Mom's and Dad's looking for support

Hello Everyone. I am a family man with 3 kids 12, 10, and 6. I know it can be a challenge trying to take care of all their needs and manage your own. If you are looking for support, feel free to reach out to me and add me as a friend. I work full time, run a virtual fitness team, participate in a running club as a family, help run my kids to gymnastics, soccer, and any other sporting event depending on the season and still find time to get my workouts in and eat as well as I can. I know how important support can be, so if you need some, I will do my best to help you out.


  • Mom of 2 year old boy here :)
  • @ronronronj - Concentrated cranberry vodka. that doesn't even sound good.
  • The Black Cherry Mike's Hard Lemonade was better (or less bad)!
  • see, I can't do any of those sugary sweet drinks anymore. Ever since I stopped drinking soda, they all became to sweet for me. even regular juice I have to water down a little bit.
  • Same here, Mike. My kids complain that my iced tea isn't sweet enough. I don't do soda either, and rarely alcohol of any kind.
  • I'll have a couple beers a week, but that's about it. The downside is I prefer microbrews, so the calorie content is a little higher. I usually burn it all off though.
  • I actually drink pretty rarely. My general rule of thumb is that I have one of something (beer, glass of wine, or cocktail), and that's IT (for no other reason than I am generally the driver). Given that, I probably have a drink once every few weeks or once a month.
  • My weight did bounce up over 160 after the weekend, but not as high as it has in the past. I am telling myself that a "lower high" is a good thing. Sort of the opposite of what we call a "dead cat bounce" in the investing world.