
  • @pofoster21 I'm so sorry to hear about your horse, I'm like many others who consider animals and our pets as family members. You and your horse are in my thoughts!
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    A lot of businesses are doing this to themselves. For YEARS, everywhere I worked gave me XX vacation days to take when I want, plus X personal holidays to take when I want, and unlimited sick days (salary) so long as I didn't take advantage of it. I always took off when I was sick, got rested, and felt better more quickly.

    For the past 4-5 years, the companies I've worked for have changed to a PTO system. You are given XX PTO days, this encompasses sick days + vacation. I WILL NOT use my PTO for a sick day unless I'm practically on my death bed.

    Where I work, unless you have a doctor's note on the first day you call in, they use your PTO for the first 2 days you are sick. On the 3rd day it's actually considered sick time.

    You can also get with the on staff nurse and if you have a fever, she will recommend the sergeant on duty send you home and it gets counted as sick time for that first day.

    At the end of your time with the company, when you retire, you can take ALL the sick time you didn't use and get extra years towards your retirement.
  • Today I had some delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream after stopping in a bookstore. I didn't find the book I was looking for (Ancillary Sword), so I ended up going home and placing an online order for three books. Can't wait to check em out!

    ALSO, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! All of my grades have come in, except for one I was never worried about, and I am officially graduating University!! Now I can hopefully get my butt in gear and focus more on this! So relieved.

    AWESOME!!! So glad to hear it - congrats!
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    A lot of businesses are doing this to themselves. For YEARS, everywhere I worked gave me XX vacation days to take when I want, plus X personal holidays to take when I want, and unlimited sick days (salary) so long as I didn't take advantage of it. I always took off when I was sick, got rested, and felt better more quickly.

    For the past 4-5 years, the companies I've worked for have changed to a PTO system. You are given XX PTO days, this encompasses sick days + vacation. I WILL NOT use my PTO for a sick day unless I'm practically on my death bed.

    We get 15 vacation days, 5 PPL days, and 6 sick days per year. If you're sick, you use sick days first, then PPL, then vacation. She really has no excuse to not stay home.

    But, like I said, she'll be sick for a month, so it won't really help. I just wish she'd stay home while she's contagious!
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    A lot of businesses are doing this to themselves. For YEARS, everywhere I worked gave me XX vacation days to take when I want, plus X personal holidays to take when I want, and unlimited sick days (salary) so long as I didn't take advantage of it. I always took off when I was sick, got rested, and felt better more quickly.

    For the past 4-5 years, the companies I've worked for have changed to a PTO system. You are given XX PTO days, this encompasses sick days + vacation. I WILL NOT use my PTO for a sick day unless I'm practically on my death bed.

    We don't get any sick days at my job, and I'm not using my vacation time for sick days! I might take one day off if I was really ill, but I can't afford to take off 3 or 4 days. We get people coming in that shouldn't and it does tick me off, but I understand why they're here.

    Thankfully it's pretty rare that I get sick... I think the last time I had anything more than slight sniffles was about 10 years ago.
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    DH was sick (not majorly, more mildly) with something that had been passed around at his work. Ick! Luckily I didn't get it. I think my immune system must be top-notch. I rarely get sick *knock on wood*
  • JPW1990 wrote: »
    I hereby dedicate this burger to @HollandOats, with all it's mayo and bacon awesomeness. I only regret I'm out of avocado.

    This is perfect <3 Today is my birthday and I have already planned my bacon cheeseburger with mayo for tonight. :) And I'm having guacamole on my chicken sandwich at lunch.

    In fact, I confess, I'm going to spend this whole day watching the clock for when I can eat each thing I have planned, lol... I even love my protein powder/cashew milk... it's soooo good!

    I'm already pre-logged over 700 calories for the day, and am in basic denial of the barley pops I'll most likely consume with dinner. Lots of pre-planned fidgeting, too, to help offset the damages, haha!

    Have a great day!!!

    Happy Birthday!
  • MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tomorrow I will be in training all day. This makes me sad for 3 reasons.

    1. I have no idea what we'll be served for lunch so I can't log it accurately.
    2. I won't be able to be on here at all.
    3. Since I do my HIIT at my office, I'll be missing tomorrow's workout.

    I am, however, looking forward to being out of the office for the day and getting paid for it, also...FREE LUNCH!!! B)

    Cute Avatar

    Thanks! It is pretty much my personality. I DON'T SHARE CAKE!

    Except with me, cuz we're zombie killin' partners... :D

    I feel the need for a real confession today. - I used to shoplift in high school. A LOT. I had a shoplifting partner and we would go together and keep an eye out for the other. I lifted everything, bikinis, movies (VHS, that's how old I am), clothes, makeup, purses, whatever. We got chased out of the mall by security once. We ran through the back hallways where the public isn't supposed to go and exited out some little side door. I never got caught. My partner did, later, after she moved to another state and got put in jail and charged with a felony. - Irony...I've been a cop for over 18 years now. But I can spot a shoplifter in a heartbeat LOL

    That's a great confession! I'd say you have paid your dues. Being a cop for 18 years has got to be stressful.
  • Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    Oops. I do that. Well, not often, because I only get a cold about once every two or three years... but I was raised to "suck it up and carry on" so I always think to myself "it's just a stupid head cold" and, as long as I feel well enough to work (which I always do), off I go.

    I'm in a quiet, pretty isolated end of the building so I don't have a lot of coworker contact anyway.

    And usually by the time I get to the audible coughing-up-a-lung stage I'm actually on the mend and feeling a whole lot better, so I couldn't justify staying home when I feel fine.

    Guilty as well. I was brought up with "Unless you throw up in front of me or you are clearly dying, you will go to school" I can't get out of the habit. I once had two funerals in one day and I still went to uni in the morning. I got weird looks for turning up to uni in smart black clothes though...

    Maybe it's a Brit thing? Lol. (I'm UK born)

    Did much the same thing... two funerals -- both for young people and, sadly, suicides -- two days in a row, then went from the second funeral to testify at court for work. At least the smart black clothes weren't out of place.
  • @HollandOats :) Happy Birthday! :)
  • @spamarie congratulations! :)

  • I've eaten healthy food today and even went for a walk but now I'm just nonsto thinking about eating crackers of chips. Even my thoughts are self sabotaging
  • man Holy Churro de Mayo, yesterday. I ate like 8 of the damned things, probably 10 but I only remember 8.

    Whoops! That's what happens when you have yummy treats at work!
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    There's a guy at my gym that is there the same time I am every day and he runs on the treadmill. For the past two weeks he's been doing the same thing: sounds like he's trying to cough up a lung. On the treadmill. Not very smart.
  • xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I confess I felt really old walking up to the Mastodon/Clutch show at Red Rocks on Sunday night....with a freakin Starbucks & not a 2 liter filled with Beam & Diet. Wooooo partay

    They still going? It could be because I'm in England, but I haven't heard anything from these bands in AGES! Or maybe I'm out of touch... I'm probably out of touch. lol
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I confess I felt really old walking up to the Mastodon/Clutch show at Red Rocks on Sunday night....with a freakin Starbucks & not a 2 liter filled with Beam & Diet. Wooooo partay

    They still going? It could be because I'm in England, but I haven't heard anything from these bands in AGES! Or maybe I'm out of touch... I'm probably out of touch. lol

    That's what I was thinking? Mastodon...that's a freakin' blast from my past. LOL

    You should check out their new one, "Once More Round the Sun" ... it's not as hardcore as their earlier stuff (some are b*tching that it's too radio friendly) but it's got some great riffage.

    I LOVED Crack the Skye!
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    My co-worker in the next cube is sick...she has been coughing up a lung for 2 days. I told her "You shouldn't be here, go home!" but she just shrugged. Why do some people insist on coming to work & pumping out the germs???

    (I don't want to be rude, but sorry, she's one of these quite large unhealthy people that will end up being sick for a month.)

    Maybe I'll turn it into a positive & call in sick on Monday and blame it on her! (Assuming I don't, you know, ACTUALLY GET SICK)

    There's a guy at my gym that is there the same time I am every day and he runs on the treadmill. For the past two weeks he's been doing the same thing: sounds like he's trying to cough up a lung. On the treadmill. Not very smart.

    This time of year, if I saw that, I would assume it's allergies. Whenever the freakin' cottonwood trees start blooming, I'm a mess. Not sick, but you would think I was. Coughing and sneezing...
  • I hit the 35lb pound loss mark today and I am thinking about celebrating with nachos and cheese!
  • hschnirel wrote: »
    I've eaten healthy food today and even went for a walk but now I'm just nonsto thinking about eating crackers of chips. Even my thoughts are self sabotaging
    I hit the 35lb pound loss mark today and I am thinking about celebrating with nachos and cheese!

    Wow. Congratulations! For me one bite leads to many more and then to regrets...but it would be great enjoy something special to mark the occasion.
  • I want pizza and I want it now, pizza with beef, chicken, salami, spicy beef, onions, tomatoes, corn, ham, olives, pineapple, the works. A whole one just for me. Its my husband's birthday today and I know we will have unhealthy food and cake and I dont want to eat too much carbs. Temptation is so high right now.
  • Talkradio wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I love my foods with relish or honey mustard or maple syrup if it's meaty

    Tartar sauce sounds pretty interesting.

    I have never liked mayo or ranch or similar creamy based sauces, I do love the hot stuff, give me salsas and hot sauce and peppers. Wasabi is good but the hot from the chili peppers is my favorite. I can go through a bottle or more a week of the sauce. Salsas such as pico de gallo I can pretty much eat plain or on a lot of things beyond tacos or chips (baked potatoes, quinoa, etc.) The sauce I had today at the little taco house was hotter than I expected and bordered on too hot. I like flavorful not not burn your mouth off hot... but I have a reasonably high tolerance too. Now my mouth is watering and I'm thinking of going and chopping onions and tomatoes, cilantro, and so on. I also love avocado, plain or in a good (no dairy added) guacamole. mmmmmm

    Lunch was two tacos -- one chicken and one guacamole. I took half of the filling from each and switched it so that they were two chicken with guac tacos on homemade corn soft tortillas. Soooo good and $1.60 each taco. This taco house looked possibly sketchy - really is an old house --so I was not sure if I should try it. I'm pretty sensitive to cross contamination (gf 20 years) and I don't eat dairy. I looked it up on Yelp last fall and discovered it is well known and people plan their trips around this place. I've been going there since and I don't get sick.

    I'm crazy about hot sauces and peppers, too. Most meals don't feel complete to me without something a little spicy and vinegary.

    Ditto! Hot sauce on everything! Clearly, I'm not in the peanut butter, cake, ice cream majority group here. Spicy and salty? Yes, please!