Help/Advice/Support needed.

Good morning everyone. I'm back after being gone for awhile. My life since August has been some of the hardest times for me ever. My mom was really sick for most of August and then the first week of September she died. One weekend she was hiking the Grand Canyon, the next weekend she was on life support and the doctors never could figure out what was wrong. So for most of August I was in the hospital with her making sure she got the best care she could. I've been so out of it and hurting since her death that I don't even care what I eat or how much of it....BUT today I woke up and weighed myself.....I need to get back into a healthy way of life and stop this craziness.....I really need help and support....Any thoughts, advice you all could give me would be greatly appreciated.


  • Trying this again.. wishing everyone good luck on their journey