100+ to lose, in my 40's, busy working Mom . . . need support

I am 44 yrs old with 100+ lbs to lose. I have dieted my whole life and never liked the way I look. I lost 30 lbs a few months ago and put it all back on and more. I never thought I would be this old and still struggling with weight, with money, etc. Sometimes it gets real depressing. I would like to find friends that are in the same situation as me so we can motivate eachother and take control of our lives once and for all.


  • Curious as to how you all are doing..........
  • I can relate.....I'm 41, work full time and a mom with two kids under the age of 3...my goal is to lose 100 lbs. it use to be about wanting to lose the weight, but now its become about me needing to lose this weight!

    No questions about it. We can do this!!!!!
  • I'm a new mom and I got 100lbs to Los as well. I struggled with my weight all my life. I use to weigh 280 and went to 160 in a little bit over a year. Today I have crept back into the 200s. So I'm overwhelmed. I have a 3 month old and I'm in a masters program as well so I'm scared about how this going to work. But I've done it before. It's possible you can do it and the hard part is keeping it off after you have lost. Good luck!!!