
  • peleroja wrote: »
    It's a very weird morning up here. Woke up to a snowstorm and a completely different government after over 40 years of the same party in power. Strange days, people.

    The snow today sucks. I wore flip flops & capris yesterday, winter boots & jacket today. Good ol' Alberta :smiley:
  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    BTW does DH mean Dear Husband?

    If you're mad at him, you can pretend it means Dumb Husband. Just a tip. Not a slam at men, people with wives could do the same with DW. Equality, yay!
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    Same *sigh*
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    The hubby has had weight-loss surgery. He obviously had disordered eating issues. That is not going to be fixed by one night of talking. There's a lot more going on in that relationship then we know, I think.
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BTW does DH mean Dear Husband?

    Yes, and it's overused and I'm a little tired of it! DH, DD (daughter), DS (son) get the idea.

    It's been around for as long as there have been parenting message boards, not going away any time soon.

    Oh, I know. Just feel like it is overused. Ya know when wives are like, "I caught my DH cheating on me with his friend's wife"...NOT DH at that point!! ;)
  • I confess, there are some people that just will not give up on the whole "cleansing" thing and it's a little weird. I don't pretend to know everything about science and physiology, but the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the blood. I'll schedule a colonoscopy in 12 years for my first "cleanse" when I'm 50. I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. And I read an article once someone wrote on the internet. And you can't post anything on the internet unless it's true. At least I think I'm funny sometimes. Carry on.

    I think people just look for an easy answer. I tried a "fruit and veggie detox" as part of a Low GI diet program once. You could eat all the non starchy veggies you wanted and 3 servings of fruit a day for a week. I was miserable. I think I lost 8 pounds that week and a total of 30ish on the program but gained it all back when I went back to eating normally.

    ETA That week was not easy!
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    The hubby has had weight-loss surgery. He obviously had disordered eating issues. That is not going to be fixed by one night of talking. There's a lot more going on in that relationship then we know, I think.
    Yes, I'm sure you're right.
  • I went out for a few drinks last night, came home and was famished. Ended up eating a HUGE (150g) bag of crisps, which was 775 calories!!! Felt ridiculously guilty this morning!
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    Well. I bought 7 pints of Talenti gelato and um, probably $100 worth of Lindt chocolates when they were on sale. I guess it's not normal either...
  • I confess, there are some people that just will not give up on the whole "cleansing" thing and it's a little weird. I don't pretend to know everything about science and physiology, but the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the blood. I'll schedule a colonoscopy in 12 years for my first "cleanse" when I'm 50. I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. And I read an article once someone wrote on the internet. And you can't post anything on the internet unless it's true. At least I think I'm funny sometimes. Carry on.

    Some people are weirdly obsessed with cleanses and what not. Hey, whatever works for you, but don't try to convince everyone else that you are right and they are wrong! That seems to be the common theme.
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Longish and TMI confession:

    I mentioned before that I have a phobia of walking outside because I nearly stepped in a very dead raccoon. I've been trying to work on that, so today I took my son to a park that has a playground and a very out in the open 1/2 mile jogging path circling it. It also has lots of trash cans and plenty of free plastic bags for dog walkers.

    It's hot and humid today, and those trash cans are starting to smell like that raccoon. About half way through my first lap, I started breathing through my mouth to lessen the impact when I'd approach one. An unidentified bug flew in my mouth, I couldn't cough it out, had left my water in the car, and didn't want to embarrass my son by everyone watching his mom puke in the middle of the park from walking a quarter mile. So I swallowed it. I didn't quit, either, I did the rest of my laps before coming home. And then I kept thinking about it, and started feeling a weird tickle in the back of throat, and then I convinced myself it was probably a stray bug leg, and then I started thinking that it was probably a fly, since a bee would've hurt, and flies have been crawling all over the dog poop in the garbage, and yeah, there came back breakfast and the bug. I guess the upside is I don't have to log the bug now?

    Not any closer to wanting to walk outside after this.

    Okay, I'm very sorry, but I laughed when I read this! But really, I AM sorry you went through that. Oh gag. I would have had the same end result. Or very possibly I would have embarrassed my son right there at the park!

    In retrospect, I almost wish I had now. I told him about it on the way home, and he saw me run to the bathroom after we got here. When I came out, his first question was, "are you ok?" (I'll give him points for that, at least). His second, "could you tell what kind of bug it was?" Thanks, kid.

    Oh man, kids. The things they think to ask. Glad he asked if you were okay though. That's sweet!
  • I need chocolate. I am fighting a trip to the vending machine...
  • I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.

    I'm the same way with my arms. I'm so self conscious about them that I always wear long
    sleeves. My hoodie is my security blanket and I wear it even in the summer. I roast but I just hate having people see my arms.

    I like the bubble tea too. To me it taste like gummy candies. I usually get a strawberry banana boba.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I confess, there are some people that just will not give up on the whole "cleansing" thing and it's a little weird. I don't pretend to know everything about science and physiology, but the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the blood. I'll schedule a colonoscopy in 12 years for my first "cleanse" when I'm 50. I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. And I read an article once someone wrote on the internet. And you can't post anything on the internet unless it's true. At least I think I'm funny sometimes. Carry on.
    I've had one. There's no cleanse like the pre-camera cleanse! Buy extra-soft toilet paper when the time comes. And zinc cream.

    Oh man. I have to have one in a couple of weeks. I'm only 32, but my mom has had colon cancer 3 times, all different types, and she stared having issues at about my age. I am not thrilled about this.
  • I confess, there are some people that just will not give up on the whole "cleansing" thing and it's a little weird. I don't pretend to know everything about science and physiology, but the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the blood. I'll schedule a colonoscopy in 12 years for my first "cleanse" when I'm 50. I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. And I read an article once someone wrote on the internet. And you can't post anything on the internet unless it's true. At least I think I'm funny sometimes. Carry on.

    Best line I've read all day - not even sure why
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    Well. I bought 7 pints of Talenti gelato and um, probably $100 worth of Lindt chocolates when they were on sale. I guess it's not normal either...

    My son ate my Talenti. I was trying to decide if that was justifiable homicide. :p LOL
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I laugh because I don't have to send my 'kids' to college or buy them a car. ;)

    In the meantime they're free labor, though. Even better, when they're really little, they think folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher is actually fun :p

    I haven't cleaned a bathroom or ran the vacuum in 15 years (the oldest is 31) my two youngest are 15 and 16. I am going to miss them when they move out in a couple of years. I will have to pay for a cleaning service. The older children's SOs rave about their cooking and house keeping abilities. I told the kids when I was raising them, I was teaching them life skills. I lied, I just taught them to do the jobs I didn't like. ;)

    Nice! I finally have a kid old enough to wash the dishes and it is amazing. I teach all my kids to put away their own dresser laundry (socks, underwear, pajamas), starting when they are about 3.Sure, it's not perfectly done, but who cares? It's just socks and pajamas. They can totally do it.

    I tell my kids to put away their clothes too. Typically it ends up in piles on the floor. Seriously, I swear I'm the only one in this house who actually puts things away and cleans up after herself and it's driving me INSANE. They just drop crap all over the house all the time and NEVER pick it up. My house is a disaster zone but I just can't spend my whole days picking up after the kids, the husband, and the dog. Just can't, or I'd go crazy. Trying to let it go... but we almost have nobody over either because I'm so ashamed, being a stay at home mom and all... it's supposed to be my job, but I just lose it, seriously. They can trash the house in just 10 minutes.

    That is SO annoying! Just because you don't work outside the home does not mean you are the full time maid! How old are your kids? Sometimes the only way they learn is by consequences. Dirty clothes on the floor and not in the laundry basket? No clean clothes for you. Same thing for hubby.

    Maybe not allow them to watch TV or play or whatever until they spend 10 min. each cleaning up clutter and putting thing away? IDK but I hope you find something that works!

    They're 7, and twins. I don't let them watch tv or play games on their tablet until they clean up this or that... but it doesn't matter. They don't even care, they find something else to do, and more messes to make. It's a losing battle, honestly, and my husband doesn't really help, unless we're having guests over, thankfully, then he'll help them clean... like 3 hours before people come over. I seriously flip out every time. Last time I just left the house and went to the gym because I was just losing it.

    We're cleaning this week end before doing anything...

    Bed and computer warfare (whichever is more irritating for them). If my husband goes on a long enough stretch of expecting maid service, I gather up all his stray crap from around the house and dump it on his computer desk and chair. For my son, it's in his bed, so he can't sleep until he deals with it. He also has a rule that if his room is not clean by bed Friday night, he's grounded from the time he gets up until it's clean, so if he does dump it all on the floor, it can't be for more than a few days.

    I like that.

    When I was a SAHM and my kids were little and at home , my partner and I shared the cleaning. But when the youngest started school I did consider it my job to clean the house. The kids were in school 7 hours a day, which meant I had the luxury of approx 35 hours per week to do pretty much what I liked (which is not a luxury I have now I work). I guess I though a few hours cleaning out of all those free hours was a small price to pay? But I don't think that anyone looking after a baby or preschooler should feel that cleaning the house is their job.
  • Confession: I've been writing a short story on an amateur writing site (called Wattpad) for the last few weeks, and I'm currently feeling an unholy amount of evil glee as my fans sob in heartbreak in the comment section over a major character that I just killed off. I'm so mean. o:)

    LMAO nice! GRRM Incarnate? Hehe
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    Well. I bought 7 pints of Talenti gelato and um, probably $100 worth of Lindt chocolates when they were on sale. I guess it's not normal either...
    Are you diabetic and planning to eat them all over the course of the next week..?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, I think there should be more "sugar is murder and killed my family" threads. I get such a kick out them.

    I'll be happy when Fed Up is off Netflix. Every random yahoo who half paid attention to it getting lumped in with people who've been LC for years, as if we all say the same misguided crap they're spewing because also-ran Couric told them.

    if you're looking for a good sugar-battle thread the "Four bags of Oreos" thread fits the bill!

    The oreo thread fighting is making my day.

    I confess, all the Oreo thread makes me want to do is eat Oreos.

    I started reading this one...will finish later but I have to admit I would KILL my husband (if I had one) if he came home with that stuff. I can't have stuff like that in my house at all or I will eat it all. And yes, I have no will power. But I can't say that in there...I would be eviscerated. I was happy to see the guy I can't stand from all the nasty threads is in jail. :)
    I actually felt sorry for the OP in that post. She really loves her husband and wants him to live a long, healthy life, but everyone's telling her she's a controlling b i t c h for asking what she can do to help make that happen?? And I don't care what anyone says, it's not normal behaviour to come home with that quantity of Oreos.

    The hubby has had weight-loss surgery. He obviously had disordered eating issues. That is not going to be fixed by one night of talking. There's a lot more going on in that relationship then we know, I think.

    I've been avoiding that one, but I'm curious which surgery he had. If it was actual bypass, those Oreos would shoot straight through him, cause severe cramping, basically make him miserable for several hours. And that's if he only ate a few of them. Bags of them? That sounds like self-harm.