Unexpected results of weight loss

Was wondering (just for fun) what everyone's weight loss 'surprises' were - I mean, we all know we're going to finish looking awesome, fitter, and having to buy a new wardrobe of clothes :-) but what were the results of weight loss you didn't realise..?

I've still a little way to go but doing well - my two were:

- I didn't realise how long it would take my brain to catch up with my weight loss, e.g. for months in clothes shops I'd still pick up my old sizes (three sizes too big) to the changing rooms, then cause chaos with the shop staff having to swap them for me... Part of me still thinks that I haven't actually lost weight and the shops have just changed their sizing labels!

- I also didn't realise how bony my knees would get! They look fine but I sleep on my side and have to put some of the quilt between them because it freaks me out when I can feel the knee joints against each other!

Any others?!


  • ScrAgnX wrote: »
    I used to be able to slide a clothes hanger in through the neck of a shirt without unbuttoning the top button. Now it takes longer to hang my shirts.

    To put a positive spin on this one . . . the clothes will now stay on the hangers better, too!!!
  • Shin bones! I have beautiful shin bones!
  • This is more the lifting than the weight loss probably, but I can see weird muscles now. Last week I saw my tibialis anterior (front shin muscles) and it freaked me out. This morning I was brushing my hair, and saw my trap pop up. I flexed around in the mirror a bit just to make sure I was really seeing that. Still working to burn off fat over other muscles, but seeing some weird ones unexpectedly was a real boost.
  • The hair on my head won't grow back, but my stomach and chest are a heck of a lot fuzzier now. Ack! Not sure I like this change.
  • Guess for me it was the change in my attitude. Much more positive outlook, a lot more open to things, smile more, joke around a lot. Genuinely happier. Waking up and looking in the mirror is another thing that's great although I want to build more muscle but I've made solid progress so far!
  • The hair on my head won't grow back, but my stomach and chest are a heck of a lot fuzzier now. Ack! Not sure I like this change.

    Maybe it's the same amount of hair spread over a smaller surface area? In which case, take it as a win, and if it bothers you too much, treat yourself to a wax ;)
  • Awesome responses..these are such good reads. .n funny too... but overall great inspiration. o:)
  • When on long drives, the seatbelt hurts my collarbone!
  • I get drunk quickly, and my d**k thinks I'm 15 again as well as it looking bigger.
  • I no longer unbutton my jeans when I am driving. Only lost 18 lbs so far. Still about a 120 lbs to go. But that little victory makes me very, very happy! ☺️
  • RuthyLOL wrote: »
    I no longer unbutton my jeans when I am driving. Only lost 18 lbs so far. Still about a 120 lbs to go. But that little victory makes me very, very happy! ☺️

    This awesome. I've only lost about 10lbs of my 70-90 goal but ive noticed my work uniform isnt as tight as it was getting. Small victories are very motivating! Congrats! :smiley:

  • I've reached the point where tucking my shirts in looks better than leaving then out.

    Oooo I am almost there! Almost. Still a little self-conscious. Can't wait for this one :)
  • I'm on board with the clothes thing, it's funny how sickly i look wearing my old oversized clothes. The most unexpected is how it's helped me emotionally, spiritually and mentally
  • I'm not invisible anymore. I went out the other night and people made eye contact with me and several strangers started conversations with me...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I've got several shirts with my company logo. Not uniforms, really, and I don't HAVE TO wear them at work, but I do wear one about half the time - they're nice shirts. A few days ago, my boss handed me a box. He said he's noticed that one of my company shirts was starting to get frayed a bit (he's right - it's a couple years old), so he ordered me three new ones. That was nice! But he ordered the same size that had been ordered three years, 60 pounds, and at least 2 sizes ago. What could I do? I politely accepted, and have been wearing them, although they are really big. Eventually, I'm going to have to ask for some that fit.

    The funny thing is that he has commented on my weight loss, and I've talked to him about it a lot. Still, I suppose it may have been awkward for him to ask me my new size, and assuming too big is always better than assuming too small (something living my life as a fat person has taught me!)
  • Resting Btch Face. Two people within the span of a week said I looked so mad all the time, but it was because the last 3lbs of my weight loss came directly from my face.
  • Great post and amazing community.
  • I got undressed for my shower last night and noticed a lot of weird bumps on the just below and to the side of my breasts. Those were my ribs. I've never seen them so prominently before in my life. I guess I just lost the final bit of fat from those areas.
  • that my newly developed forearm muscles can be quite distracting when driving
  • "Before" I had to make a conscious decision to breath OR tie my shoes. Now I can do both safely without the risk of blacking out!