Down 125lbs! If I can do it, you CAN DO IT! Thanks myfitnesspal!!

I’ve decided to share my weight loss story in hopes that it will help someone who is struggling with their weight and trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

In the last 3 ½ years I have lost 125 lbs. Before starting my journey I was 270 pounds, almost type 2 diabetic, and I was morbidly obese. I was depressed and miserable in my own skin, self-soothing with food and candy. My weight and lifestyle were slowly killing me. I wanted to be healthy, I wanted to be happy again, and I wanted to be the wife and mother my family deserved. Those things combined gave me the final push I needed to change my lifestyle.

I didn’t follow a specific program or go through weight loss surgery. I swapped all my sugar loaded drinks for water, started tracking my food using myfitnesspal, and added exercise into my daily routine. I wanted to change my lifestyle so this would become a permanent way of life. I started with small, achievable goals so I didn’t get overwhelmed with how much weight I still had to lose. I have had amazing success with myfitnesspal! I love that you can share your diary with friends, encourage one another to make healthy choices, and it’s not a specific diet plan! If you choose you can look at all your nutritional value for the day, which has been extremely helpful for me.
I joined a local gym and I discovered a whole new passion for fitness. I reached out and found other ladies to work out with at the gym. We encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and have fun! When one of us struggles, we help each other. I started personal training and improved my strength, lost more weight, and melted away body fat. Myfitnesspal has helped me track my protein so I could build muscle, as well as my fiber so I can keep things moving ;) I have been able to accomplish things I never thought possible, and I have learned to believe in myself! Please know that weight loss is a journey and it takes time. If I can do this, you can do this! I finally have my life back and I feel great! Thank you myfitnesspal for being part of my journey!


  • @LynseyJane90 Thanks exactly the attitude you need to be successful! Never EVER give up!! It was hard for me in the beginning... Now it's totally a way of life and I love it!!
  • @Shineprincess thank you so much... That means a lot to me! <3
  • There is no way that's the same person in both pics. WOWOW!
  • So inspiring. Being so heavy and out of breath at the gym, sometimes I see people who are fit and I get discouraged and I think, "this is so easy for them and I am over here dying" lol. But then I see things like this and I think... "Maybe he/she was in my spot at one time. Maybe I can look like that too." Thank you for the motivation!
  • Wow... really great work! Congratulations!
  • Awesome job and you look AH-mazing! I loved how you talked about setting small goals that you could achieve without feeling overwhelmed. Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story.
  • Congrats!!
  • @madeline_land I actually admire people SO much who come into the gym and are new, or overweight and wanting to change. It's so inspiring!! You absolutely can do this!!
  • Super!!! Congrats and thanks for the inspiration!!!
  • @khill5555 thank you so much, and thank you for letting me share with you all!! I really hope this helps someone struggling... That's the whole reason I wanted to share this. No matter what your situation or circumstances are, I've learned you can overcome anything you put your mind too <3
  • So glad I found your story. I started my lifestyle change in March of this year (2015) and I'm down 33 pounds so far. I have 100 pounds more to go (which seems like so much) and reading about your journey helps. If someone else can do it so can I.
  • @susanebeat That's amazing!! As of yesterday I have lost 135lbs, and if I can do it you can do it!! If you ever need help feel free to email me. I am happy to help others... And I love to help motivated people! :) good luck girl, YOU GOT THIS!!
  • Wow!!!!!!!!!
  • @debubbie small goals helped me so much. Never in a million years did I have my mind set on losing this much weight. I went in with the mindset of creating a healthy lifestyle, and the weight loss followed :) it's pretty amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to something!
  • Wow, amazing job
  • Wow, awesome and amazing transformation. I am struggling after losing 50lbs to keep the momentum, I have hit a plataeu, upping my gym time to try to get past this....thanks for sharing !
  • @KarenBruck thank you for the kind comment! You will get past it... Maybe switch up your cardio? That seemed to help me when I would stall on weight loss :) that and lifting weights.. That alone made a huge difference!! Good luck!!