
  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Introducing Premium!

    A $50/yr you can keep that chit. For real. >_<

    But you can set custom macros. Which I already have done?

    Yep. Glad I beat that rush. LOL
  • This is the ad on the side of my MFP right now, and it is making me a little uncomfortable...

  • This is the ad on the side of my MFP right now, and it is making me a little uncomfortable...


    LOL WTH?
  • LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I love when people get into heated "discussions" on these forums, I just sit back and let them go at it and take away the parts I want. The peope I can't handle are the people who throw in their "bullying" comments (and add nothing useful to the discussion about the OP). It's NOT bullying!! People are allowed to disagree and if someone disagrees by calling names and throwing around immature comments then that's STILL NOT BULLYING-- it's just being a huge, immature, a**!!! Rant over :)

    Edited for spelling.

    Ok one more post before I go back to work. I think the back and forth is funny but then when it gets nasty I leave. I really don't like when it gets nasty. And I don't like when people go on the attack on someone (unless they truly are stupid... not judging). That is why I mostly stay on this thread or ones that are similar.
  • Talkradio wrote: »
    I'm desperately behind, but I wanted to check in and say hi.

    I found out on Saturday that my dad most likely has cancer. He also was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The prognosis is good, but he will be having surgery in the next few weeks to remove the tumors.

    Obviously, I'm kind of a wreck right now. :(

    So sorry to hear that! Good vibes and prayers your way!
  • This is the ad on the side of my MFP right now, and it is making me a little uncomfortable...


    Good heavens. I'm so happy I was able to put AdBlock on my work computer. All of my ads before then were in the most interesting one I've ever seen though.
  • Talkradio wrote: »
    I'm desperately behind, but I wanted to check in and say hi.

    I found out on Saturday that my dad most likely has cancer. He also was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The prognosis is good, but he will be having surgery in the next few weeks to remove the tumors.

    Obviously, I'm kind of a wreck right now. :(

    So sorry, but they have very effective treatments for cancer now, and when they say the prognosis is good, it usually is.
  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Introducing Premium!

    A $50/yr you can keep that chit. For real. >_<
    OH yes.

    Unless the script I used to enter my macros in gram is fixed or a new one is made, I'm just going to enter my macros goals into the food notes.

    I can't believe they'd expect me to want to pay that much for "premium", especially with the app's "improved" macro / micronutrient breakdown

  • Talkradio wrote: »
    I'm desperately behind, but I wanted to check in and say hi.

    I found out on Saturday that my dad most likely has cancer. He also was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The prognosis is good, but he will be having surgery in the next few weeks to remove the tumors.

    Obviously, I'm kind of a wreck right now. :(
    I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope things work out for you and your family.

  • I confess I had too many calories this weekend that I didnt log... had some appies at a party too hard to track how much you ate....
  • I found out my cholesterol is a little high on Friday, and ever since then I've been fighting the urge to have a panic attack about it. I know that sounds nuts because it wasn't even that much over what they want, but anything that makes me think about dying or death is a big trigger for me. Even something that relatively minor. All the more reason to stick with this plan of losing weight.
  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I love when people get into heated "discussions" on these forums, I just sit back and let them go at it and take away the parts I want. The peope I can't handle are the people who throw in their "bullying" comments (and add nothing useful to the discussion about the OP). It's NOT bullying!! People are allowed to disagree and if someone disagrees by calling names and throwing around immature comments then that's STILL NOT BULLYING-- it's just being a huge, immature, a**!!! Rant over :)

    Edited for spelling.

    Ok one more post before I go back to work. I think the back and forth is funny but then when it gets nasty I leave. I really don't like when it gets nasty. And I don't like when people go on the attack on someone (unless they truly are stupid... not judging). That is why I mostly stay on this thread or ones that are similar.

    @pofoster21 I agree- when people start questioning intelligence and attacking personal weight gains/losses then I leave too. But typically up until that point I do like when it gets heated because saves me the time of researching both sides all by myself! I have other sources to compare what I've found to what others have found :) I do love this thread as it's always positive!
  • I found out my cholesterol is a little high on Friday, and ever since then I've been fighting the urge to have a panic attack about it. I know that sounds nuts because it wasn't even that much over what they want, but anything that makes me think about dying or death is a big trigger for me. Even something that relatively minor. All the more reason to stick with this plan of losing weight.

    Just keep loosing weight, the cholesterol should lower too! dont panic!
  • MrsMizart wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Confession #1 It really wasn't a typo. My 2 1/2 year old is a sponge these days. Last week, my daughter, my dog and I were going outside to play and the dog was hopping around like crazy because, well, she's crazy. So I threw her frisbee in the yard to get her out of the way & she jumped right up the 5 foot rock retaining wall. I said "holy crap". Guess what the next 2 words out of my daughters mouth were. I'm really watching my language now

    When my daughter was about that age, we were looking out the window and our dog ran by. She said, "Where the hell does he think he's going?!" To which her dad replied, "Wonder where the hell she got that from." You definitely have to be careful, everything will be repeated, many times, at the most inopportune moments.

    It's funny how moments like that stand out in my memory. She's 21 now!

    Yep. Told my son we could not stop for ice cream on the way to day care (7:45am) the other day and he stared forlornly out the window. Under his breath, barely audible, I heard, "Dammit."

    My language when I'm in the car can be *ahem* salty. When my son was like 3 I was relaying a story to my husband about another idiot driver and my son pipes up, "That guy was a douche, right mom?" I still struggle with my car language and he's 9 now.

    That's hilarious!

    Daughters aged roughly three and six. Car cut me up. I bit my lip. Youngest one piped up "F*** h***!". I cringed, mortified. About to remonstrate when eldest said "No! You don't say that." Relief swept through me. Then eldest continued, "...You say 'Oh f***ing h***'". Mortification complete.

    I don't know where you're from, but I'm reading that in a British accent because of the bucket challenge girl
    (NSFW toddler language)
  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Introducing Premium!

    A $50/yr you can keep that chit. For real. >_<

    But you can set custom macros. Which I already have done?

    Yep. Glad I beat that rush. LOL

    Same here.

  • Oh btw, for anyone wondering. I got a job offer this morning. It's going to be amazing walking out of this place in a couple of weeks with my paycheck, and 100 hours of vacation time in a check too. WOOT WOOT

    I realize that I am several days behind on this thread but. ..Congratulations!!! Woo hoo! I hope that your new job turns out to be super awesome! :)

  • I found out my cholesterol is a little high on Friday, and ever since then I've been fighting the urge to have a panic attack about it. I know that sounds nuts because it wasn't even that much over what they want, but anything that makes me think about dying or death is a big trigger for me. Even something that relatively minor. All the more reason to stick with this plan of losing weight.

    My cholesterol is worse now than it was when I was 80 pounds heavier (well, the bad one. The good one is better, so my ratio is ok, but still). Sometimes genetics just suck.

    Confession - people who meet me have no idea what a Geek I am. I always cringe a little bit when they send me a Facebook friend request, I'm quite sure their first impression after I accept is 'who is this person I thought I knew?'. Thankfully most of my husband's friends and family 'get' it.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Forum double posted again :(
  • Wait, is there a script or something that still works to add custom macros?
    I used the script in this link but saw this when I logged in today. :/
  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    caddir wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    And luckily, she always offers the uneaten bits to our boyfriend first, and he rarely says no, so I don't embarrass myself with a hoover impression (however much i might want to).

    Is this a typo or a reference to some boyfriend-sharing scheme? Like, are you confessing to being a member of a harem? Lol.

    not a typo. We are a closed polyamorous triad. Wasn't intended to be a confession lol. Definitely not a harem. The first line of my post references my girlfriend.

    Good for you coming out on a site like this. I was part of a triad once, for a little while and it didn't work for me, but I know some people who are really happy. Honesty is the key thing. :smiley:

    My cousin is in a very long term polyamorous triad but had apparently tried to keep it quiet from the family (who tend towards the religious). Funniest conversation I ever had was with him. By way of background, my whole extended family is in the USA, I was born and grew up in Australia. In 2009 I went to the States for a year and caught up with the family. Said cousin picked me up from his mum's house where I was staying and we were driving up to his place. In the car on the way:

    Him: So, I've spoken with the girls and we decided that we could let you in on something. Xxxx is not really yyyy and my flatmate, we're all in a relationship and have been for a really long time.

    Me: .... yeah, I know.

    Him: WHAT? How did you know?

    Me: My mum told me.

    Him: How the heck does your mom know????

    Me: Your mum told her!

    Him: MY MOM DOESN'T KNOW!!!??

    Me: Dude... I'm from halfway around the world and even *I* knew. it's cool. No one cares.

    I confess I am fascinated by this. I have many questions. I shall refrain.

    About polyamory? Feel free, or privately if you'd prefer

    Ok here goes. So do you all live together? And if so do you all have your own room or all share one room/bed or 2 or mix it up? Do you do everything together or is it like today is date night with so and so so the 3rd one stays home. And with the s*x is it all 3 or some mixture of two spontaneously or preplanned? I can't imagine this would work for me. I think you would have to be pretty confident in yourself and your partners to do this...all my insecurities would be front and center.

    I have read about those guys with lots of wives in different houses but the women don't have a relationship with each other (I don't think). I never met or knew anyone in this kind of a relationship. I imagine girl/girl/guy combinations must be more common than boy/boy/girl.

    The guys with lots of wives and where they have no relationship is polygamy and usually driven by religious beliefs (fundamental Mormons; Muslims). Polyamory is not the same thing.

    The most common forms of Polyamory are 'hinge' relationships, where A is in a relationship with B, who is in a relationship with C. There is no relationship between A and C, except maybe as friends. In a triad, all of the people are involved with each other. The nature of involvement depends on the individuals.

    So for us (and we're considered unusual): we do live together. We live most of the time in 'their ' house in London (where we all work), and weekends in 'my' house in Devon. We split chores according to skills and likes. Finances are individual and we all contribute to bills/group expenses/leisure.

    We share a bedroom. In both Houses we have a 9ft bed (single and double together), so we all have space to sleep, and it allows for different mattress preferences. We have found we don't like sleeping apart, it's feels weird. So even in hotels we'll rearrange the beds so they are together. We did have a holiday cottage at new year where one person had to be in a separate room, we all agreed it felt wrong. My girlfriend and I usually take turns to sleep in the middle, she usually has it on weekdays. Because she's last to get up, and I'm in the middle on weekends.

    In our relationship there are actually 4 relationship, one between each 'couple", and an overarching relationship between the three of us. We try to balance all of them, because if any one person is off kilter, all the relationships are affected. So each two will spend time doing things together, maybe go out for dinner, or veg out in front of the TV, and the third will indulge in some guilt free me time, it tends to be spontaneous most of the time. But we do have planned in the diary every 3 months couples dinners, because we think it's important that those relationships are nurtured and by planning, they don't get forgotten in the melee of daily life.

    We all have our individual hobbies and interests and it's important to us that we all have time for those too, because it's what contributes to us being the people we are.

    We have a set dinner once a month as a three. That's a kind of check in, make sure we're all OK, discuss any relationship issues or concerns or anything, before it blows up hugely. Generally we do things as a three, so trips, days out, parties , we all do together, we plan things for weekends for all of us.

    Sex: (it's what you all really wanna know, right?) sex works in any and all combinations, as twos or three, depending on who is around, awake and in the mood. We have differing levels of sex drive, and different body clocks - my boyfriend and I are night owls, my girlfriend is a lark. She falls asleep early. We're awake. I go to my house one weekend a month on my own (space and time for me and for them - my choice). Sex is a mixture of preplanned and spontaneous (preplanned as in, when we all get home tonight let's go to bed and f?!(@, or someone is out at their club tonight, shall we go to bed!) but it's mostly spontaneous, and mostly the three of us, but no issues if one is not in the mood/tired whatever.

    We do all have insecurities and envy (which we define differently to jealousy) and we've learned we need to talk about those things when they arise, don't let them sit and fester until exploding, because by then it will all be out of proportion and dealing with the fall out is draining. Hence why we have preplanned dinners, so no one has to say they have a problem (unless they want to). we work hard on our relationships and have had to learn different communication skills. Listening skills and to be very explicit in saying what we need/want because we need to avoid misinterpretation and miscommunication, most of our big fights boiled down to misunderstandings. Things tend to go downhill when we stop paying attention and take it for granted , which is no different to monogamous relationships.

    Feel free to add any follow up questions :)

    Thank you for answering. So now I want to did this come about? It seems like they were a couple first and then you joined them. How did you discover this is something you wanted to engage in? Have you all been together for a long time? And how would kids work if you decided to have them? Thanks!

    I've always wanted this kind of relationship structure. Since I was about 14, even though I didn't really understand it. I don't really know how the idea came about, other than I knew I was bisexual, and being with a man and a woman seemed the ideal solution.

    They are a married couple. And I have known them both for more than 15 years, before they got together. In fact, my now-girlfriend was talking to my then-boyfriend about her joining us (it didn't happen because he was a lying *kitten*). But she says she has been in love with me and stalked me since then lol. We've been good friends for about 12 years and a lot of acquaintances in our mutual interest have always assumed we were all together.

    We've been very good friends for the last 12 years, spending time together, chilling out at home or going to parties, we have very similar opinions on the moral things, money, religion, work ethic etc. They've always known I was looking for a couple, I've always known they were looking for a third. But we never broached the subject of being together (largely because none of us wanted to upset the friendship)

    One evening they approached me and asked if I'd like to play. I said yes, we had the intention it wouldn't be a serious long term thing, we thought we were looking for different things.

    I fell in love with my girlfriend first, I realised it during our first Christmas and I panicked a bit.
    At easter I realised I'd fallen in love with my boyfriend. Then I had a meltdown and emailed them to end it (email because we lived 200 miles apart, end it because we has agreed no strings, no emotions and my feelings were against our agreement and I was trying to be fair). They phoned me, told me how they felt, and what they wanted (as individuals) and asked what I wanted. We renegotiated from our original agreement and haven't really looked back, it's 3 years this year.

    We are always very careful to speak as individuals, particularly when talking relationship stuff and we don't speak for each other. But conversations do happen between 2, often as a sounding board.

    Both my partners have adult children. I have never wanted children, so it's not really a factor for us, although I do have shared legal custody of my 2 year old nephew (hence going to 'my' house every weekend).

    This is great. It's so nice that you all found one another and that it works so well. Many couples never find that. Do your families know?

    Yes, all of our family and close friends know, some acquaintances know. All invited for dinner/events/parties are issued to all of us. My girlfriend's brother is the only one who doesn't like it and asks us (myself and either of them. But not them) to refrain from PDAs at his events. I therefore choose not to attend any of his events. My girlfriend and boyfriend attend only when family politics dictate a necessity.

    My boyfriend and I work in conservative industries, so we say nothing at work. And refer only to partner. Yes I hate the dishonesty. But morals don't pay my mortgage.
    ythannah wrote: »
    @orangesmartie thanks for the detailed responses... you've provided a lot of insight.

    And I'm happy that you guys have all found a relationship that works!

    You're welcome :)
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    caddir wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    And luckily, she always offers the uneaten bits to our boyfriend first, and he rarely says no, so I don't embarrass myself with a hoover impression (however much i might want to).

    Is this a typo or a reference to some boyfriend-sharing scheme? Like, are you confessing to being a member of a harem? Lol.

    not a typo. We are a closed polyamorous triad. Wasn't intended to be a confession lol. Definitely not a harem. The first line of my post references my girlfriend.

    Good for you coming out on a site like this. I was part of a triad once, for a little while and it didn't work for me, but I know some people who are really happy. Honesty is the key thing. :smiley:

    My cousin is in a very long term polyamorous triad but had apparently tried to keep it quiet from the family (who tend towards the religious). Funniest conversation I ever had was with him. By way of background, my whole extended family is in the USA, I was born and grew up in Australia. In 2009 I went to the States for a year and caught up with the family. Said cousin picked me up from his mum's house where I was staying and we were driving up to his place. In the car on the way:

    Him: So, I've spoken with the girls and we decided that we could let you in on something. Xxxx is not really yyyy and my flatmate, we're all in a relationship and have been for a really long time.

    Me: .... yeah, I know.

    Him: WHAT? How did you know?

    Me: My mum told me.

    Him: How the heck does your mom know????

    Me: Your mum told her!

    Him: MY MOM DOESN'T KNOW!!!??

    Me: Dude... I'm from halfway around the world and even *I* knew. it's cool. No one cares.

    I confess I am fascinated by this. I have many questions. I shall refrain.

    About polyamory? Feel free, or privately if you'd prefer

    Ok here goes. So do you all live together? And if so do you all have your own room or all share one room/bed or 2 or mix it up? Do you do everything together or is it like today is date night with so and so so the 3rd one stays home. And with the s*x is it all 3 or some mixture of two spontaneously or preplanned? I can't imagine this would work for me. I think you would have to be pretty confident in yourself and your partners to do this...all my insecurities would be front and center.

    I have read about those guys with lots of wives in different houses but the women don't have a relationship with each other (I don't think). I never met or knew anyone in this kind of a relationship. I imagine girl/girl/guy combinations must be more common than boy/boy/girl.

    The guys with lots of wives and where they have no relationship is polygamy and usually driven by religious beliefs (fundamental Mormons; Muslims). Polyamory is not the same thing.

    The most common forms of Polyamory are 'hinge' relationships, where A is in a relationship with B, who is in a relationship with C. There is no relationship between A and C, except maybe as friends. In a triad, all of the people are involved with each other. The nature of involvement depends on the individuals.

    So for us (and we're considered unusual): we do live together. We live most of the time in 'their ' house in London (where we all work), and weekends in 'my' house in Devon. We split chores according to skills and likes. Finances are individual and we all contribute to bills/group expenses/leisure.

    We share a bedroom. In both Houses we have a 9ft bed (single and double together), so we all have space to sleep, and it allows for different mattress preferences. We have found we don't like sleeping apart, it's feels weird. So even in hotels we'll rearrange the beds so they are together. We did have a holiday cottage at new year where one person had to be in a separate room, we all agreed it felt wrong. My girlfriend and I usually take turns to sleep in the middle, she usually has it on weekdays. Because she's last to get up, and I'm in the middle on weekends.

    In our relationship there are actually 4 relationship, one between each 'couple", and an overarching relationship between the three of us. We try to balance all of them, because if any one person is off kilter, all the relationships are affected. So each two will spend time doing things together, maybe go out for dinner, or veg out in front of the TV, and the third will indulge in some guilt free me time, it tends to be spontaneous most of the time. But we do have planned in the diary every 3 months couples dinners, because we think it's important that those relationships are nurtured and by planning, they don't get forgotten in the melee of daily life.

    We all have our individual hobbies and interests and it's important to us that we all have time for those too, because it's what contributes to us being the people we are.

    We have a set dinner once a month as a three. That's a kind of check in, make sure we're all OK, discuss any relationship issues or concerns or anything, before it blows up hugely. Generally we do things as a three, so trips, days out, parties , we all do together, we plan things for weekends for all of us.

    Sex: (it's what you all really wanna know, right?) sex works in any and all combinations, as twos or three, depending on who is around, awake and in the mood. We have differing levels of sex drive, and different body clocks - my boyfriend and I are night owls, my girlfriend is a lark. She falls asleep early. We're awake. I go to my house one weekend a month on my own (space and time for me and for them - my choice). Sex is a mixture of preplanned and spontaneous (preplanned as in, when we all get home tonight let's go to bed and f?!(@, or someone is out at their club tonight, shall we go to bed!) but it's mostly spontaneous, and mostly the three of us, but no issues if one is not in the mood/tired whatever.

    We do all have insecurities and envy (which we define differently to jealousy) and we've learned we need to talk about those things when they arise, don't let them sit and fester until exploding, because by then it will all be out of proportion and dealing with the fall out is draining. Hence why we have preplanned dinners, so no one has to say they have a problem (unless they want to). we work hard on our relationships and have had to learn different communication skills. Listening skills and to be very explicit in saying what we need/want because we need to avoid misinterpretation and miscommunication, most of our big fights boiled down to misunderstandings. Things tend to go downhill when we stop paying attention and take it for granted , which is no different to monogamous relationships.

    Feel free to add any follow up questions :)

    Sounds way more mature than most one on one relationships.

    Heehee, thanks, we tend to think that when listening to the complaints of our monogamous friends but all relationships take work, friends family, partners but we tend to take them all for granted :(