Maintenance findings...4 months on :)

(I have already posted this in the blog section but as I was getting good feed back I felt I should post this in the forum too)

I thought I would document these past 4 months since I decided to switch to maintenance in mid October 2014.

* I'm still the same weight I was when I started maintaining - there are always fluctuations, due to water weight/hormones/new workout routines etc but I know my body well and am happy.

* I have a maintenance weight range, it is between 133 and 136lbs. Its more realistic than telling myself I always have to weigh xxx lbs. For my medium to large frame I feel this weight it totally acceptable. My BMI is 24 (normal). My BF is 23% (very acceptable and lean for my age group).

* When I started maintenance I ate around 1800-1900 calories a day, I was/am hungry on any less.

*After 4 weeks I upped my cals to 2000 (Dec '14), my weight fluctuated up a few lbs and then it settled back down again within a few weeks...success! :) (any time I saw the scale fluctuating up before I would have cut calories, how WRONG I was!! it just takes time for our bodies to adapt to the increase)

*After another 4 weeks or thereabouts (beginning Jan '15) I increased my cals to 2100, and again initially saw scale fluctuate up but then settle after about 2 weeks at 2100. (a few other friends who also are working on finding out their proper TDEE said to keep on eating the same cals, they were right to tell me to do that as I saw the scale fluctuate down nicely the other day :-D )

*In another 2 weeks (Feb) I will up my calories to 2200. I will expect same results BUT if not, I am happy in the knowledge that 2100 is my TDEE and I am never hungry eating at that amount. WIN WIN :)

*I have not cut back on any workouts. They are a part of my routine now, so why would I cut them back. Yes, I am very active, but it comes naturally to me to be up and moving.

*I still aim for 60 active minutes every single day. Yes even on my rest day (Sun's) I will go for an hour's walk just to get those min's done.

* I can do full push ups :)

* I can hold a plank for 3 mins :) (and more, only I get bored lol)

* I have never felt better in my life! I am fit, strong and pretty darned lean....I have muscle tone everywhere that I am very proud of.

I am 5ft 2", 45 yrs old, chest 34"/waist 26.75"/hips 35.5". I fit easily into UK size 10's apart from some smaller sized dresses when I need a size 12 to accommodate my boobs! (as much as they are diminished greatly from what I once had! much to the despair of my hubby LOL)
I have lost my measuring tape :/ but I know from my clothes that I have reduced those stats a bit more since they were taken approx 6 months ago.

My body shape continues to change and for the better :)

Ok, thats enough rambling etc, and thanks for anyone who did take the time to read it.

Have a great day MFP'ers :smile: )



  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    8 months on....
    5th May 2015 update:-
    Week 4 of cutting to 1700-1800 cals gross....4.8lbs gone woooot :smiley: that's me back at lowest original goal weight yippee....only now I'm moving the goal posts :smiley: ..5lbs more is my aim:- 129 lbs here I come lol
  • 8 months on....
    5th May 2015 update:-
    Week 4 of cutting to 1700-1800 cals gross....4.8lbs gone woooot :smiley: that's me back at lowest original goal weight yippee....only now I'm moving the goal posts :smiley: ..5lbs more is my aim:- 129 lbs here I come lol

    You're doing a fantastic job on your journey to maintain. It's always nice reading about the success that others are having. Thanks for keeping your thread updated. :)
  • Bump. Eleven pounds to go before maintenance.