Plastic Surgery Thoughts

I was bored and got to thinking about something and that something happened to be plastic surgery as a result of being on YouTube and then getting sucked into the weird side of it. My thought was pretty simple and I wanted to know if anyone else on here kind of agreed.

I do not mind plastic surgery because everyone is different and has their own body and freedom to do with it (just my opinion :smiley: ) whatever they want BUT... While on the internet you seem to see two kinds of people who have gotten plastic surgery and I happen to adore one kind and here they are!

The kind that obviously has gotten A CRAP TON OF WORK DONE and denies EVER going under the knife at all....


I believe she ^^^ Used to deny it. She's known as the human Barbie doll.

And then there is the type I absolutely love!


Dolly Parton has always been open about her plastic surgery: "If I see something sagging, bagging and dragging, I’m going to nip it, tuck it, and suck it!"-Xfinity Entertainment Programmers (Fancast)

My thoughts... Wow... HA

What are some of your thoughts?


  • I always had questionable feelings about plastic surgery until my cousin had a tummy tuck. She told me, "Why be unhappy with your body if you don't have to be. You have to live in it every day." and it stuck. There are some things that working out just won't do much good for...
  • I find plastic surgery to be fascinating. In my next life I would probably be a plastic surgeon, I watch alot of shows and docs on it. That said people go in saying I want to look like Jennifer Aniston and they don't take the time to do the proper research then they get sub par results at best that cost twice as much to fix if its even fixable. Then you have people with money like celebs that get so much work done that you cant even recognize them and now you pitty them every time you see them on screen...Prime examples Courtney Cox, Darell Hannah, John Travolta, Mickey Rourke...Its just sad.

    If your already a pretty person and you just want one small tweak go for it but do your research. Dont go in there and say I want you to suck all this fat out of every crevice of my body and fix every imperfection and expect a miracle. You need to put in the real work yourself. Besides if you pay all that money for liposuction,you still have the same mentality, the same food habits so in 6 months your going to be out 10 grand and way more than you did when you first went in for surgery.
  • Some people go too far and then need to have the surgeons on the shows like Botched to fix them, plastic surgery really should be there for people who have had accidents and need it done or for those who feel they will be more confident with some work done for their self esteem.
    Too many people get work done and end up looking very un-natural and weird and you see girls with gigantic boobs that don't even fit their body shape or frame.
    Good plastic surgery should only improve on what you already have it should be subtle enough that people can't notice what you have had done unless you tell them but that you should look better.

    Too many people feel peer pressure to look gorgeous and forever young and that is not reality what ever happened to keeping fit and eating a healthy diet?
    In some parts of the world if you aren't a size zero and look 10 years younger then you actually are you are not acceptable and will be called fat and ugly.
    People need to start being happy with who they are and the body and face they have and stop using plastic surgery as the answer to everything.
    Grow old naturally and gracefully.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Absolutely no problems with it, as long as you don't overdo it.
    Plastic fantastic eh.. *Thumbs up* (Never done it myself though, don't need it)
  • its make your health ugly :)
  • madhu1981 wrote: »
    its make your health ugly :)

    Not if you do your research and take care of your health!

    The health issues are often from poor after care or doing stupid things, poor research, people trying to cut corners, using dodgy surgeons and going against recommendations. There is always the exception where it goes wrong despite all precautions but it's a very small risk.

    3 sets of boobs and numerous contouring fillers and plumpers later I don't think my health is ugly at all. I'm healthy as the next person if not more so.

    trish2016 wrote: »
    Too many people get work done and end up looking very un-natural and weird and you see girls with gigantic boobs that don't even fit their body shape or frame.
    Good plastic surgery should only improve on what you already have it should be subtle enough that people can't notice what you have had done unless you tell them but that you should look

    People need to start being happy with who they are and the body and face they have and stop using plastic surgery as the answer to everything.
    Grow old naturally and gracefully.

    Some people actually like looking a plastic and weird... just saying as someone who was happy and confident both pre and post surgery. I don't think my profile photo shows it but I fall into the category of unnatural and weird, to the point people have commented in supermarkets and the like. It really is just a personal preference much like anything else.

    Quick fix surgery is imo a waste of peoples hard earned money though, if your diet and health is not in check there is no point. Plastic surgery is expensive and painful. Why when diet and exersise would do people get surgery I'll never quite understand but each to their own.