
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.

    I was running a couple months ago and having to breath through my mouth due to allergies and I do not know if any of you know what we here in central Texas call a Texas mosquito is, but they are like a HUGE (over an inch long) mosquito - I think they are really called a Crane Fly (google it) or something like that, anyway, one flew in my mouth, I nearly died spitting and gagging on that thing! It was awful! These things are very fragile and I had to spit out each leg and wing separately as it all fell apart in my mouth! Of all the days to forget to take my water bottle on my run!
    We call crane flies Daddy Long Legs! I don't know if it's an English thing, but that's what we grew up calling them.

    But Daddy Long Legs are the gross spiders, they don't fly :wink:

    I didn't know what Crane Flies were called, I just call them giant gross mosquito things.
    Cultural differences! I don't think crane flies bite though? Do they? Aren't they the things that horrible little boys traditionally pull the legs off?

    No, they don't really do anything except bump against the ceiling or door. They're just gross looking. I don't know about the mean boys thing, but it wouldn't surprise me!
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BTW does DH mean Dear Husband?

    Yes, and it's overused and I'm a little tired of it! DH, DD (daughter), DS (son) get the idea.

    It's been around for as long as there have been parenting message boards, not going away any time soon.

    Oh, I know. Just feel like it is overused. Ya know when wives are like, "I caught my DH cheating on me with his friend's wife"...NOT DH at that point!! ;)

    True... then it'd be FH, would it not...? ;)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I do a lot of stepping nude in front of my big bathroom mirror looking for any changes
    I do that too. I also pull my fat bits to the back to see what it would look like if I lost more weight. If I could just use bulldog clips all down my back-side and only be seen from the front, I'd probably be quite happy.

    I do all of this too. I lean back a bit so my stomach looks tauter than it is.

    hahaha, I might actually have visible abs if I clipped myself! Could you imagine being around people and constantly pivoting so they can only see you from the front?
    Hey, it worked for Flat Stanley.

    I just watched the Simpsons' episode where Homer gets gastric bypass (or something), loses a bunch of weight and then has his loose skin all clipped down the back while wooing Marge.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    Well. I bought 7 pints of Talenti gelato and um, probably $100 worth of Lindt chocolates when they were on sale. I guess it's not normal either...
    Are you diabetic and planning to eat them all over the course of the next week..?
    My dad is diabetic and sounds pretty similar to that person's husband, sans weighloss surgery... He downed a package of Pecan Sandies a few nights ago and has made himself sick enough to throw up on Starbucks frapps.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I confess, there are some people that just will not give up on the whole "cleansing" thing and it's a little weird. I don't pretend to know everything about science and physiology, but the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the blood. I'll schedule a colonoscopy in 12 years for my first "cleanse" when I'm 50. I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. And I read an article once someone wrote on the internet. And you can't post anything on the internet unless it's true. At least I think I'm funny sometimes. Carry on.

    LOL ;)

    I know what you mean...

    ...and I swear, when I read the word "cleanse" -- in the context of non-eating 'eating' ;) -- all I can think is, "diarrhea as a weight loss 'method'... hmmm..." -- which then gets the playful side of me thinking a Shakespearean 'version' thereof -- "...dehydration by any other name would 'smell' as 'sweet'..." (!) (OH, NO, IT *WOULDN'T* -- !!!) :p

    One could embark on the "Spoiled Food" 'cleanse'... just leave some dairy-based food products 'out in the sun' for a few hours (!) -- stir, 'swill', and voila! -- instant 'cleanse'...! (and possibly even of a 'bi-directional' nature! (bonus!)) ;)

    OMG... just reading about some of the specifics associated with various fad diets from years past, is certainly 'food for thought' (no pun intended)...

    { }

    There's the "Chew and Spit" diet --
    Fletcherism, as it was called, promoted chewing a mouthful of food until all "goodness" was extracted, then spitting out the fibrous material that was left.

    He was fairly prescriptive in how many times you had to chew different foods. Just one shallot needed to be chewed 700 times.

    It was hugely popular and had some famous followers [...]

    It got to a point where people were timed at dinner parties to make sure they were chewing enough, says Foxcroft.

    "The diet also meant only defecating once every two weeks and it was nearly odourless, described by Fletcher as smelling like 'warm biscuits'," she says.

    "Fletcher carried a sample of his own faeces around with him to illustrate this wonder."


    OMG, OMG, OMG...?!!!

    And then there's that *tapeworm* 'diet' (holy mother of wth...?!) --
    Not for the squeamish, in the early 1900s the tapeworm diet started to be advertised, says Foxcroft. [...]

    Dieters would swallow beef tapeworm cysts, usually in the form of a pill. The theory was that the tapeworms would reach maturity in the intestines and absorb food. This could cause weight loss, along with diarrhoea and vomiting.

    The gruesome world of parasites

    Parasitic organisms use other organisms to extract food
    The process generally harms the host, and may even kill it
    Parasites can live on the surface of the host like blood sucking fleas
    They can also live inside a host like tapeworms

    Watch the lifecycle of a parasite [...]

    Once a person reached their desired weight they then took an anti-parasitic pill which, they hoped, would kill off the tapeworms. The dieter would then have to excrete the tapeworm, which could cause abdominal and rectal complications.

    It was risky in many ways. Not only can a tapeworm grow up to 30 feet (9m) in length, they can also cause many illnesses including headaches, eye problems, meningitis, epilepsy and dementia.


    Oh, *h%ll*, no...!!!

    Those are awful! I think I'll stick with counting calories :wink:
  • Today I had some delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream after stopping in a bookstore. I didn't find the book I was looking for (Ancillary Sword), so I ended up going home and placing an online order for three books. Can't wait to check em out!

    ALSO, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! All of my grades have come in, except for one I was never worried about, and I am officially graduating University!! Now I can hopefully get my butt in gear and focus more on this! So relieved.

    Congratulations! :)
  • I am only eating 4 eggs today so that I can pig out on Chinese food tonight as a social event...
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    I guess there is yet another reason why I will never be a cyclist! Can't do the spider thing, I would have killed myself trying to get it off me!
  • bkhamill wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    I guess there is yet another reason why I will never be a cyclist! Can't do the spider thing, I would have killed myself trying to get it off me!

    I don't know how I completed it. But if I had stopped I probably would've gone right over the handle bars which didn't seem fun either. I guess it might not have been that long a distance, but it seemed like it!

    You can totally be a cyclist, just let someone else lead :wink:
  • Wagman63 wrote: »
    I hate it that I'm a stress eater. Work has been very hectic for the past couple of weeks and I hurt me back and can't go to the gym and walking hurts...I ate a 14 oz bag of cheese balls and I'm now at 141 lbs. Not the way to get to 200.

    I feel your feels. I've been stress eating too. Or trying not to. I'm not sure which is winning. I hope your work gets less hectic.
  • I really honestly feel bad for some of the question askers around here. Whoa, tough crowd.

  • Quiksylver, have you been typing "Giant Cucumber Man" in your browser again? I thought you were going to stop doing that?![/quote]

    Busted.... :#

    Truly, I am trying to think what I last googled. I'm pretty sure it was "Wonder Woman pic." No idea how I ended up with Giant Cucumber Man.[/quote]

    Well, you are a woman (me too) and that ad certainly is making us wonder!
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    cranor130 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.

    I'm the same way with my arms. I'm so self conscious about them that I always wear long
    sleeves. My hoodie is my security blanket and I wear it even in the summer. I roast but I just hate having people see my arms.

    I like the bubble tea too. To me it taste like gummy candies. I usually get a strawberry banana boba.

    Don't roast my friends.
    I do not like my "wing span", and it was hard to not cover up at first. A few years back, I decided this is me, I don't care what people think, and I have been "hanging out" ever since. HAPPY BARE ARMS TO ALL! Laura

    Not to criticize or be the grammar police, but without the comma I had to read this a couple times to see what you meant! Pretty funny without the comma.

    I didn't even notice that. It is funny. I do appreciate what they meant to say though.
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    Yikes. The stinkbug in the shower this morning doesn't seem half as bad anymore.

    I kept finding those little b@!$4!&$ in my hotel room in VA. Then just after I got home I found one in my house. I looked it up online to find it was a stink bug and found an article about how they haven't made it to the UK but there are fears about the effect on farming if they do. Must have snuck over in my suitcase. I was worried I was going to cause some kind of ecological disaster. I caught it and flushed it down the loo. Didn't find anymore, so hopefully was just a solo hitchhiker.

    And daddy long legs/crane flies are totally harmless aren't they? They don't bother me, just kind of hover around. Moths are what I really hate.
  • And daddy long legs/crane flies are totally harmless aren't they? They don't bother me, just kind of hover around. Moths are what I really hate.
    Yup, adult crane flies can't eat and babies eat decaying organic matter.

  • Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.


    I would've just spit out the bug. I am not a delicate spitter.

    I confess, I've swallowed more than a couple of bugs in my lifetime. It's gross, but it's a fact of life when you run outside before sunrise.

    Or biking, especially in a wooded area. Blech. Or they fuse to your eyeball (because you're too stubborn to wear sunglasses).

    I was going down a particularly steep section of single-track trail and had to pass between two trees. I got a spider web across the face - and the spider came with it! It was on my eyelid and I had my eye shut but I could see the shadow of it moving across my eyelid. I couldn't stop where I was and somehow completed the hill with my eyes shut. I couldn't get it off my face fast enough once I hit flat open ground.

    Did I mention I'm scared of spiders?

    Yikes. The stinkbug in the shower this morning doesn't seem half as bad anymore.

    I kept finding those little b@!$4!&$ in my hotel room in VA. Then just after I got home I found one in my house. I looked it up online to find it was a stink bug and found an article about how they haven't made it to the UK but there are fears about the effect on farming if they do. Must have snuck over in my suitcase. I was worried I was going to cause some kind of ecological disaster. I caught it and flushed it down the loo. Didn't find anymore, so hopefully was just a solo hitchhiker.

    And daddy long legs/crane flies are totally harmless aren't they? They don't bother me, just kind of hover around. Moths are what I really hate.

    Haha that's pretty awesome for the bug.
  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    BTW does DH mean Dear Husband?

    There are so many abbreviated things on this website I have no idea what people mean half the time
  • Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed
  • Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed

    You are not alone. :)
  • Reading the random threads on this site makes me feel like I am the only person who doesn't weigh everything they eat but still loses weight when I log. I'm terrified to weigh everything I eat cause I feel like I'll get obsessed

    Nah I didn't at first either, but once I realized I could eat what I wanted in moderation, I needed the scale to make sure my portions were indeed reasonable... plus it was less stressful for me not to have to guess and wonder if I was really under my calories etc. But people got to do what works for them!

    Confession - I get excited on days I pee a lot because it means I will have lost weight the next day.