
  • bkhamill wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....
    That's horrible! But I can totally relate.

    Had something similar happen (to a much lesser degree!) when I was 16 and had to have emergency surgery... as in, saw the doctor at 4 PM and surgery booked for 11 PM that night... my parents brought me to the hospital, provided the insurance info, and left. They told the nurse to call and let them know how my surgery turned out. Their excuse was "We have to get up for work in the morning" but it was really all about not missing any drinking that evening.

    I was sexually assaulted by an older male coworker when I was 17 and didn't tell my parents, for fear of hearing negative and unsupportive comments.

    I can relate to that because my mother did that to me! I was about 13 and was vomiting all day and in a lot of pain. A friend had slept over the night before, and by morning when she was leaving I headed over to the ER. My mother checked me in, and then left. I spent hours and hours in an ER room, puking my brains out and passing out over and over. The surgeon said I needed my appendix out, but they could not find my parents to sign the surgery consent. This was the mid 80's so before cell phones etc. My friend that had slept over stopped in with her mom that evening because they had been calling the house and could not get anyone so they came to the ER to see if I was still there. I vaguely remember seeing them between passing out. My friend's mother lost her mind when she realized I was there alone and that they hospital could not find my parents. She actually went out and hunted them down on her own. They were out at a restaurant having dinner. My father had come home from work, and my mother did not even tell him I was at the hospital or anything. I remember the DR reaming her out, and her excuse was that she was diabetic and needed dinner. REALLY? Grab a sandwich, wtf. Not only that, but she was gone for hours and hours before that.

    Because they had to wait so long, my appendix burst while they were taking it out, I ended up in hospital for three weeks with a nasty infection and my scar is HUGE! My mother was a complete asshat. That is one of the lesser things she did to me......

    It is a wonder they did not call CPS and have you removed from their custody, that would for sure happen now.

    Believe it or not, my mother not only had foster children from time to time, but they allowed her to adopt three other children! My sister and I are always amazed at this fact.....that would NEVER happen today....back then we never told many people what was happening in the house. I have had childhood friends and even extended family members that were in absolute shock and disbeleif when I finally told people what my childhood was like......
  • kbmnurse wrote: »
    I still sneak a smoke once in a awhile. UGGGG I know

    Me too. My family kept pushing me to quit and I have except for 1 right before bed every night. Ib feel like it relaxes me
  • Kontxesi wrote: »
    ashleycde wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    When I was a kid I liked my chocolate milk lumpy because I liked the taste of the wet powder chunks. Next time mix a little milk (dairy or non-dairy, what ever) with the powder and it's like a powdery chocolate paste. It's good, trust.

    I can vouch for this.

  • Yummy.
  • ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....
    That's horrible! But I can totally relate.

    Had something similar happen (to a much lesser degree!) when I was 16 and had to have emergency surgery... as in, saw the doctor at 4 PM and surgery booked for 11 PM that night... my parents brought me to the hospital, provided the insurance info, and left. They told the nurse to call and let them know how my surgery turned out. Their excuse was "We have to get up for work in the morning" but it was really all about not missing any drinking that evening.

    I was sexually assaulted by an older male coworker when I was 17 and didn't tell my parents, for fear of hearing negative and unsupportive comments.

    I would not say that my parents are uncaring...they would never make rude or hateful comments to me. But, I did learn a lot on how not to be a parent from them. I had my tonsils removed when I was six. My mom drove the 45 minutes to the hospital, stayed while they admitted me, did bloodwork, etc...then went home. She came and picked me up three days later. I do not remember a single time in my life where I was as scared as I was, waking up from that surgery and not knowing anyone.

    I am sorry you experienced that.

    I sadly have experienced this also. I was very sick as a child and spent a LOT of time in hospital. I had a kidney removed, and was in for a long time, I was very young, I barely remember anything, I was maybe 3, but I do remember that I was ALWAYS alone and scared.

    When my son was three, he was in the hospital twice one winter with pneumonia, and both times I literally never left his side. I even had the nurses on the ward track me down a bottle of insulin when I ran out. I slept in the hospital bed with him, and did not even go to work or anything. I did not want him to be there alone because of how often that happened to me.

    On kind of a funny note, but it also tells how often I was in hospital as a kid, some of the senior nurses on the pediatric ward remembered me when my son was there. I was sleeping in the bed with him one night and all of a sudden felt something in my ear. The nurse had come in for middle of the night temperature and did mine instead of his! She forgot I was not the patient, we laughed about that for literally days!

    At least these experiences have made us better parents! When my daughter was in the hospital for three weeks, with a nasty infection (she was 2), the longest we left her alone was for the switch-up (me to drive home and my husband to drive back). This took about 15 minutes and we were very careful to do it while she was sleeping, so she never knew we left. The reason this was necessary is that we had three other kids at home that were not old enough to be alone...and they also needed Mom time.

    True enough! My sister and I both parent the exact opposite of what our mother did
  • m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    This is the ad on the side of my MFP right now, and it is making me a little uncomfortable...


    You do know that most ad's are based on YOUR browser/search history, right? There was a big discussion here a few years back about it cuz someone griped about there being bad food ads on MFP... and that was why. IE- I sometimes see Amazon shoe ads here on MFP after I searched and shopped for shoes.

    Sooo... maybe it's still like that? *snicker*
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Introducing Premium!

    A $50/yr you can keep that chit. For real. >_<
    OH yes.

    Unless the script I used to enter my macros in gram is fixed or a new one is made, I'm just going to enter my macros goals into the food notes.

    I can't believe they'd expect me to want to pay that much for "premium", especially with the app's "improved" macro / micronutrient breakdown

    Or their POS barcode scanner app that doesn't work nor hasn't for several years. >_<

    Quiksylver, have you been typing "Giant Cucumber Man" in your browser again? I thought you were going to stop doing that?!

    This made me laugh out loud!

  • peleroja wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I will use the same k-cup 2-3 times. lol

    Worst confession I've read here, ewwwwwww. I loathe weak coffee...I'm the one who likes the cup from the bottom of the french press that's practically strong enough to stand up on its own.

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I thought I was the only person who did this! I can down a 16 oz. coffee in under 5 is the fastest way to get the caffeine in, without actually injecting it!

    I got tired of the whole coffee thing. Felt like it was more work than it was worth and I don't like it hot so I would drink 2, 3, 4 day old coffee. I started taking half a 5 Hour Energy in the morning and half in the afternoon and it works much better for me.

    RE: 5 Hour Energy:

    You can buy B Vitamin Complex in liquid form from any vitamin shoppe (I think mine are from Puritan's Pride) and it comes with a dropper, you drop a measure of the liquid under your tongue. It's like ultra-concentrated 5 Hour Energy, for a much lower cost per use. And I can attest, when my butt is dragging, and I drop a double dose under my tongue, I am perked up within the half hour! (Those 5 hour energies can get expensive).

    I wonder if I can find these!
  • nonoelmo wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....
    That's horrible! But I can totally relate.

    Had something similar happen (to a much lesser degree!) when I was 16 and had to have emergency surgery... as in, saw the doctor at 4 PM and surgery booked for 11 PM that night... my parents brought me to the hospital, provided the insurance info, and left. They told the nurse to call and let them know how my surgery turned out. Their excuse was "We have to get up for work in the morning" but it was really all about not missing any drinking that evening.

    I was sexually assaulted by an older male coworker when I was 17 and didn't tell my parents, for fear of hearing negative and unsupportive comments.

    I can relate to that because my mother did that to me! I was about 13 and was vomiting all day and in a lot of pain. A friend had slept over the night before, and by morning when she was leaving I headed over to the ER. My mother checked me in, and then left. I spent hours and hours in an ER room, puking my brains out and passing out over and over. The surgeon said I needed my appendix out, but they could not find my parents to sign the surgery consent. This was the mid 80's so before cell phones etc. My friend that had slept over stopped in with her mom that evening because they had been calling the house and could not get anyone so they came to the ER to see if I was still there. I vaguely remember seeing them between passing out. My friend's mother lost her mind when she realized I was there alone and that they hospital could not find my parents. She actually went out and hunted them down on her own. They were out at a restaurant having dinner. My father had come home from work, and my mother did not even tell him I was at the hospital or anything. I remember the DR reaming her out, and her excuse was that she was diabetic and needed dinner. REALLY? Grab a sandwich, wtf. Not only that, but she was gone for hours and hours before that.

    Because they had to wait so long, my appendix burst while they were taking it out, I ended up in hospital for three weeks with a nasty infection and my scar is HUGE! My mother was a complete asshat. That is one of the lesser things she did to me......

    My mom is cut from the same cloth. I won't add to the sad stories here. I figured it out pretty early and I wanted to move out by age 9.

    I have very firm boundaries with her and I work very hard to be there for my kids and I still worry that I am not doing it right but there is a lot of love, support, and communication.

    I never left my son alone with my mother....literally not for a single moment, I did not trust her as far as I could throw her....I moved out at 14 years old because I could not stand it anymore. She seemed to get worse as she got older. I am sorry you also went through the experience of a crazy mother. She did something truly horrid to me about a year before she died, it is a rather long story because it was very well thought out and plotted on her part, so I will not bore you all with it, but it was something most people would not do to their worst enemy. She has been dead about 12 years now, and it has been the most peaceful 12 years of my life.....
  • dearmrsowl wrote: »
    I get anxious way too easily. I am not sure if I have to work tomorrow or not. I told my best friend I do but I wrote down that I don't. The thought of not knowing is driving me nuts because it means I have to get up early, drive into the city and call while on my way there to find out because nobody will be there before I have to leave. I am so mad at myself for not just taking a picture of the schedule but writing it down on a napkin while I was on the go. Plus calling somebody and speaking on the phone is one of the worst things for me.

    Oh that sucks!!
  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....
    That's horrible! But I can totally relate.

    Had something similar happen (to a much lesser degree!) when I was 16 and had to have emergency surgery... as in, saw the doctor at 4 PM and surgery booked for 11 PM that night... my parents brought me to the hospital, provided the insurance info, and left. They told the nurse to call and let them know how my surgery turned out. Their excuse was "We have to get up for work in the morning" but it was really all about not missing any drinking that evening.

    I was sexually assaulted by an older male coworker when I was 17 and didn't tell my parents, for fear of hearing negative and unsupportive comments.

    I can relate to that because my mother did that to me! I was about 13 and was vomiting all day and in a lot of pain. A friend had slept over the night before, and by morning when she was leaving I headed over to the ER. My mother checked me in, and then left. I spent hours and hours in an ER room, puking my brains out and passing out over and over. The surgeon said I needed my appendix out, but they could not find my parents to sign the surgery consent. This was the mid 80's so before cell phones etc. My friend that had slept over stopped in with her mom that evening because they had been calling the house and could not get anyone so they came to the ER to see if I was still there. I vaguely remember seeing them between passing out. My friend's mother lost her mind when she realized I was there alone and that they hospital could not find my parents. She actually went out and hunted them down on her own. They were out at a restaurant having dinner. My father had come home from work, and my mother did not even tell him I was at the hospital or anything. I remember the DR reaming her out, and her excuse was that she was diabetic and needed dinner. REALLY? Grab a sandwich, wtf. Not only that, but she was gone for hours and hours before that.

    Because they had to wait so long, my appendix burst while they were taking it out, I ended up in hospital for three weeks with a nasty infection and my scar is HUGE! My mother was a complete asshat. That is one of the lesser things she did to me......

    These stories are so sad. I didn't have a great relationship with my mom (and dad to some extent) and they affected my entire life but so many of these are flat out abuse and make angry. I am not a hugging person but hugs to all!

  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I will use the same k-cup 2-3 times. lol

    Worst confession I've read here, ewwwwwww. I loathe weak coffee...I'm the one who likes the cup from the bottom of the french press that's practically strong enough to stand up on its own.

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I am such a wuss with hot foods/drinks so sometimes if I want to drink my tea sooner I will add in an ice cube or two. Otherwise I have to wait like 15 minutes to be able to sip it.

  • pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    These last few days of being sad have been pretty revealing about my unhealthy relationship with food... I just want to eat until I don't feel anything but full. The lifelong habit of medicating with food is lurking around me. I didn't log the last couple of days, and I know I probably ate over maintenance, but I'm happy that I managed to avoid sitting on the couch and eating bags (plural...) of chips and cookies.

    Back on track today. Even if everything else is haywire, I am going to be kind to myself and not eat until I feel sick.

    This is something I am currently going through myself. My MIL is very ill and it looks like they may not be able to do anything for her. I am close to her as I lost my own mom when I was 26. So I am somewhat self medicating with food and trying to stop myself from doing that at the same time. I didn't log at all yesterday, but I am trying to do better today and deal with the emotions another.

    I am struggling with this myself over my horse. While that may not seem as sad and traumatic as a human this guy is the love of my life. I am just grateful I can spend some quality time with him in the last few weeks of his life. I am grazing him right now. But when I leave I will want to eat and drink to fill the sad places. Some days I resist. And some I don't then have that guilt and disgust with myself to deal with too. But I think we have to forgive ourselves and just keep moving forward. I do believe in the phrase that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

    Do not underestimate how hard it is to lose a fur baby (even if they do not have much actual fur!). Animals do not betray us or hurt us, they do not fight with us or do hateful things. There is almost never bad feelings associated with our animals, so the loss is just as hard, do not feel it is any less a loss!
  • Today I had some delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream after stopping in a bookstore. I didn't find the book I was looking for (Ancillary Sword), so I ended up going home and placing an online order for three books. Can't wait to check em out!

    ALSO, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! All of my grades have come in, except for one I was never worried about, and I am officially graduating University!! Now I can hopefully get my butt in gear and focus more on this! So relieved.
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I will use the same k-cup 2-3 times. lol

    Worst confession I've read here, ewwwwwww. I loathe weak coffee...I'm the one who likes the cup from the bottom of the french press that's practically strong enough to stand up on its own.

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I am such a wuss with hot foods/drinks so sometimes if I want to drink my tea sooner I will add in an ice cube or two. Otherwise I have to wait like 15 minutes to be able to sip it.
    I love my coffee (tea, too, but to a lesser extent) to be piping hot. The second it cools down, gets lukewarm, it almost disgusts me. I can't bring myself to finish it sometimes. At least the kcups I use. The thing is, I like iced coffee a lot.

    I love hot food. But now it's sounding a lot less appetizing in the summery heat we've been getting.

  • I'm reading feverishly to try and get caught up since I will be in training all day tomorrow. Still have several pages to go.

    Confession: I pre logged my food for today but didn't stick to the plan and went over. I thought about not changing what I pre logged but I decided not to lie to myself. NSV?

  • ohgeeque wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm nowhere near my goal weight, but I am officially in maintenance now. The eagle-eyed among you will know why (I posted about my motivation many pages back). I'm on cloud 9.


    That's awesome. Congratulations!

  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I will use the same k-cup 2-3 times. lol

    Worst confession I've read here, ewwwwwww. I loathe weak coffee...I'm the one who likes the cup from the bottom of the french press that's practically strong enough to stand up on its own.

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I am such a wuss with hot foods/drinks so sometimes if I want to drink my tea sooner I will add in an ice cube or two. Otherwise I have to wait like 15 minutes to be able to sip it.
    I love my coffee (tea, too, but to a lesser extent) to be piping hot. The second it cools down, gets lukewarm, it almost disgusts me. I can't bring myself to finish it sometimes. At least the kcups I use. The thing is, I like iced coffee a lot.

    I love hot food. But now it's sounding a lot less appetizing in the summery heat we've been getting.

    I'm like this :) I need ALL my hot food to be tongue-scaldingly hot, and my cold food has to be tongue-numbingly cold. My husband sometimes tells me that I eat too fast, and I tell him that it's because my food HAS to be consumed at the optimum temperature! Lukewarm food coming from either direction just stinks. >:(
  • New job requires a drug test and physical before I can be scheduled to begin. I've been on hold for 2 hours to schedule this. I guess this is how they weed out people to see if they have the determination to work for them lol.

    I see what you did there. ;)

  • Wow, I just read through these posts about horrible parents and I'm so sorry you all had to suffer through that. I thought I had problems within my own family (my father had horrible multiple sclerosis), but my parents never abused me. Parents should never treat their children that way, and again I am very sorry. :(
  • ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I will use the same k-cup 2-3 times. lol

    Worst confession I've read here, ewwwwwww. I loathe weak coffee...I'm the one who likes the cup from the bottom of the french press that's practically strong enough to stand up on its own.

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I am such a wuss with hot foods/drinks so sometimes if I want to drink my tea sooner I will add in an ice cube or two. Otherwise I have to wait like 15 minutes to be able to sip it.
    I love my coffee (tea, too, but to a lesser extent) to be piping hot. The second it cools down, gets lukewarm, it almost disgusts me. I can't bring myself to finish it sometimes. At least the kcups I use. The thing is, I like iced coffee a lot.

    I love hot food. But now it's sounding a lot less appetizing in the summery heat we've been getting.

    I'm like this :) I need ALL my hot food to be tongue-scaldingly hot, and my cold food has to be tongue-numbingly cold. My husband sometimes tells me that I eat too fast, and I tell him that it's because my food HAS to be consumed at the optimum temperature! Lukewarm food coming from either direction just stinks. >:(

    You sound like my son, he will literally microwave his food two or three times through the course of a meal.....