
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    Yikes. The stinkbug in the shower this morning doesn't seem half as bad anymore.

    I kept finding those little b@!$4!&$ in my hotel room in VA. Then just after I got home I found one in my house. I looked it up online to find it was a stink bug and found an article about how they haven't made it to the UK but there are fears about the effect on farming if they do. Must have snuck over in my suitcase. I was worried I was going to cause some kind of ecological disaster. I caught it and flushed it down the loo. Didn't find anymore, so hopefully was just a solo hitchhiker.

    And daddy long legs/crane flies are totally harmless aren't they? They don't bother me, just kind of hover around. Moths are what I really hate.

    I'd never seen or heard of stink bugs either until I moved to Virginia! Then after three years I move back to Ohio and they're here too!! Stupid bugs...and stupid VA- gorgeous state but I was not a fan of living there.
  • Laurend224 wrote: »
    I can't do any type of jumping jacks or running without my belly smacking the top of my thighs. It's really embarrassing. Going to talk to a surgeon about a panniculectomy. Three kids and yo-yoing between 140 and 252 a few times wrecked my belly.

    DO IT! It was the best thing I've ever done for myself!
  • Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed

    You are not alone. :)
    I do weigh, but not obsessively. I don't check the weights of pre-packaged items, eggs etc either. Often I'll use measuring cups because near enough is good enough. I figure if I stop losing, I'll tighten up the weighing.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Confession - I get excited on days I pee a lot because it means I will have lost weight the next day.[/quote]

    I like to weigh after a big poop!! :blush:
  • ...and I swear, when I read the word "cleanse" -- in the context of non-eating 'eating' ;) -- all I can think is, "diarrhea as a weight loss 'method'... hmmm..." --

    Don't knock it, it works. I was on hardcore antibiotics for two weeks last summer (several days via IV) and lost 5 lbs. I swear I absorbed NOTHING during that time, everything went straight through.

    That tapeworm thing was pretty gross...
  • I just had an amazing heirloom tomato with fresh basil and salt and now I feel like a human who's eaten fairy food and then can't go back to eating human food because it tastes like ash by comparison. I seriously don't know how I'm going to eat anything else today. It was a really, really good tomato, okay?

    Also, it makes me really uncomfortable when straight guys seem interested in me or flirt with me or anything. Not their fault (as long as they're being polite). It's really ironic. Straight guys like Absynthe who likes straight girls. Oh well.
  • ythannah wrote: »
    ...and I swear, when I read the word "cleanse" -- in the context of non-eating 'eating' ;) -- all I can think is, "diarrhea as a weight loss 'method'... hmmm..." --

    Don't knock it, it works. I was on hardcore antibiotics for two weeks last summer (several days via IV) and lost 5 lbs. I swear I absorbed NOTHING during that time, everything went straight through.

    That tapeworm thing was pretty gross...

    Haha I lost 3 pounds from a stomach bug and never gained it back. Tapeworm though... ew.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed

    You are not alone. :)
    I do weigh, but not obsessively. I don't check the weights of pre-packaged items, eggs etc either. Often I'll use measuring cups because near enough is good enough. I figure if I stop losing, I'll tighten up the weighing.

    Yeah I just had a panic attack because I read that thread ( and people were talking about how they were surprised to find that a serving of eggs or nuts isn't the amount of calories they thought it was. Like obviously I know that not every egg is around 70 calories but now I'm feeling the need to weigh every item I put in my mouth or to just give up -_-

    I hate when my brain gets obsessive. I've wanted to quit this site so many times but I'm terrified of gaining weight. Even though it's not like being on this site has stopped me from gaining weight in the past three years lol. #losingmymind
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BTW does DH mean Dear Husband?

    There are so many abbreviated things on this website I have no idea what people mean half the time

    Ditto. I've been wondering about that one for a while figured I'd ask.
  • I over eat & then run to the gym and Burn off 1400 calories. I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I over eat & then run to the gym and Burn off 1400 calories. I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No judgment, but I seriously doubt you are burning off 1400 calories unless you're doing a half-marathon on the treadmill or something. Gym machines, elliptical, treadmills, etc, are notoriously high on their "calories burned' that they show. I don't use their numbers, cuz there is no way I burned 700 calories on the elliptical for 40 minutes.

    Actually mine is accurate, because I am losing weight. It takes about 90 minutes to burn 1400 cal's. I work out REALLY Hard. So Yes my cal's are accurate.

    What device are you using to track your burns?

    None, I use the machines. The equipment is New. I'm on the highest level possible. I also re-check my cals on various websites to make sure its all the same.

    Aren't most of the machines mostly inaccurate? If you have some extra cash you could always buy a cheaper heart rate monitor with a chest strap for when you want to be as accurate as possible.
  • Confession I work in retail & cannot believe how many people send money to countries like Nigeria, Ghana, United Kingdom, etc.
  • Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I ate peanut butter for dinner last night. Straight from the jar. I think I have a problem.

    As long as it's a flavor you like then it's a win-win.

    I was so disappointed in the Skippy Salted Caramel.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    I hit the 35lb pound loss mark today and I am thinking about celebrating with nachos and cheese!

    Great job! Not to be all preachy, but maybe celebrate with something non-food related, too? I mean, enjoy your nachos for sure. Just add in something else so that your mind starts to relate health and weight loss to other good things, too. JMHO.

    I absolutely hear what you are saying :) Maybe a long hot bubble bath or a new book!!

    Do you like to shop at thrift stores/consignment stores? If you do you could always treat yourself to some new to you outfits. Even Ross, Marshalls, & TJMaxx could have some awesome deals on Spring/Summer outfits & have some cheap workout gear.
  • I just had an amazing heirloom tomato with fresh basil and salt and now I feel like a human who's eaten fairy food and then can't go back to eating human food because it tastes like ash by comparison. I seriously don't know how I'm going to eat anything else today. It was a really, really good tomato, okay?

    Also, it makes me really uncomfortable when straight guys seem interested in me or flirt with me or anything. Not their fault (as long as they're being polite). It's really ironic. Straight guys like Absynthe who likes straight girls. Oh well.

    Both those made me laugh. I grew up with parents who garden and they grow good tomatoes. I have never found as good of tomatoes even at a farmer's market.

    I'm a straight girl and I don't like it when men are interested or flirt unless I'm already interested which is very rare.
  • #1: I was craving a sweet treat and squeezed some chocolate sauce into my mouth from the bottle. Several times.
    #2: I bought a lot of chocolate at work for my 3 pm wall and ate 2 squares of my Lindt bar. I kept staring at it. Then I put it in the drawer. And then I kept opening my drawer and staring at it. Then I finally stapled it closed. Now I look at it and then go, oh yeah, can't have any!

    BTW - the chocolate powder... I thought everyone did this!!

    I've mixed my peanut butter & Chocolate casein powder a few times which is not a good idea since I bit into a piece of the powder & thought I broke my tooth.
  • Geek Confession-
    To define my weight loss, I try on old cosplay costumes that I have made. Idris and the Wasp are too big. Barabella is a bit tight and soon I'll be able to fit into Emma Frost. I'd like to fit into Angela some day and my husband is holding on the hope of one day seeing Princess Leia's bikini.

    I have so many already and can't wait to make more.
  • I had a revelation tonight ... While I can't answer the question if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound (I believe yes) it doesn't negate that the tree fell. And while many is you may go WTF this is actually a water shed moment for me. So... On that note goodnight.
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    Well. I bought 7 pints of Talenti gelato and um, probably $100 worth of Lindt chocolates when they were on sale. I guess it's not normal either...

    I had someone at work laugh at me for buying some Jenis pints of ice cream for $12.00 which is pretty pricy, but it's just as much money to go out to eat anymore to a fast food place or to a restaurant in general.
  • I kept waiting to hit 375 days of logging to celebrate...Somehow I forgot that a year has 365 days?! Haha.