching them life skills. I lied, I just taught them to do the jobs I didn't like. ;)

    Nice! I finally have a kid old enough to wash the dishes and it is amazing. I teach all my kids to put away their own dresser laundry (socks, underwear, pajamas), starting when they are about 3.Sure, it's not perfectly done, but who cares? It's just socks and pajamas. They can totally do it.

    I tell my kids to put away their clothes too. Typically it ends up in piles on the floor. Seriously, I swear I'm the only one in this house who actually puts things away and cleans up after herself and it's driving me INSANE. They just drop crap all over the house all the time and NEVER pick it up. My house is a disaster zone but I just can't spend my whole days picking up after the kids, the husband, and the dog. Just can't, or I'd go crazy. Trying to let it go... but we almost have nobody over either because I'm so ashamed, being a stay at home mom and all... it's supposed to be my job, but I just lose it, seriously. They can trash the house in just 10 minutes.

    That is SO annoying! Just because you don't work outside the home does not mean you are the full time maid! How old are your kids? Sometimes the only way they learn is by consequences. Dirty clothes on the floor and not in the laundry basket? No clean clothes for you. Same thing for hubby.

    Maybe not allow them to watch TV or play or whatever until they spend 10 min. each cleaning up clutter and putting thing away? IDK but I hope you find something that works!

    They're 7, and twins. I don't let them watch tv or play games on their tablet until they clean up this or that... but it doesn't matter. They don't even care, they find something else to do, and more messes to make. It's a losing battle, honestly, and my husband doesn't really help, unless we're having guests over, thankfully, then he'll help them clean... like 3 hours before people come over. I seriously flip out every time. Last time I just left the house and went to the gym because I was just losing it.

    We're cleaning this week end before doing anything...

    Bed and computer warfare (whichever is more irritating for them). If my husband goes on a long enough stretch of expecting maid service, I gather up all his stray crap from around the house and dump it on his computer desk and chair. For my son, it's in his bed, so he can't sleep until he deals with it. He also has a rule that if his room is not clean by bed Friday night, he's grounded from the time he gets up until it's clean, so if he does dump it all on the floor, it can't be for more than a few days.

    I like that.

    When I was a SAHM and my kids were little and at home , my partner and I shared the cleaning. But when the youngest started school I did consider it my job to clean the house. The kids were in school 7 hours a day, which meant I had the luxury of approx 35 hours per week to do pretty much what I liked (which is not a luxury I have now I work). I guess I though a few hours cleaning out of all those free hours was a small price to pay? But I don't think that anyone looking after a baby or preschooler should feel that cleaning the house is their job.

    Yeah I kinda agree, but at the same time... there's a limit, I think. Like... hubby makes pop corn at night, leaves his dirty bowl and the popcorn maker on the kitchen counter. When he cooks he insists on using the cutting board (I just use a plate that I can put in the dishwasher after), but he'll never clean it up and just leave it there, even if he cut raw meat on it... If he uses the foreman grill he never cleans it after... Or I make dinner for when he gets home, and he won't even clear the table after he's done. There's a fine line between being a SAHM and a maid, for me. Frankly my job is much easier when he's away for work for a week. Plus this way I know he won't take the kids out for a bike ride when the house is a mess or something... It's exhausting to be the only one trying to enforce the 'cleaning before fun' thing..

    Ok I don't want it to turn into a rant, I do recognize that I should be more on top of it and that I'm way too passive-aggressive about it but sometimes I'm just sick of doing it alone...

    You must be a saint, that would drive me mad!
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    AAAAAAACK! BUGSSSSSS! (frantically runs from thread) Please tell me when it's safe to come back. The bug on the eyeball just about did me in.

    Come get me when it stops too, I am gonna go hide!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I really screwed up quotes on a post I was about to make on my phone and am too lazy to go back and find them. So... re: shoplifting:

    Guilty as well. I was a cashier in high school and when people would give me things the didn't want I would place them under the counter until the clerks would retrieve them and take them back to the appropriate department. Occasionally, these items such as nail polish and make up, would end up in my shoe or apron pocket. I am also guilty of taking advantage of the self checkouts. I would scan two items at once so the scanner only scans item but both items end up in the bag. I have also switched barcodes on products to pay a lower price.

    As for movies - can quote Dirty Dancing from beginning to end.

    This thread was really busy today. It is taking me longer than usual to catch up.

    edited for spelling.
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    It's a very weird morning up here. Woke up to a snowstorm and a completely different government after over 40 years of the same party in power. Strange days, people.

    The snow today sucks. I wore flip flops & capris yesterday, winter boots & jacket today. Good ol' Alberta :smiley:

    my tulips look so depressed buried beneath the snow. Last year I thought it was crazy that the last snow fall was April 16th. This year, I hope this one is the last.
  • I have also switched barcodes on products to pay a lower price.

    Oh gawd, barcode switchers. This stuff is like fingernails down a blackboard. I hated barcode switchers. And then they'd get really aggressive when you busted them. Like dude, did you really think we wouldn't notice that the giant, $150 tree was only scanning up at $3.99?
  • misskarne wrote: »
    I have also switched barcodes on products to pay a lower price.

    Oh gawd, barcode switchers. This stuff is like fingernails down a blackboard. I hated barcode switchers. And then they'd get really aggressive when you busted them. Like dude, did you really think we wouldn't notice that the giant, $150 tree was only scanning up at $3.99?

    An ex-boyfriend of mine worked at a K-mart when the Xbox 360 came out. The stock boys would put the system in a 24 pack Pepsi box and have a buddy ring them up... Pretty slick scheme until they got caught :p

  • ythannah wrote: »
    All these shoplifting confessions reminded me that I stole money from my parents a few times, just a random $20 here and there from the cash they kept in a drawer. That was one of the benefits of alcoholic parents, they could never rely on their memory. God only knows what I wanted the money for, I always had part-time jobs.

    I also stole money from one of my employers as a teenager. By then I had left home and was supporting myself so I was also dirt poor most of the time... but could I have saved some money by giving up smoking? Noooo... I opted to steal instead. At least it never amounted to much, probably about $100 in total. But I am incredibly ashamed of that behaviour and the guilt has weighed on me for over 30 years.

    Hey, I hope this confession thread has absolved you of your guilt :)
  • misskarne wrote: »
    I have also switched barcodes on products to pay a lower price.

    Oh gawd, barcode switchers. This stuff is like fingernails down a blackboard. I hated barcode switchers. And then they'd get really aggressive when you busted them. Like dude, did you really think we wouldn't notice that the giant, $150 tree was only scanning up at $3.99?

    You can't be that obvious with it- you are only asking to get caught. Once it was for a roasting pan. The label had fallen off so I grabbed the label for the smaller size and went through the self checkout.

    Another time was for a bra. The bras were the same style and size but one was $5 more because it had more design and lace.

    Then there was a time we bought an outdoor fire chimney. The bay where they were all kept was so disorganized and product was in the wrong spot. The one we wanted was $169 so we grabbed the $99 sticker off a different one and went through the regular checkout. Of course it came up at $169 but we argued with the clerk and the manager that the price was $99. The didn't believe us so we took the manager to the bay where they were located and explained that we had no idea what the right price was for which item because all the product was in the wrong spot and the sticker on the box said $99. We got it for $99.

  • arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.